I am retiring at an early age


Active member
Oct 2, 2001
I am sad to say that I now have to quit the hobby.
I went to see Monique at Friends yesterday. It was my first time there, it was fantastic.(not a review though) She was great. I had my shower at the end. went home, I even had another shower when I got in.
I was watching Survivor with my wife and she says I smell different. I was cool about it, and mentioned that we have some new soap in the bathroom. Anyway she looks at me and says, point blank, "you had sex with someone today? didn't you?"
Again, I played it cool and I replied with something like, you're crazy, why would you think that? She said it seemed wierd that I had a shower when I got home, and that I smelled funny. Well, I told her I had a hemmorhoid and the cream was really bugging me, I felt gross and decided to rinse, maybe she wasnt used to me smelling so fresh at the end of the day? It worked.
Suffice it to say, it really spooked me, and now I have decided that I have too much too lose and this will be my last posting.
I hope everyone has a great Holiday season and Happy hunting.
Xyphy AKA mikey


Aug 6, 2002
At the apex of erotica
There is hope:

Your story hits very close to home. I had a similar expereince after seeing Nancy at Alden. She has powerful perfume and the soap they use in the showers is even worse. It is funny, I used the same story about new soap at the office washroom and that I washed my face with it.

Now, I usually only visit SP or MP in the morning or by noon. I am careful to stay away from ladies with powerful perfume and take my own soap to shower.

Back in the office by 1 or 2 PM and have 3 or 4 hours to build up the normal smell of the day. It has worked so far for the past several months.



New member
Oct 13, 2002
I think many of our s/o's know more than we think - they just turn a blind eye, as long as we don't make it obvious or do it too often.

My wife is always making jokes and comments about what I do when I go out to SCs with friends, or when I go out by myself. I suspect she knows but isn't going to make a big deal out of it. It's not like I'm cleaning out the kid's college fund to subsidize my hobby!


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
A lady friend told me she used to check the inside of her ex husband’s underwear for any cum stains. Best to keep a tissue in between you and your underwear for a while after the deed.


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
KBear said:
A lady friend told me she used to check the inside of her ex husband’s underwear for any cum stains. Best to keep a tissue in between you and your underwear for a while after the deed.
There's a product in Japan that women spray on the inside of their husband's shorts to detect cum stains. It's probably a good thing that it's not available here!


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
KBear said:
A lady friend told me she used to check the inside of her ex husband’s underwear for any cum stains. Best to keep a tissue in between you and your underwear for a while after the deed.
What ever happened to good old fashioned trust?? Although, in this case the ladies would be correct.

...Reminds me of an open relationship I was in. She was seeing another guy on the side, which was fine considering there were no commitments. The best part is, when I told her I was actively involved in the hobby, she didn't even blink; in fact she encouraged it! And really, why not?? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


New member
Jul 14, 2002
xyphy said:
Well, I told her I had a hemmorhoid and the cream was really bugging me, I felt gross and decided to rinse, maybe she wasnt used to me smelling so fresh at the end of the day? It worked.
xyphy...since you're retiring, mind if I use this one? This is the absolute best. I'm not married, but I'm sure it'll come in handy someday. Hemorrhoid....too funny.


New member
Oct 21, 2002
Chicago - USA
Here's my idea

I keep a bottle of hand and body lotion in my car glove box. It is a generic version but has a very strong "baby powder" smell. You all know what odor I'm referrring too, and I'll bet you can smell it right now.

If I feel the least bit like I might smell differently after seeing a provider or going to a peeler club, well, I just use the baby powder lotion on my dry hands and face.

It always works. The odor is strong and is always noticed. In fact, my wife laughs at me for using that "cheap, smelly lotion"

The good news is she never notices any other odor!

Give it a try!


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
A good way to disguise scents is to smoke a cigar. That will cover up any other smell. Better your wife should give you s**t for reeking of cigar smoke than to have pu**y breath!

TJ in the 'Peg

New member
Mar 30, 2002
A simple solution.....

I never play in my own backyard.... only when I am away on business.



New member
Aug 23, 2001
I used to deal with trust...really i did-----until my ex-husband proved me wrong....for almost a year he was fooling around behind my back-and i didn't know it....now don't think i'm stupid-just very much in love-and i trusted him. I suspected several times that he had something on the side....but again-i kept saying "he's my husband, he loves me-he wouldn't hurt me like that"....BOY WAS I WRONG! I think the hardest thing for a woman when she finds out her s/o is fooling around is the sex part with another person thing....its hard for a woman to get her head around it....if you're getting it at home-and its good-and often-why look somewhere else? (which was my case)....but i guess shit happens eh? Anyways.....the slimeball and i split up-and years later-when things didn't work out with his s/o-he thought he'd come back around-since we had a 'history' together-and i almost fell for it...but by that time i was in a relationship and definately didn't want to go down that road again.

As soon as i found out that he had been with someone else-it was over....now-put the shoe on the other foot for a minute.....now-working as an sp part time-i find that i feel bad for some clients that i see....but then i have to remember-i wonder if my ex said the same things to his s/o about me? Probably......and that's too bad. Some guys don't realise how good they got it until its gone-and its far too late to get it back.....oh well-onward and upward i guess. :)
Jul 9, 2002
Out of pure curiousity, why would a man who gets it at home, want to go somewhere else? Also if your significant other was participating in the same sport, (spending time with sp's) how would you handle finding out. I am making no judgements here I am asking this out of simple curiousity.


Aug 6, 2002
At the apex of erotica
sittingpretty said:
Out of pure curiousity, why would a man who gets it at home, want to go somewhere else? Also if your significant other was participating in the same sport, (spending time with sp's) how would you handle finding out. I am making no judgements here I am asking this out of simple curiousity.
This one is easy:

I have a beautiful, intellingent wife who I love and respect. I never bad-mouth my wife to an SP and I do not want another relationship. However, all my life I have needed sexual variety.

When I was in my late 20's and early 30's, I had a few affairs. Even though I never lied to the "other women" they were invariably emotionally needy and demanding of my time and attention. Then I discovered the hobby which provides the variety without the need for a messy relationship. Now I can basically go out and get what I want, pay for it and forget it. I've been hobbying for 20 years and it suits all my needs.

I truly believe that the hobby enhances my sex life at home. There are times that I have quit the hobby for months at a time but during those periods I notice my interest in sex in general declines.

On the question of what if my wife had her own hobby? Well it was said before, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. How could I object? The hobby does not affect my feelings for my wife - this would have to be reciprocal.

That's my two cents anyway.

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T bagger

Senior Member
Oct 10, 2002
Try farting a lot in the car on the way home. Or if you were really desperate, you could always shit yourself. It's better than getting caught !


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
T bagger said:
Try farting a lot in the car on the way home. Or if you were really desperate, you could always shit yourself. It's better than getting caught !
Is this conjecture or are you speaking from first-hand knowledge?


Master of Sinanju
Nov 22, 2001
Some one on the board posted once that spilling a bit of gasoline on your hands afterwards effectively masks all other odors. Your S/O would beg you to shower. And then she won't care what you smell like as long as its not gasoline (or possible feces).


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
sittingpretty said:
Out of pure curiousity, why would a man who gets it at home, want to go somewhere else? Also if your significant other was participating in the same sport, (spending time with sp's) how would you handle finding out. I am making no judgements here I am asking this out of simple curiousity.
The quest for variety appears to create the impetus for seeing SP's. In my opinion, males in general are not predisposed to be monogamous, contrary to what the institution of marriage suggests. Rather, promiscuity and/or sexual infidelity seems endemic to man, since this is a primal biological urge that begs to be satiated.

As to the second part of your question, I would have no problem with my s/o participating in the hobby. If I did, I'd come across as being hypocritical. As far as I'm concerned, she is perfectly capable of deciding for herself what makes her happy.


New member
Sep 6, 2001
Remo said:
Some one on the board posted once that spilling a bit of gasoline on your hands afterwards effectively masks all other odors. Your S/O would beg you to shower. And then she won't care what you smell like as long as its not gasoline (or possible feces).
Yes, there is something I read about gasoline essentially disabling your ability to discern a variety of smells for a period of time...

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