For someone who gets shirty when people assume that the identity they present in this forum is not reflective of the actual person behind it, you seem eager to cast aspersions.
Here's a killer idea: howzabout we all assume that posters are who and what they say they are? Or at least ACT like we assume they are who they say they are. Granted, as soon as someone leans on that identity to make a critical point ("as a doctor, I say..." "as a lawyer, I say..." or my favourite "I am not a shill and I say..."), we should be a bit skeptical. But as long as it is a harmless little anecdote, why not play along? Even if you don't really believe it in yer (*cough* allegedly female *cough*) heart of hearts, why not just, I dunno, view it as a thought experiment? Act and post as if you take it at face value, even if you don't really.
I'm sure nobody (say, that's me!) will play along, because our anonymous pseudonymified identities here are so precious and important after all, but a boy can dream. ...And by "boy" I mean fat, grumpy middle-aged man. (or at least that's what I pretend to be online)