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I am genuinely interested in finding a wife. Where do I look?


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I don't believe that Cupid story, Leah - there are thousands if not millions of potential matches for each person. I agree with the "love is blind", you can be attracted to someone who doesn't fit your usual preference. You might have the basic chemistry with your current boyfriend but there are many others you will click with if given the opportunity.
Don't sell yourself short!
I think it's more important that you can grow and enjoy life on your own, you'll happen upon the right guy in your daily life if you are friendly and open to people around you.
I think you're attracted to bad boys but now you realize they aren't dependable and are often dangerous. It's okay for you to ask a nice guy out if he shows an interest but doesn't follow through, don't be apprehensive because of your "whacker" background.


A gentleman
Jan 5, 2003
This thread started a year ago and I read it today. Poorguy, eventually I'll run into the exact same situation as you. Just that I am younger than you with a different mentality. To be honest, I'll never ever marry someone Caucasian, and yes, I think race is a problem, going the Asian route and I think you always have a better shot. BTW, I don't think you should worry about your age, in a marriage, in modern value, females is at a higher value before 30 and will be keep decaying after that; while mens' value is higher and higher as you age, but before around 45. I think in a few years, as your career goes, you'll have a higher value because the females around this age is decaying. If you think female in the thirties are too old, then look overseas, you will be at your prime and you'll get basically whatever you want. I mean, would a good looking bachelor in her twenties in China sound attractive to you? I mean, with all that cash and a good career that you have, even hooking up any local asians won't be a problem.

For me, I do have gfs from time to time, all asians, but I am just messing around now and don't wanna settle down yet. Afterall, seeing all the options and looking into the future, everything is bright for us Asian boys as we age. Think about it this way, if that twenty year old bachelor is going to marry a Caucasian, it's all about cash and passport. But if she marry an Asian and you speak her language, with her reliance on you, how difficult is it to develope a deep relationship? And honestly, earlier I find marrying an SP quite an attractive option too, cuz I think they are more bondable as wives. But at this stage, this idea remains an idea, I'll see how things goes, I still have 20 years to look! But the ladies don't, once they hit their thirties they are vulnerable.


A gentleman
Jan 5, 2003
Maybe one day I'll think the same as Esco and remain a single for life, I've been think about this when starting when I was in my teens. That's why I highly value my true friends around me, male and female. I can imagine if I make this decision I will be hobbying for the rest of my life, with friends and family supporting my emotional side. Do you have a good relationship with your family and friends poorguy?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
it may have been said already, but:

"Take my wife, please"


New member
Oct 14, 2004
I dont have a wife or a girlfriend and if I ever get one she is all yours buddy!!!

Now on a more important note where to plan my winter as a single white male. Oh the difficult choices that are placed before me.


New member
Jun 10, 2005
Svend said:
I don't believe that Cupid story, Leah...
you'll happen upon the right guy in your daily life if you are friendly and open to people around you.
Hi Svend!!! Actually, that Cupid story is just meant to illustrate the fact that certain things, you have no control over. Relationships are one of them. Accidents are another. I meet tons of good-looking guys every week but I never click with any of them. We have a good time chit-chatting and all but would I want to go out with them? Nope. I know a lot of people don't believe in fate or destiny but I do. I remember about 1 year before I met my bf, a very well known astrologer was in town and I went to see him. He told me EXACTLY which month and year I would meet my bf and I did meet him that month and year!!! If it wasn't fated, how was he able to tell me? He also told me the exact month and year that I would get into a car accident and I did!! And that was the ONLY time I've ever been in an accident. How would he be able to tell if it wasn't written in the stars? I know 'poorboy' and 'incognito' think that they're single bc they're asian and short etc but I think that it's just bc their time haven't come yet.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Leah, that's an eerie prophesy that came true, I agree. I don't know if that psychic is gifted or simply got lucky. You shouldn't feel you don't play a role in determining your fate in life even though there are many circumstances in the world we can't change because of the actions of others. I don't know if destiny exists, but decision does exist. Decide what or who you want in your life. You're holding the game in your hand, don't feel it's all been determined already.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Here's an update.

I tried the 10 dates for $25. All asian women. The ratio of male to female was 3 to 2. 15 guys, 10 girls, so the girls actually got to meet 15 guys.

Of the ten I met, I was interested in five. Of the five, four agreed to future contact.

I emailed all 4. Two replied, two have not. One says she's busy until late Jan, so I told her to email me when she is available. The other emails on a frequent basis, but always avoids any proposal I make to meet in person. I feel she is wasting my time, and will be telling her that tomorrow.

I'd say I these women aren't really interested in meeting someone. More or less just out kicking tires out of boredom.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
poorboy said:
10 dates for $25
The above should give you a clue.

I know a guy who spent something like 1200 dollars on the now defunct "Together" matchmaking. He just had his 10th anniversary with a woman he was introduced with.
The theory is if someone doesn't spend big bucks to find a mate they are not serious. I think it is hit and miss.


Aug 27, 2005
Aren't male walrus's known to have the largest penises among mammals or something like that? Competition would be to emabarassing...:eek:


Aug 27, 2005
Actually that is a pretty interesting concept. I wonder how many SP's would be up for that kind of arrangment. One year as a wife, for let's say $50,000. Duties only included 4 days of the week. The other 3 days are for her to do whatever she wanted. Or is 50K to little?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
PHNINE said:
One year as a wife, for let's say $50,000. Duties only included 4 days of the week. The other 3 days are for her to do whatever she wanted. Or is 50K to little?
Duties? You mean organizing my underwear drawer, reminding me to file my tax return, colour coordinating my bed sheets with my bathroom towels, busting me for staying out with the boys? That would be a Rent-A-Wife.

Now, if you want a Rent-A-Girlfriend then we are talking !! ;)

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
PHNINE said:
Actually that is a pretty interesting concept. I wonder how many SP's would be up for that kind of arrangment. One year as a wife, for let's say $50,000. Duties only included 4 days of the week. The other 3 days are for her to do whatever she wanted. Or is 50K to little?
Granted that most of the posts on this thread are tongue in cheek, on the basis of "best bang for your buck" I don't think the best mix of alternatives is 100% of the same SP for one year. Instead, I think a good mix would be:

75% real girlfriends (at least 3 different girls)
15% porn/stripclubs
10% SP/MPA

I think you'd likely get bored of any of these options if they were 100% of your sexual world. I'd up the SP/MPA percentage as the number of real girlfriends lowered. The cost of this mix is way below 50K (I'd guess closer to 5K for the last two options, and another 5K for the girlfriends)

As it so happens, I'm not too far off these percentages!


New member
Jun 10, 2005
leah_mpa said:
poorboy and incognito...

...Trust me, love is blind, deaf, & dumb. It doesn't matter if u're black or white, short or tall, fat or skinny. Love is totally BLIND. It sees nothing & knows nothing. Otherwise, explain how plenty of short, ugly, people get married...

...Never forget this. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.... there is no just one standard of beauty.
Hi poorboy, incognito, and other fellow terbites!!!

I remember in one of my previous posts I promised you guys a poem about the mystery of attraction between men and women. Well...... after digging through all my stuff, I finally found it.

What makes a man and a woman fall in love with each other???......

Scientists claim it's a chemical reaction
Idealists believe it's an instant attraction

The Romantics say, "it's was love at first sight"
Lovers tell us, "it just happened last night"

Philosphers explain that it's all in the mind
Our best friends tell us that love is blind

Our parents say that we're too young to know
But they promise they'll tell us in time when we grow

Teachers explain it in a class called, "Sex Ed"
But nothing is learned, it's a subject we dread

If no one is certain what the true meaning could be
How will I know when love happens to me?

So you see, no one really knows what attracts one person to another, or WHEN it's gonna happen. Lots of "banana people" get married every year. So never give up on love. One day, it'll find you. That's what I believe anyways. If you haven't found the right one... it's just because your time hasn't come yet.


New member
Aug 19, 2003
moved on
poorboy said:
I've tried lavalife, but I don't get any responses because I am 5'7", 150lbs and asian. The criteria for males seems to be a minimum of 5'10", 160lbs and caucasian.

No, my dear... the problem is not your critieria... You're just trying too hard. And you've got it all backwards!

When you focus on being the best version of yourself, rather than on gaining the attention of others, you will be the highly coveted person. Like moths to a flame. But you must be the flame. If you try to chase it, you will only get burned.


New member
Jul 11, 2005
rama putri said:
Or he's just a loser.
No, you're the loser. He's just being picky and very selective, probably just like me. I personally prefer someone who's rated a lot hell higher than me. Say if I were a 5, than I'd prefer someone who is at least a 6 or 7. I even boldy pursued someone who is rate 8 or 9. Yup, you heard that. You can call that cocky or arrogant. I call than self-confident. I've a lot hell other to offer that can compensate my look, and I passionately believe in it. For the Asian gentleman who prefer caucasian women, go to Europe. The European women are not as racist as those living in North America. There you have it, my 2 cents.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
adude said:
Yup, you heard that. You can call that cocky or arrogant. I call than self-confident. I've a lot hell other to offer that can compensate my look, and I passionately believe in it.
Yeah, women just love that George Costanza type.
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