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I am being called a Stalker ?

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here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
Actually it was your post, #44 that was hilarious.

That post really got you going as I knew it would and it also showed your paranoid nature when I mentioned SRM.
I recall laughing but that's about it. If you want to believe otherwise do so. I'm pretty calm and collected at the moment VBB but you seem a bit ruffled. Sorry, I had a nice reply ready for your post in goodtime's thread in the massage section but once again sheik has asked me to play nice so I'll respect his wishes. You have an interesting way of interpreting events to say the least. I guess your memory isn't too good today though, you left out some interesting stuff. Oh well.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
moogama said:
i have as many names there as i have here goob. so does that make the number of unique members here 38?
No. See there is proportionately less mentally instable people who post here than there, current company excepted of course.

In fact, I have copies of emails that prove that there are only about 2 or 3 people who make up 99.8928476291949873209172098712% of the posters over there.


only 3some's
Jun 18, 2005
Goober Mcfly said:
No. See there is proportionately less mentally instable people who post here than there, current company excepted of course.

In fact, I have copies of emails that prove that there are only about 2 or 3 people who make up 99.8928476291949873209172098712% of the posters over there.

copies of emails from arrowslover or a gorilla?

The Scholar

New member
Jan 4, 2004
Some comments...


Just a few thoughts:

1. I have followed this episode and it really pales in comparison to the flogging that I experienced in the spring of this year. I was called many things and for a while it appeared that anyone who had a "bone to pick with someone" jumped into the fray. Those of you who know me will know what I am speaking about.

2. Having said that, I will say that people need to take a deep breath and think about what is important. My question to VBB is this: did the actions of Revolver bring you "harm"? If your actions were governed by wanting to protect your reputation, did it suffer as a result of what Revolver posted? Finally, how many people on Terb or the other boards would go away thinking "Omg, that VBB is one twisted nutcracker and seriously needs some help?". Really!

3. I understand that it is human nature to become defensive when one feels negativity being expression towards them. However, people need to put comments into perspective. I suspect that Revolver has attained some credibility due this whole episode which is not what VBB intended to happen. However, the ordinary "Joe Blow" who reads Terb will think "Hmmm, there has to be something to this for that VBB guy to blow his smokestack the way he did".

4. Situations like this one will always happen. No matter how much we learn from these "blow-ups", we will always have to contend with the unpredictable nature of the human mind to react to any given situation.

5. On the boards, there are those who know others. Some know many; while others know a few. People who know you will not be swayed by someone making a comment while those who don't know you will believe what they want regardless of how much "huffing and puffing" you do. It's life.

6. A final note: We are all human beings that live in a free and democratic society. If internet usage becomes a important facet of your life, then you must recognize that you might find yourself compelled to react to how things occur on the internet. If you find yourself "chained" to the internet and live and breath it as if it were reality, then you may need to take a break and think about what is happening to you.

Oh, one last note: Good thing that Winston didn't wade into this thread, given his tendency to add his thoughts to anything that tickles his fancy. However, he may have been busy taking calls at 4 am from a certain female and thus is currently having his nap.

Oh, hello to everyone.



New member
Feb 10, 2005
Hmmm, there has to be something to this for that VBB guy to blow his smokestack the way he did. ;)


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Goober Mcfly said:
No. See there is proportionately less mentally instable people who post here than there...
In stable? What on earth do horses have to do with this? No wait, I don't really want to know.


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
Winston said:
For a guy that likes to compare himself with those that sit in Ivory Towers and read dusty book all day long, you seem to have a hard time reading and understanding the written word.

If you took the time to actually look, you would see that I did post on the very first thread of this tempest in a tea pot.

FWIW, I think the two should meet at the Black Bull for a few pints, then get a room together somewhere. Then, post a review of each other. And send Goober's Mom along, she needs to get out more.
Wow this is gona be a new fight thread... :D


only 3some's
Jun 18, 2005
The Scholar said:

Just a few thoughts:

1. I have followed this episode and it really pales in comparison to the flogging that I experienced in the spring of this year. I was called many things and for a while it appeared that anyone who had a "bone to pick with someone" jumped into the fray. Those of you who know me will know what I am speaking about.

i actually remember you asking for it. something to do with an ides of march threat to a reuben sandwich. and you got off easy in the end. :D


New member
Jun 8, 2005
Since I was originally involved in this I would like to comment on a few things...

1) First thing's first, VBB since no one here knows what really happened it looks like a stupid battle.

2) If there is going to be an online fist fight...I would like to take this opportunity to kick Cardinal Fangs ass, he deserves it. (Fang did I spell deserve right?)

3) Revolver was Nowhere man on BBE...He stole reviews from terb to win a contest on BBE.

4) BBE doesn't exist anymore, the contest was a sham! there wasn't $10,000 to be paid out.

5) Paige(the owner of BBE) enjoyed fucking with everyones mind, and as I remember it, it was Paige who wanted to know who Nowhere Man was. I think she may have instigated this fight in her own little way.

6) Goobey-Doo is still a pussy

7) Revolvers, why don't you just admit to providing a few fake reviews so you could win a fake jackpot. You didn't know it was going to be a phony contest, and I would have done the same if I thought of it first.

8) VBB, why bother? Does it really matter anymore?


only 3some's
Jun 18, 2005
ygguT said:
8) VBB, why bother? Does it really matter anymore?
where have you been?

of course it matters. its still funny . not as funny as people fallling for a voice...but still funny nonetheless.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
Something about the internet and cheating in the Special Olympics??? Short bus?????


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
ygguT said:
3) Revolver was Nowhere man on BBE...He stole reviews from terb to win a contest on BBE.

Oh really? I guess they would be my own reviews I was stealing from terb then. Go back and play with vbb tuggy.
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