The Bad Side of Majorities.
I still don't understand how this HST thing got passed the the face of many objections. Is someone dropping the ball somewhere or is everyone an in-the-closet supporter of mc guinty and his socialist BS?
The people don't have to be supporters of any leader or his party for bad laws to come about. The term we need to remember here is
majority government.
*Any* majority government in *any* province or federally can pass *any* law it pleases because it has a majority of votes in its applicable parliament. Period.
It doesn't matter if every last citizen, as well as every last opposition MP of Canada or that province is dead-set against the law,
it will get passed, simply because the majority government cannot lose a vote in the parliament. I've heard some of my clients refer to majority governments as 4-year Canadian dictatorships, and it's true - they can do whatever they damn well please until the next election rolls around.
I went and looked up some history on the GST, and look what I found. Brian Mulroney, who I frankly don't remember (I'm only 23) but I'm told was hated back in the 80s and early 90s, introduced the GST in 1989 even though just about everyone in Canada was against it. Why? Him and his Conservatives in Ottawa had a majority government and rammed it through the House of Commons. And when the Liberals, who held a majority in the Senate, tried to block it, Mulroney went and used a little-known and never-before-used clause buried in the constitution somewhere arbitrarily to appoint 8 more Senators so that his Conservatives would have a majority in the Senate too, and then they rammed it through there as well.
It's the same today. The provincial Liberals with McGillicutty, MsSquinty (or whatever his name is) have a majority. So they're ramming through this HST thing, in spite of everyone being against it. I swear, majority governments just love ramming things through, especially if the people are against it. There's an escorting joke in there somewhere, I just know it, but I'm too tired to find it and make it right now, lol.