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How to kill a gout attack


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The OP has stated in the politics section he would rather people die than to pay for universal healthcare.

I would suggest charging him for all advice given in the future as that is his model for healthcare.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The OP has stated in the politics section he would rather people die than to pay for universal healthcare.

I would suggest charging him for all advice given in the future as that is his model for healthcare.
So are you going to go to the same level?


Jun 21, 2017
today was a good day pain-wise. ate a huge bag of fresh cherries, chugged pure apple cider vinegar, and took 4 aleves in the morning yesterday and today, 4 motrins + 2 allopurinols (my doc says 1 a day but fuck that i'm doubling up) last night and tonight (gout seems to come at night and you wake up with it, so take anti-uric acid before sleeping right?). havent had a beer or soda or fruit juice in 2 weeks, only unsweetened iced tea + organic honey and squeezed lemon.

tried kale but hated it, that shit is gross. celery is better ive always kinda liked it.

i will keep indomethacin and codeine in mind if i have (knock on wood) future attacks. i plan to slowly reduce the pain meds and allopurinol until i'm only taking 1 a day (or every other day?) and maybe take a double dose if i have a beer. im never gonna completely quit beer lol but i can live with reducing it a lot i suppose.

thanks again to everyone


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
today was a good day pain-wise. ate a huge bag of fresh cherries, chugged pure apple cider vinegar, and took 4 aleves in the morning yesterday and today, 4 motrins + 2 allopurinols (my doc says 1 a day but fuck that i'm doubling up) last night and tonight (gout seems to come at night and you wake up with it, so take anti-uric acid before sleeping right?). havent had a beer or soda or fruit juice in 2 weeks, only unsweetened iced tea + organic honey and squeezed lemon.

tried kale but hated it, that shit is gross. celery is better ive always kinda liked it.

i will keep indomethacin and codeine in mind if i have (knock on wood) future attacks. i plan to slowly reduce the pain meds and allopurinol until i'm only taking 1 a day (or every other day?) and maybe take a double dose if i have a beer. im never gonna completely quit beer lol but i can live with reducing it a lot i suppose.

thanks again to everyone
Good! ...since your pain free today.. It now really important to start lowering your uric acid level in your blood now ..before the next gout flare up!
Drink lot of water.. Important to pee out those uric acid ! Trust me on this! Peeing is the best way and the most effective way of lower the uric acid level from your blood so they don't form any uric crystal on your joint! Try to pee 1.5 - 2 litre of urine a day!
Stay away from beer and alcohol & sugar drink! It important to let your kidney work on getting rid of uric acid in the blood!
If you drinking beer or alcohol this means the kidney is busy working on getting rid of the toxin
" alcohol or beer from your body" and too busy not working on getting rid of the uric acid from your blood! You need to flush those uric acid out of your body by peeing it out of your body.

I know what I am talking about I had gout for 15 years! Only the last year my gout attack flare up had become less and and my gout pain haven't been painful. Been almost one year without any attack! I working on getting rid of my gout forever! Be careful of taking double the dose of allopurinol you can destroy your kidney! And the most dangerous drug cochine can kill you by destroying all your organs if you overdose!
If you get diarrhea from cochine is one of the side must immediately stopped taking it!! Talk to your pharmacist about cochine and allopurinol and indomethacin these drug are serious drugs they can do wonder for gout and can do serious damage to your kidneys!
NSAIDS Drugs like ( indomethacin / also ilbuprofin or mortins or aleves) high dose can destroy or damages your kidneys then you will have no kidneys to be use on getting rids of uric acids(gout) then you will have gout attack forever! Read the bottle don't take over the daily recommendation doses !!! PLease talk to the pharmisticts.. I know when your in extremely pain ... You just want the pain to go away even to the point off cutting your toe off! I been there and I know how you feel!


Jun 21, 2017
haha got it lots of water to pee a lot

lots of cherries and celery (i like those anyway)

no shellfish or red meat :( only chicken and "safe" fishes and salads (but no kale fuck kale)

and yes absolutely no alcohol or drinks with sugar or high fructose corn syrup until completely pain-free that lasts for several days without meds...

and then i might have 1 beer on fridays and 1 beer on saturdays, and take a double allopurinol on those days...

steak and shellfish only once every 2 weeks on alternating weeks... and also take a double allopurinol on those days... yea im optimistic that could work...

maybe have some indomethacin on hand to preemptively kill it before it strikes like one guy said...

cheers bro


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
haha got it lots of water to pee a lot

lots of cherries and celery (i like those anyway)

no shellfish or red meat :( only chicken and "safe" fishes and salads (but no kale fuck kale)

and yes absolutely no alcohol or drinks with sugar or high fructose corn syrup until completely pain-free that lasts for several days without meds...

and then i might have 1 beer on fridays and 1 beer on saturdays, and take a double allopurinol on those days...

steak and shellfish only once every 2 weeks on alternating weeks... and also take a double allopurinol on those days... yea im optimistic that could work...

maybe have some indomethacin on hand to preemptively kill it before it strikes like one guy said...

cheers bro
If your uric acid is normal level ..that mean you have it under control then you can drink beer and eat steak and shell fish only if your uric acid level is normal!! Bottom line pee a lot trying peeing 1.5 lire to 2 litre a piss a day ..start working on it now to lower your uric acid level in your blood. And if you have a small bump formed on your next to your toe that means you have lots of crystal form on your toes! You have to work on it to get the crystal dissolve in your blood and then let the kidney work on it by removing from your blood and peeing it out!

GOod luck!


Active member
Aug 30, 2009

Gout and Water
Drinking water to relieve gout
Water is one of the best and simplest home remedies for gout. Water burns clean, it’s passed out of your urine, sweat, breathing, perspiring while working and it doesn’t stress the vital organs like the liver and kidneys and so on. Since water can serve as a joint lubricant, one who is at risk for gout should be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking a half-gallon of water a day may keep gout attacks away. The recommended approximate amount is 8–12 eight fluid ounce glasses daily, (a glass/cup consisting of 8 oz. or 250 ml) or about eight glasses. If you’re not sure how much eight fluid ounces is exactly, observe how much by pouring water into a measuring cup.

Water will help dilute uric acid, but the real benefit is in its ability to help excrete the acid. Water makes it easier for the kidneys to excrete uric acid and makes it less likely that it will form crystals, thus hopefully preventing the next gout attack. When there’s less water in the body, the density of serum (blood) uric acid rises. Dehydration can also lead to kidney infections, stones and even failure and has been identified as a possible trigger for acute gout attacks. All this can create that excess uric acid that causes gout in the first place.

How water helps the gout sufferer
One school of thought about home remedies for gout is that the solubility of uric acid increases with a higher body pH ratio. That is, when the body is more alkaline, (higher pH) and therefore less acidic, the more uric acid will be dissolved and excreted. Drink the water in small amounts throughout the day. The amount of water to be consumed can be a bit intimidating when one tries to tackle it all at once or in sessions. Spread the water intake throughout the day to avoid getting overwhelmed. Doing this will also reduce bloating and also check urine for water levels. Your urine should be clear due to the constant water intake. If the urine does not appear clear, it is a sign to drink more water. You can also check your pH levels in the mornings with Ph Test Strips, when urinary pH is continuously between 6.5 in the a.m. and 7.5 by evening, you’re functioning in a healthy range. When you’re getting enough fluids, urine flows freely, is light in color and free of odor. When your body is not getting enough fluids, urine concentration, color, and odor increases because the kidneys trap extra fluid for bodily functions.

Water is the most important thing when you exercise. It’s essential for proper circulation, for urine production and temperature control. If you lose as much as 3% of your body weight in water, it begins to interfere with the efficiency, in whatever sport you are involved in or whatever labour you are involved in. Lose 10% of your body weight by water and you will go into a heat stroke! So what do you then? If you are going to exercise or play a sport, drink 24 ounces of water 2 hours before and then about 14 ounces just a few minutes before you exercise or compete. Then try and drink 7 ounces every 15 minutes while exercising or competing. What about drinking Gatorade to replace the potassium you lose while exercising? Not needed, eating one banana after exercising provides you with 7 times more potassium than 10 ounces of Gatorade or any other advertised products out there. Any fruit you eat after exercise will help replenish your carbohydrates, potassium and other minerals you lost while exercising. Water is the most important thing to take a lot of while exercising or playing a sport.

Finally, participants in an online survey who said they drank more than eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day experienced a 48% reduction in gout attacks, compared with individuals who reported drinking one glass of water or less a day according to a Boston University School of Medicine study. So make sure water is with you everywhere you go, I carry a bottle with me from morning to night and keep refilling it all day long, very simply, the more water you drink the less chance you have of getting a gout attack. You will also feel better, more energetic and less sluggish, so put that Coke, beer, juice down and grab yourself some water.


Member since 2001
Oct 16, 2001
I've been having trouble with my big toe joint for weeks now. Sometimes the pain is mild, sometimes it's fucking excruciating as hell. How do you stop it ? Allopurinol and colchisine don't seem to work fast enough or cure it completely.
Like others have said, try Indomethacin. Just be sure to take it early (as soon as you feel an attack coming on), and don't overuse it.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I'm confused, you claim to be Chinese. The last malady you should be getting from your cuisine is gout. Or any other type of Asian cuisine for that matter.

You must be completely westernized and heavily into meat and dairy products. I had Szechuan pork with string beans for dinner Saturday night, worked up quite a sweat but I felt great afterwards. No side effects Sunday morning.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2017
Indomethacin IS an anti-inflammatory.

It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). As is Aleve.
Yes but Indomethacin can have some brutal side effects. That's why I recommended aleve instead which has none of those.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2017
I'm confused, you claim to be Chinese. The last malady you should be getting from your cuisine is gout. Or any other type of Asian cuisine for that matter.

You must be completely westernized and heavily into meat and dairy products. I had Szechuan pork with string beans for dinner Saturday night, worked up quite a sweat but I felt great afterwards. No side effects Sunday morning.
Filipinos have one of the highest gout rates of all races.
Gout is also much more prevalent in males than females.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
There is a vague amount right in this thread, -and some shit that is down right Wrong and dangerous.

SEE YOUR EFFING DOCTOR AND LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY!!! Don't take double doses of potentially harmful medications unless they tell you it's ok to do so!!! And FFS DONT GET MEDICAL ADVICE ON AN ESCORT REVIEW BOARD!!
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