How to get rid of homeless people blocking businesses?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Affordable housing doesn't resolve issues like this. I've worked in a variety of fields and I can tell you that there is a contingent of the population that can never function in society. These are the severely mentally ill, drug addicts, and so on.

There aren't enough CAMH's to hold them all.
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Sapere Aude, Carpe Diem
Jul 21, 2004
Man was meant to achieve by struggle.
The sons and daughters of the rich are rarely achievers.
The indigenous in Canada are given all the tools they need for success, free everything.
They have lost the will to succeed. There is no need to achieve.
We have taken the struggle away from them.
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Cant find it right now but the British guy who does the "men who made us fat/ spend/ poor etc. documentaries did one on poverty and homelessness in Britain. How the British government bought into the "trickle down" theory. Poor people being thrown out of low income housing so foreign investors can build luxury condos as a brick and mortar investment. Most of the condos sit empty because most people can't afford to live in them. The British government coaches foreigners and shows them loopholes to enable them to shuffle their money in and out of the UK while avoiding taxes. There is money to fix the problems but the rich simply aren't paying.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Affordable housing doesn't resolve issues like this. I've worked in a variety of fields and I can tell you that there is a contingent of the population that can never function in society. These are the severely mentally ill, drug addicts, and so on.

There aren't enough CAMH's to hold them all.
Man was meant to achieve by struggle.
The sons and daughters of the rich are rarely achievers.
The indigenous in Canada are given all the tools they need for success, free everything.
They have lost the will to succeed. There is no need to achieve.
We have taken the struggle away from them.
I agree with you both. Thus things have changed.

When my dad was 30 he was making 50k, bought a house for 35k and sent 3 kids to college.
When I was 30 I was making 50k, bought a duplex (2 * 3 bedroom apartment) for 200k. The rent paid my mortgage.
My niece turned 30 she's making 65k as a teacher. She's being refuse 2k/month mortgage to buy a one bedroom loft. Single house are 500k... Thing is her rent is... 2k/month.
When my kids will turn 30 (in 15 years)... They will inherit my house... No way they will be able to buy.

People that currently make below 60k per year are really struggling and do not see how they can make it. My dad and me didn't.

How in the given fuck hell poor people making minimum wage make it?

It's time to review a few things about the first priority in life... having a roof.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I agree with you both. Thus things have changed.

When my dad was 30 he was making 50k, bought a house for 35k and sent 3 kids to college.
When I was 30 I was making 50k, bought a duplex (2 * 3 bedroom apartment) for 200k. The rent paid my mortgage.
My niece turned 30 she's making 65k as a teacher. She's being refuse 2k/month mortgage to buy a one bedroom loft. Single house are 500k... Thing is her rent is... 2k/month.
When my kids will turn 30 (in 15 years)... They will inherit my house... No way they will be able to buy.

People that currently make below 60k per year are really struggling and do not see how they can make it. My dad and me didn't.

How in the given fuck hell poor people making minimum wage make it?

It's time to review a few things about the first priority in life... having a roof.
I am working way past retirement age. Because I like to work at something. However I have to take RRIF money out of my RRSP. Apart from the initial 25% ding off the top that the government takes, I have to pay the rest back in tax because I make too much money. (Around $50 grand) So my RRSP money goes straight back to the government. In one hand and straight back to the government with the other. So don't put your money in RRSP's.
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JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
Affordable housing doesn't resolve issues like this. I've worked in a variety of fields and I can tell you that there is a contingent of the population that can never function in society. These are the severely mentally ill, drug addicts, and so on.

There aren't enough CAMH's to hold them all.
Exactly. Most people on the street are absolutely not people who cannot find afford affordable housing. Nor are they people who have fallen on hard times because they lost their job and cannot find another one. People in this situation can virtually always find some other means of support, be it through friends or family, should they fall on hard times.

I would bet the vast majority, probably 95% or more, are suffering from schizophrenia or are addicted to drugs or alcohol, likely brought on by a mental illness.

We certainly do have a housing crisis, but we also have a severe mental health crisis that needs addressing.
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Sapere Aude, Carpe Diem
Jul 21, 2004
The answer to unaffordable housing to go somewhere where housing is affordable.
When settlers and immigrants first came to North America they talked about how NYC is unaffordable but New Jersey is affordable.
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