How old was the oldest Woman you've had sex with

Master Muse

New member
Oct 7, 2001
Lady in her 70s

I did a lady in her 70s numerous times. She had no cellilite and not much of a ring around her waist despite three chhildren. Obviously her face was lined and all but, you know, she was willing, happy, carefree and just fine.

She and I are contemporaries, with but a few months difference in age, both now 77. At the moment,I'm doing a 21 year old locally and a 38 year old in Indiana - she's my travel companion. My wife is 44 but I stay away from her. If we didn't have a 3 year old, I'd not be here.



Senior Member
Master Muse said:
I did a lady in her 70s numerous times. She had no cellilite and not much of a ring around her waist despite three chhildren. Obviously her face was lined and all but, you know, she was willing, happy, carefree and just fine.

She and I are contemporaries, with but a few months difference in age, both now 77. At the moment,I'm doing a 21 year old locally and a 38 year old in Indiana - she's my travel companion. My wife is 44 but I stay away from her. If we didn't have a 3 year old, I'd not be here.


Speechless :eek:
DonQuixote said:
You are on my short list of most admired on TERB.
77 & 21, wow. There's hope.
No shit.. I hope to be doing a 21 yo when I'm 77!

I fail at this test. To the best of my recollection, I've never been with a woman older than me. I think the closest is my ex and she was three years younger! :D


New member
Sep 19, 2004
Stoo said:
No shit.. I hope to be doing a 21 yo when I'm 77!

I fail at this test. To the best of my recollection, I've never been with a woman older than me. I think the closest is my ex and she was three years younger! :D
I've gone as far as 15 years or so older - me late twentys, her mid 40's.

And forget at 77 - I'd like to be doing 21 yo's now - and I'm (just) in my 30's!


New member
Jan 23, 2004
late fifties. But the biggest age difference was thirty five or so. I was sixteen, she was probably in her early fifties. She really liked her screwing, that broad.


Jan 20, 2005
Master Muse said:
She and I are contemporaries, with but a few months difference in age, both now 77. At the moment,I'm doing a 21 year old locally and a 38 year old in Indiana - she's my travel companion. My wife is 44 but I stay away from her. If we didn't have a 3 year old, I'd not be here.


Wow! Man, I want your life in a half century from now - doing a 21 year old and a 38 year old at age 77. Good for you dude. I bet there are some good stories in there.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
I was 30 and she was about 55. She looked good with clothes on, but naked, she had a lot of fat, which was well disgiused with her nice clothes. I was a bit disgusted during the act, and think she could tell. We did it only the one time.

sc dave

New member
Dec 23, 2003
SW Ontario
49, looked 29, super body.

Doing two 47 y.o.s now, just keep going back, both have bodies to die for


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
oldest? 45 when I was 17.

oldest since then? 29.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
I dug up my great great grandmother and did her. She would be about 150 or so. Talk about a dead lay, gees...:eek:


Apr 7, 2005
Age difference?

20+ years. When I was 18 years old my 39 year old divorced neighbour really did seduce me. Her name was Wendy. She was quite a MILF, had some kids who were 8-10 years oldish, and was somewhat good looking - as I look back I'd say she was maybe 6.5/10. We shagged 3 times over 5 days before she told me never to talk to her again. She was not my first as I was not a virgin but she was certainly different from my 17 year old girlfriend at the time. I learned one thing. . . that I really did have a prostate. :p A real awakening into the world of sex and relationships.


New member
Jul 12, 2003
Only twelve years on the Mrs Robinson scale for me. I was 24, she was 36, a Jewish former hippie, and a friend of my sister. We met at a party at my sister's house. We were both there on another occaision, and towards the end of the evening, when no one was within earshot, she said "You're cute. let's go back to your place". We did that, then did it, and also a couple of other times. I would have persued a fuck buddy relationship if her hygiene had been better. It's not that she wasn't clean, it was more that her feminine aroma was more pungent that I was used to at the time. No oral either way, but BBFS and MSOG every time.

On the Hefner scale, my score is +21, (40/19).

Master Muse

New member
Oct 7, 2001
Thanks for the Kudo

I'm rather lucky in that I'm slim, have my hair and a young looking face. When I was in the Marines, I used to be pulled over by the SPs who thought I was impersonating a Marine. I sometimes need viagra or cialis for seconds/thirds when traveling and wanting to have multiples. I do need a couple of hours though and, after a day of that, the ejaculant is pretty thin stuff but it feels the same to me. Actually, it's good not to have too much jism as you don't feel the pressure to come and can better satisfy the lady first.

It's not difficult but you do need to be lucky, first of all to get to this age in the first place. Most people born in my year - 1930 - are dead. I'll be joining them soon enough but, in the meantime ...

BTW, my all-time best all-around woman [not SP, woman] - for all seasons and reasons - was an SP I met through TERB a few years ago. She's now retired and I have no idea where she is. If she's loitering here, I hope she reads this. She'll know who she is.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

Let's see a lady was suggest to me by a night school mate after realizing something was funny about him. He hobbied. It was my armature or apprentice hobbing days and to afraid to go out or get a woman because I ddint' know the procedure but not now since Terb helped most of the way with the rules or 12 step program.

He gave me a number, called her up for incall.
She took a while to answer the door, she was hiding or some people were hiding in the other bedroom. She wanted to know how I got her number Actually I was the fourth party that never met number one who gave out the number.

So in the bedroom I asked who was next door because I heard the noise then and before. She flatly stated " my daughter and granddaughter.

I was 25 or so she must have been 48 - 54 assuming she and the daughter had kids at 16 - 18 years of age. She was a BBW not my type but decided to do it since I wanted to know how it feels to do BW. I am just curious.
It was fun btw called her back a month later she moved.


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Feb 4, 2003
Toronto Escorts