How Much Would YOU Spend?

Aug 24, 2003
Detroit Metro Area
I have used Captain 69 Board. It is based in England and is heavily weighted to London scene (damn those Brits are a much randier bunch than I ever would have thought...stiff upper lip and all that). Membership is US$10 per month but invaluable if you are going to hobby anywhere on the Continent.

Members post profiles. One guy claims to have inherited a great deal of money a few years back which he uses to (what I call) high end hobby. Specifically he claims to have spent $10K each for separate nights with a Porn Star and a Playmate and $100K for a week with another Playmate.

I was a little skeptical of his claim because I would not have thought Playboy Playmates were SPing - too much income from modeling and B movies and too much availability to the rich and famous who would take care of their financial needs. But out of curiosity I did a little research and from what I can see there may be truth to these claims.

So here is the question. If you won the lottery, how much would you spend for a night with the girl of your fantasies?


New member
Apr 9, 2002
This is neither ISO nor review. Should be moved to the Lounge Section of The GENEAL AREA


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
I think the amount any of us is willing to spend is commensurate with what our resources are. I know there are guys on this board for which $200 is a lot of money, relative to their disposable income. For others, that is not such a big amount. The idea of a price threshold is only relevant is you have limited resources.

If I won the lottery, and for the sake of argument, had unlimited resources, or at least, a very high amount, then spending $10K or even $25K on a sp would be the equivalent to my spending $200 now. It is not an insignificant amount of money, but it is money I can afford to spend.

Are you suggesting that we should have a price cap based on moral grounds? That is just irresponsible to spend more than X for an sp? I don't buy any of that. If there was a prime piece of tail that I really wanted, and she cost X, if I could responsibly afford X, I would do it. To me, once you have made the decision that you are willing to pay women for sex, then it really doesn't matter how much you pay, as long as you can afford it, and are getting what you want.


Active member
Dec 29, 2001
I have spent US$700 on an hour with an SP in a Navada brothal. I chose to spend that because I wanted full service with a SP, which was a fantasy of mine. You see, I am a VERY paranoid person about STDs (I'm attached) and I wanted to totally minimize my risks, so that was the justification for spending so much. I guess, it was a piece of mind that I wouldn't have if I saw any non-tested SP. So, I guess US$700 is my limit.
Aug 24, 2003
Detroit Metro Area
I agree pretty much with you homonger. I see nothing immoral about spending the money if you have it. Actually what fascinates me about this high end hobbying is that there are guys out there who do have the money and do spend that money to screw these (I'll call them) minor celebriities. This guy (if his claim is true and I believe him) inherits money. So what does he do with me. I don't know if he buys a mansion or a Ferrari. But I do know he devotes a portion of that money to bed the most beautiful women he could find. I think if I found myself in his shoes that is probably exactly what I would. It is a matter of priorities. If this is where your priorities lie, then this is where your money will go. And if you have a lot of, this is where a lot of money will go. Maybe this will inspire me to buy my first lottery ticket.

And oh I once went into a Nevada brothel, picked my girl from the lineup, and went back to her room. She pulls out her printed menu . I think she wanted $600 for full service. I only had $250 with me. She had nothing on her menu for $250. She asked me to leave. I guess she did not like me because I know the going rate was $250-$300 despite what those menus say. That is what I paid during my other Nevada brothel visits. $700 seems a little steep but my experience is about 6 years old. Maybe the rates have gone up. Those girls got to put gas in their cars right?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
No way...

I'm sorry (with no offence to anyone... each to their own) even if I was a $millionaire$ there is no way in the world I would pay $700. or $1000. or more for sex. Pleeeeeeese. No way. Why? I know and understand the fantasy concept some have for a Playmate or porno star but I guess for me I just don't fit in that category. I guess it's like this. To me there are a great many providers out there who have the same body, facial beauty, and personality and for me service level for $200. as the Playboy centerfold or porno star for hundreds or even thousands more. In fact some even better. So for me I guess my limit would be whatever the 'average market' prices are at the time.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
How about

Greek with HRC - priceless



New member
Aug 16, 2003

A night at the Babylon starts at 1000$---Fantastic

Life is too short to hurry.
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