Pickering Angels

How much is it worth to you???

This is more a qusetion for the SP's out there.

I was with a gentleman friend the other night, and he asked me for Fs, but he wanted BBFS. I said no. He didn't understand why. I explained my reasons, which I thought would be obvious, I have a family, and friends, and I did not want to take any chances. He offered me a tip, and when I refused he offered a higher one, and so on. He got to an amount of $250.00, and I still refused, he even pulled out the money to show me. He was a little irate when I refused that.

How would you handle this, and can you put a price tag on something like this. I don't think so, I mean I am quite open minded and I love what I do, but I want to be around in 30 years or so.

Just a question of opinions.. I appreciate all feedback I get.



Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I'm not an SP, but...

How you handle it is to say "No" - it's that simple. To me, his persisting shows a clear disrespect toward yourself. Remember, YOU are the one providing the service, and your restrictions should be honoured. I would blacklist him.
Well other than that he was a great date, we had alot of fun otherwise ... I thought about it because I was really upset with his persistance, but he did apploigize after our time was ending, and he 'sounded' sincere, but i still dont think you could put a price tag on something like that ...


Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
I agree with mlc, and that is totally innapropriate behavior from him, its not something that should even be discussed in this hobby.

NO amount of money reduces the risk of transmitting Aides or STD's!

You should have said no, he should have dropped it
If he was as persitant as you say, especially if you feel he was pressuring you in any way (which seems to be the case, judging by your words) Your agency should be notified of this immediatley , and this gent's name should be put on a BCL, IMHO
Well I have to say, I am surpised, I didn't think that I would get such an 'emotional' response. No offense, espically from you guys. I don't think I could ever have given in, and yes I did feel pressured to some degree, but I never felt threatened, I will keep your thoughts in mind the next time (which I hope wont happen).
Thanks for the support...


Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
Sierra you've been in this business for quite a long time (different name) to know what the appropriate actions are for this. Why would you even "wonder" what to do now?


Jun 17, 2004
I have a feeling that there is more to this story....

I never said I was wondering what to do.. I simply asked for some ppl's opinions on the situation, and if they felt that a price tag could be put on it.

I don't think a price tag can be put on safety, but this gentleman did. So I thought I would ask what others felt.



Senor Gringo
Aug 14, 2004
I've heard of a few SPs who offer BBFS. You have to wonder why they do it. But then why do many SPs offer BB cowgirl BSs, or CIM which are nearly as risky? Some girls offer greek, while others wouldn't do it for a $250 tip, maybe more. Then there's the girl with all the clean-wipes and rubbing alcohol at the opposite extreme.

I had an SP, my first, give me a BBBJ and a BB cowgirl BS, even though I asked about putting a condom on before even getting to the bed. I was pretty freaked out about it afterwards too. What's with just jumping into the riskier behaviors without even asking or hinting first? Had she been a bit more sensitive to my comfort levels, I would probably repeat. I wonder how many clients have had this experience of the SP too ready to engage in higher risk activities.

I know I expencted an established agency girl to be to be as safe as I did, not more reckless. What is the rationale for such behavior?

Also, there are many girls that only do CBJs and LFK, do you think they really do worse than others who promote that they do BBBJ, DATY, and DFK on their websites? Do you think older SPs feel more pressured to perform these activities to compete with the girls in their early 20's?

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Next time, if you don't want the guy to be persistent, state unequivically (bot politely) that no amount of money will make you change your mind. If you take a strong enough stance upfront, he's either galactically stupid or he'll get the point.


Jun 17, 2004
because said:
I've heard of a few SPs who offer BBFS. You have to wonder why they do it.
Maybe they already are hiv infected and having nothing to lose. Think about that the next time an sp offers those services.
Keebler Elf said:
Next time, if you don`t want the guy to be persistent, state unequivically (bot politely) that no amount of money will make you change your mind. If you take a strong enough stance upfront, he`s either galactically stupid or he`ll get the point.
Keebler Elf, you have very romantic notions of the intelligence and manhood of many of our fellow hobbyists. There is a very substantial element in the hobby who will think nothing of relentlessly pressuring a girl to be unsafe, or even of resorting to the old "dark room trick" to surrepticiously remove the condom.

The only thing that`s going to make any impression on these guys is losing half (or all!) their money without having gotten anything at all, let alone bareback. Even this might make no impression, but at least the girl will have a cancellation fee.

The guy will quite possibly poorly review the girl, of course, but hopefully she will have enough supporters that it won`t matter. And after he pulls that stunt a few times, maybe the girls concerned can compare notes and give their side of the story in unison.

And, hopefully, the guy will be given a mention on the Bad Clients List


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
Just a gentle reminder....Condoms are not %100 safe...Just look at the STD thread on GTAC last month. While I'm not condoning BBFS, if the 2 parties involved are comfortable with it, that is thier choice. I know most Escorts get themselves tested on a regular basis, but do the clientele? I have been tested twice since last December, because while condoms are better than nothing, they are not a cure all. I have a great deal of respect for Sierra, because she stood her ground with her "male friend". Though, because of his attitude towards her during this encounter, I would hope she would'nt see him again.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
Condoms are not 100% safe, only about 99.9% safe. Testing is not even 1% safe. It takes a couple of infectious months before you'll test positive for HIV, during which you can be passing it around. A client an an SP who are "comfortable with it" are both morons who are raising the general level of risk for everyone else they have sex with, not just themselves. (Remember, condoms are not 100% effective, so the risk for all other encounters with either of those people goes way up.)
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