Vaughan Spa

How many of you have had your credit card data stolen?

Have you had your CC info stolen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 51.4%
  • No

    Votes: 18 48.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Did a money transfer using Westesrn Union via phone. Not an hour later more than $6k of bogus charges on my card. Now I have to wait 1 week to get a new card, have to set up all my automatic billing on the new card when it arrives.

The kid I was talking at Westesrn Union to do the transfer was inept. Either he gave my info out or he allowed some thief at Western Union to intercept it. There really is no other reasonable explanation

My CC company is investigating and so is Western Union. Does anything every come of these investigations? Arrests? This is the first time this has ever happened to me.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Simple yes or no may be misleading ...

Have to say yes, but infinitely short of the "horror stories" you hear about. I used to have a emplyer sponsored CC before I retired. Bankamerica if that matters. I used it very, very seldom since travel was intermittant, and I only used it when absolutely necessary since I think the bank sucks anyway. One time I got a bill for a charge from some pizza joint in Rochester (hadn't even been there in the previous several months) When I called the bank they issued a new card and reversed the charge after having me sign an affidavit that it wasn't mine and that was it. Seems like someone going to the trouble to perpetrate an identity theft would want more than a lousy pizza (maybe several, charge was 30 or 40 bucks if I remember correctly) out of it.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
It's happened to me twice. I have no idea either time how it occurred but I was reimbursed fully both times.

The first time the crooks actually had all my billing information changed so I never got any statements until one time when I went to use the card I was over my limit. They were buying furniture in Texas.

The second time was just a few months ago when I was downtown shopping at a few places and the CC company was vigilant and put a hold on my card. I didn't mind. When I called them after I got home and they were reviewing the charges they were all mine until there was one for a few dollars in Richmond, B.C. and then one for $1,200 in Alberta.

We need to constantly check what charges are going through.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I have had it a bunch of times. I am a pretty active CC user. Best was a $5,000K+ spending spree in New Jersey, took it right up to the limit. Bank reversed it. Last time was a month ago, they cancelled one of my cards and sent a new one because I had used mine at a merchant they were suspicious of. But they will never tell you what merchant, so it keeps happening.

His Majesty

Dec 28, 2009
By the end of 2010 all vendors and merchants will be required to only accept cc's with the pin + chip technology.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Some people went on an 8,000+ spending spree in Turkey buying luggage and stuff. Went to use by CC in a bar in Toronto and was told it did not work, told them to try again as it must work, and was asked to take the phone and talk to the guy at the CC company. Questioned, nope, never been to Turkey, etc… The bill at the bar was processed, new card issued, signed the affidavit, charges in Turkey were removed from my account. This happened about 10 years ago, no problems since.

My CC usage was monitored for some time after that, in that if I purchased items that seemed out of the norm I would have to take the phone and give my password to the CC company before the bill was processed.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
me too. I stopped handing over my ccs at gas stations. I prefer to swipe them by myself. Havent had any trouble for 2 yrs now

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Received a letter from a car dealership in Quebec a few years ago that stated my credit info may have been compromised. I went to the local commmunity station to verify the letter and they said to register with one of the credit reporting companies. Equifax etc.

Never, ever, let your credit or debit card get out of view.

A guy that works with me always uses his debit card at lunch etc., and has received a call from the bank 3 times over the last 2 months about other purchases.
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