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How many John's actually save money?


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
Hey guys. I'm a new grad making 55k/year from my job but still finding it difficult to save (i pay for all my own shit, apartment, car, and still repaying university loans). How did you all start out in investing? I really want to learn how to play this game but I don't know where to start. If you guys could share some experiences or resources to help me get started, I would really appreciate it. I'm just amazed some of you are raking in over 5k/month in pleasure. I'd like to achieve that lifestyle and I know I have the discipline to get there. At the moment I'm just reading introductory personal finance books (The Intelligent Investor, Peter Lynch books, etc).
The best investment you can make is one you make in your own career. That is what will increase your income and passive investing is just something you will do after with your extra cash flow. As for fortunes in construction, the older italians did no more than invest in their own trade. Professionals invested in their educations. All of this means a lot of hard work, which usually doesn't translate into too much extra time for hobbying...until much later on.


May 6, 2010
Thanks for the word of caution but I figured the earlier I start, the better I'll be in the long run. Still looking for helpful resources.
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