How long would you wait for a response after contacting a SP?

How long would you wait for a response after contacting a SP?

  • Less than 24 Hours

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Between 1-2 days

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Up to 3 days

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • A week

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
60 minutes..then I move to option 2...then option 3...after that I pack it in for the day and hope for a playmate the next time I wanna play.


Apr 9, 2023
I assume you are trying to pre-book something?
I was kinda curious about the general consensus here. I usually give 3 days and then move on but the past two times, I had them reach out between 4-7 days and got something scheduled. Granted, when contacting indys, I always schedule about a month in advanced


Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
For indy's I will give a couple days max. If I don't hear anything back I rarely follow up and just contact someone else. Sometimes I do get a response back a week after my initial message but by then I already booked someone else I want to see. For agencies I usually just book the day of. I rarely pre-book with agencies.
Nov 22, 2012
Same day appointments an hr and I'll text again. If nothing after a few hrs I'll text another SP.
With pre booking I'll wait a day and follow up the next day if nothing I'll message someone else. Now I usually message when I see an add and know they are working.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
How about this below as a guide for everyone. Of course this depends on your schedule ( client) say you are alone for 3 hours then 30 mins or less and move on if you need that quickie. I going to assume you seen her before. If not the time may have to change. Remember her personal schedule can happen out of no where.

Tier 1 - Agency 1-2 hours max, also same for traveling SP and places an Ad here, today or yesterday I give it the same time or 5 hours.
Tier 2 - Traveling SP well known, gives her schedule in 2-4 weeks advanced, one week / 7 days max waiting.
Tier 3 - Local SP with website if not on Vacation, I doubt you can get in within 1-3 days booking so I say max 24-36 hours. If popular if not 12- 24 hours time limit.
Tier 4 - Traveling SP but find out she is in your area 12- 24 hours if booking 2-3 days ahead, but same day or tomorrow booking 5 hours is plenty.
Tier 5 - Local SP with website if not on Vacation, I doubt you can get in within 1-3 days booking so I say max week. If booking for next month.

Tier 6 if you are traveling you should have booked in advance but couldn't because of scheduling use same guide line as above. No different treatment than the other fellow.

Any one want to change / edit this?
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