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How Important Is Your Privacy?


New member
Sep 10, 2001
mrorange said:
Ok you've convinced me, calloway....

1) Change my phone number.
2) Start the process of changing my name.
3) Emmigrate to Greenland, becoming an offshore fisherman.

Think I'll be safe.

P.S. Only sort of kidding.

I seriously had no idea of the extent of this privacy infringement actually was, or potentially is, until I read this thread calloway. Wow....I'm stunned and thanks for bringing it to my attention.
You've already screwed up. There aren't that many fishermen in Greenland, especially fishermen with antlers!:D


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
What an appropriate time to bring back this very important subject. Now that we're all better at covering our own personal asses while engaging in the hobby... what are you personally doing to protect the privacy of the ladies you see?


New member
Mar 26, 2005
Rigel7, Beta Orionis constellation
How about a separate thread for this?

It's important enoug to gather all thoughts in one.

I for one, never give details. That's just me. Also I talk about things in general terms. Even when I ask if they have moved, I will ask with questions like are you still near intersection of so and so rather than give a street name.

These may be small points. But I would like to learn more from you guys. Since privacy is very important to me.

Interesting that this thread has resurfaced. I have recently become aware of the fact that a well-known SP shared personal information about me with another client (who I believe was a Terbite...). This info was then passed to another SP, who was good enough to tell me about it. I believe that the other guy passed this along with the understanding that the second SP would advise me of this.

After some thought, I decided the best way to deal with it was to say nothing, and just let it go. Since I have heard nothing more, this was apparently the correct decision. It has certainly influenced my opinion of the person who initially shared this info. I do NOT believe she had any malicious intent at all. None-the-less it is information that should not have been shared.

I have relatively little to loose should I be "outed". I am not married or even seriously "involved" and I am self-employed. I know that is not the case with many of you.

Along the same lines, you girls also need to be very careful. Many of us are aware of one indy who openly displays her real name. I have mentioned this to her several times and she has taken no action to hide it. I am comfortable that most of us would never abuse this information, but I am equally certain that there will be some guy out there that will.


Jan 17, 2004
I guess I got into this thread too late, oh well, here's my 2 cents worth. The ladies I see all know my real FIRST name, allthough it's a rather common name, NO it's not John, LOL. They all know my "handle". I believe knowing my real first name gives the ladies a sense of security. One lady also has my work phone #. Security for me is not an issue. :D


New member
Nov 2, 2004
Its always about you!

I believe the original question was what we are doing to protect the privacy of the girls not our own privacy. It seems to me that both hobbyists and providers need to take full responsibility for safety and privacy.
Then again perhaps the girls could rank you guys here on terb. Ouch!


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Keep your mouth shut, period. Always act like you're in a fantasy world when you are with an SP, no real names, no handle names, no personal information, etc. either on your part and the lady's. While you are with that lady, during that time you are someone else, pretend you are a hollywood actor playing out your fantasies and she is a fantasy of yours, and enjoy the time together. Talk about anything that isn't real, make up things, who cares, you're not there to find a girlfriend or a wife, just to enjoy your self for that period of time and then you go back to reality and forget anything about that lady.

I always treat her with respect and as a gentleman, but I don't see the need to tell her anything personal, she really doesn't really care either, she's providing a service for us to enjoy and should care about satisfying our needs while with her. I also don't want to know personal things about her.

I have found over the years, following this simple philosophy has allowed me to avoid lots of problems and truly enjoy this hobby, and remember, that's all this really is, a hobby. :)


Active member
Oct 8, 2003
I agree mostly with Fun-guy.
I use my real first name and my Terb handle when booking. Which is mostly though Terb. I almost never ask specific questions about services. As for the Sp, I like to talk with her but never about other hobbyists. When Sps talk about BF or SO (and this has happened) I only listen, sometimes it's a mood killer.
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Gone to the future.
mrorange said:
Until now, I've been pmed about women I have reviewed. If the information was available from other reviews or information on terb (innocuous information like a description perhaps), and the person emailing me just hadn't searched for it, I gave it over to them...except in the case of rates and/or services which anybody HAS to ask the sp or mp for themselves. After all that has been happening, I will NOT respond to inquiries by pm or email about the ladies of the area....EVER. And relaying personal information about sp's lives, or the lives of other terbites, should have been an obvious faux pas to exchange in pm, email, telephone, or even open conversations on the least, I would have thought so...

For me, I've always been open to the ladies I have trusted. Some know my name, some my email address, some where I work(ed), some personal history etc....I guess I've been overly trusting, but will continue to be with those I offered my trust to. I can't bring myself to doubt their integrity. Until I have reason to believe otherwise.....

Ditto, for each and every line. If I didn't feel I could trust her, I never would see her in the first place. This is probably due to extensive research on this and other boards and email contact with each woman before ever showing my face. Add that to paying attention to what is posted by people you have come to respect on this board. These women take far bigger chances/risks than we do!


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
mrorange said:
For me, I've always been open to the ladies I have trusted. Some know my name, some my email address, some where I work(ed), some personal history etc....I guess I've been overly trusting, but will continue to be with those I offered my trust to. I can't bring myself to doubt their integrity. Until I have reason to believe otherwise.....

You have really exposed yourself IMO and the risk is always hanging over your head, especially if you have a SO.

I learned the hard way, I trusted a couple of ladies completely the last few years, everything seemed so right at the time, we felt we were friends from a previous life, you know like soulmates as they say. Well, you never know what tomorrow brings, you really don't know someone until their backs are against the wall, then you'll know. How someone acts in very stressful situations is the true test and defines one's character.

Be careful and don't reveal too much of yourself if you don't have to. I found whether a lady knows my true personal info or ficticious info is irrelevant, so why provide her with personal info? What matters is how you treat her during your encounters, always treat her with respect and be sensitive to her needs and you will always have a great time with her.


Dec 27, 2005
I reveal my real first name only and only arrange encounters by cel. I don't have any privacy issues for myself and recognize that the ladies frequently have much more to fear from us than we do from them - speaking as someone who is self-employed and hobbies in TO.
An excellent thread which raises alot of questions ... I wonder what the ladies think ?
v1ctoria said:
i have had a phone call from someones SO complaining that she found my number in her car...blah blah blah....... so please keep my number and website a secret from your SOs!!!!!!! its so weird getting phone calls like that!
Is it fair to guess that she wasn't looking to book an appointment for her and her hubby? ;)


I am Teflon !
Mar 11, 2003
Nowhere Land
I don't know...

Stoo said:
Is it fair to guess that she wasn't looking to book an appointment for her and her hubby?
Stoo, if it was your gf though, she might just go ahead and book for all three of you.. and a ski trip to boot...:D


Dec 22, 2004
My little secret
v1ctoria said:
my public privacy is a huge deal. i have had so many clients come up to me at the grocery store or in the mall, when im with my daughter and say... hi victoria.....or hey arent you that girl on the internet.....
If someone had done that to me while I was in public with my kids, I would have never seen them again (even now that I'm not in the business).

Privacy is a huge part of this business, for both the SP, MPA, Dancer and client/s. I guess what it all boils down to is respect, considerstion & trust. I used to have a lot of regulars that knew my real name and I knew theres, and other personal things in my or their lives.

As far as posting reviews. Myself I really prefered not to be reviewed. Although I never asked anyone I saw to not review me. That was their choice and I left it at that. As far as privacy goes in posting review, there are ways to post them without invading privacy.

I'm sorry to hear that privacy issues were invaded for a few of yous. It's sad to think that anyone would do that to someone else, be it in or out of this business.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
sorely said:
Personally, I am only interested in whether or not the other guests are : male/female; mature/naive, goodguys/a-holes; bright/?; humorous/dull.This helps me understand the postings on the board.

Be careful and enjoy as hobby times seem to be particularly good right now !!!
Your statements begs the question; Why do you care at all?

I never ask for ANYTHING about another poster. Sometimes the chat leads towards that and if it's a natural progression then the conversation can flow but I would never initiate such a talk. I'm there for my own pleasure, not to hear the juice on other terb members. :)
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