How Does A Married Man Hide His Hobby


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Just curious to know how the married men, or men with live in girlfriends hide their hobbying from their mate? Is the risk worth the reward? And...have you ever caught anything (herpes, chlymedia, etc...), and how did you explain it?

Just curious


New member
Apr 22, 2008
1.) Be discrete.
2.) Hell YES....the risk is worth it.
3.) Stick with the well reviewed ladies & you will be fine! Stay away from CL.

Good Luck.


Retired from the Hobby
Dec 17, 2002
West End
You need an exclusive PC that the SO has no access to. Get her one as a gift if necessary.

It keeps her away from your history files
Never ever ever write anything down. If you need to write down a number, punch it into your cell and throw away the paper right away. Then use the redial key to find it. Don't label the number unless the SO never uses your cell and never use the land line to book.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
I've cheated using escorts. Here's my list of dos and don'ts.

6. This one is obvious but it bears repeating. Have a good cover story for why you are away from home and work and unavailable by cell phone. Depending on your line of work meeting clients is the standard story.

5. Cover your financial tracks. It helps if your business gives you access to a source of untraceable cash (construction and restaurants are good; lawyers, accountants and other professionals sometimes get paid in cash).

4. Some would advise you to get a "beard", meaning have a good friend who knows about your hobbying, will cover for you, and who holds a sealed envelope with instructions about what to do in the case of your accidental death (i.e. delete email accounts, delete browsing history, destroy incriminating hobbying evidence, pay off any secret "hobbying" credit card or close out a secret hobbying bank account, etc.).

I advise against this. Chances are you will not die in an accident. If you're worried about what the Missus will find after you are gone, don't hobby. My advice is to tell no one about the hobby. Do not tell buddies, if someone you know talks to you about escorts, MPs, etc., feign ignorance. The more people who know you hobby, the greater the chances of being found out.

3. Do not go to strip clubs in your home city unless the Missus approves. Someone who knows you will see you one day, the Missus will find out, and will suspect you, even if you protest that you only went with a business client and did nothing more than look.

2.Carry your own soap with you. Make sure you wash off all trace of any scent of the escort. Join a health club with a swimming pool. After sex with an escort go for a swim; the chlorine will purge any residual scent. Do not use the health club as an excuse to go visit escorts. Something the Missus may perceive as an emergency may come up and she may try to get ahold of you at the club - and then you're busted.

1. And this is the most important one. Fuck your wife or girlfriend regularly. If you're not banging her, she already knows you're fucking someone else. But give her a good pounding once or twice a week and she'll never suspect anything, and will even mistrust her own intuition if you slip up a little once or twice.


Nov 5, 2005
Tower said:
It keeps her away from your history files
Never ever ever write anything down. If you need to write down a number, punch it into your cell and throw away the paper right away. Then use the redial key to find it. Don't label the number unless the SO never uses your cell and never use the land line to book.
I use Firefox and under preferences go to the Privacy tab and check the box which will clear private data when you close Firefox. Make sure you hit the settings button in the same tab and be sure to check all of the boxes listed. This will clear all of your history cookies etc. For you IE Windows people, be sure to download a small application called, "IE Privacy Keeper". If you set it up correctly it will also hide all of your usage tracks...

Jimmy C

Jun 20, 2007
Blame her if you catch something. Chances are she is messing around on you anyhow. Worked for a buddy of mine.

He has his SO in tears and she actually admitted to it although he was the guilty one! Totally turned the tables on her while she was handing over his prescription to detox!

Jimmy C

Jun 20, 2007
Swingdancer said:
I think the worst damage being an SP and reading this board have done to me, is that I see the lengths now that men will go to (or people in general) to lie and cheat on their wives.
It does go both ways you know. I believe quite a few women (other than yourself) have kept a secret or two away from their husband/boyfriend. How often has a man confessed to you that the reason he sought you was out of vengeance?

Everybody has their reasons so I wouldn't be too judgmental or assume that this will always happen or else nobody would ever have a relationship. At least your eyes are open and you know what signs to look for and take care of before problems arise.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Swingdancer said:
I think the worst damage being an SP and reading this board have done to me, is that I see the lengths now that men will go to (or people in general) to lie and cheat on their wives. It makes me not want to ever get married. Im worried that I know about this secret life and I will never trust another man to not cheat. Now I have a healthy appetite for sex so I hope any SO of mine never feels the need but how will I really truely know from now on? It really scares me that I have damaged all my future relationships with this. I loved seeing clients while I did but I dont while i am in relationships.
You should not be worring about others do, It has nothing to do with you beyond the obvious.

People are going to screw around if you want to get into a philosophical discussion this board is a place to start. That said you should not worry about what others do It will only make you bitter . Thats a bad thing trust me on that one


Sep 14, 2003
1) Do not use your home pc if it is shared

2) Do not use your work PC....big brother is always watching

3) Use public phones or get a pay as you never know when the SO might get suspicious and start to look at your cell phone bill

4) If you get caught.....deny everything!


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2005
I'm single, I:

1) Use my home PC

2) Book from my home phone

3) Use my work PC too, I don't care if they find out

4) Use my real name and talk freely about my personal and professional life :)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Have an open relationship.

She gets to fuck whomever she wants and so do you. (She's going to fuck around anyway and you being here is testiment to the fact that you already do.)

Eliminates the bullshit.


Feb 5, 2007
I will often Febreeze a guy on his way out, simply to eliminate any residualsmells, like body spray, air freshener,
Wives easily pick up on clues so I warn the married ones to not look too happy when they go home. lol


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
yeet said:
I'm single, I:

1) Use my home PC

2) Book from my home phone

3) Use my work PC too, I don't care if they find out

4) Use my real name and talk freely about my personal and professional life
You are crazy:eek:


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Live in a country with a healthy attitue towards sex & a sane attitude towards gender relations & marriage. Somewhere where if the spouse lets themselves go physically/emotionlly/sexually, they arent surprised that you got what you needed elsewhere & that they are at least partially to blame. No point in getting married in the 1st place here in Canada or the rest of the "civilized" west.....
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