I keep saying I'm the Oldest
Afraid I've got the record. Long before becoming a lawyer, while fresh out of college after military service, I was hired by IBM. That was June, 1956. My job was to sell punch card systems and such computers as existed. The most popular was the IBM 650 which had a 2,000 word drum that stored ALL the data and ALL the coding. A word was 5 characters in bi-quinary code.
Later by a dozen years and after being with a couple of other computer manufacturing companies, I founded the world's most successful data entry hardware business. We also purchased a company called MITS which made the world's 1st PC type unit. They were in Sandia NM. Someone mentioned the PDP-11. I used the PDP-11 and the 11S in my machine. Then, I invested in a start-up that made a copy of the 11-s and othe DEC units, running on DEC software. Has met the Olson brothers yars before in the old mill building in Maynard Mass. They shared an office with two big partner desks, facing each other. Nice guys; brilliant technicians and businesss people too.
I've seen it all I think I retired way back and did think about purchasing CPM to do what Gates did but decided it was too much work and I didn't need the money.
Why become a lawyer? That's a long story for another day.