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How can some of you men continue to cheat behind your wives?

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New member
May 12, 2017
Seriously, I feel disgusted about how some of you men go around seeking escorts here than to come home like nothing happened. Do you not care about your safety and the safety of your wife and children? If you don't like your spouse, leave them and stop continuing the deceit!
Oh boy I'll probably regret this but here goes... in the long shot it might do some good.

First off, us guys are here for a ton of different reasons. I can't speak for them so I will speak for myself. I am married and have a daughter and like many men will attest to, often once a women is married and has a kid(s) the usefulness of the husband is pretty much used up. Then comes rules to keep us in-line/under thumb, having to explain where we are/no having fun with friends, a sexless relationship, yada yada yada. Any of this sound familiar? Its' not a very fulfilling existence. So here I am, married life isn't great but we have a kid, by your comments I should have already bolted from the relationship but i can't fully agree with that again because we have a kid. So now the argument is if I bail on the relationship now it would be best for both me and my S.O. but I don't think best for the kid (meaning a year or so ago) so I've stuck it out a while longer. You seem to be so enlightened maybe you can tell us where that line is when it's a good time to leave the relationship with the best interests in mind for the child? It can't be never because I can't see it being good for the kid to live with miserable parents. So in the mean time while my daughter matures to a point where I think a separation would be easier to handle I see escorts to fill in what I used to have with my wife... as in some great sex and maybe more importantly just some low stress quality time with a desirable woman.

I got involved in this industry about a year or so ago. Admittedly I came into it thinking the worst of the people involved and how sorry I felt for the women involved. I was naive, uneducated, and completely incorrect. There are a lot of great people here and I've been fortunate enough to meet some wonderful women that changed my mind on a lot of things. I understand if you still feel cheated but I don't think it's fair to blame or talk down to the people here. For the most part we are all actually looking out for each other. Hope that helps in some way.


Jul 7, 2015
Oh boy I'll probably regret this but here goes... in the long shot it might do some good.

First off, us guys are here for a ton of different reasons. I can't speak for them so I will speak for myself. I am married and have a daughter and like many men will attest to, often once a women is married and has a kid(s) the usefulness of the husband is pretty much used up. Then comes rules to keep us in-line/under thumb, having to explain where we are/no having fun with friends, a sexless relationship, yada yada yada. Any of this sound familiar? Its' not a very fulfilling existence. So here I am, married life isn't great but we have a kid, by your comments I should have already bolted from the relationship but i can't fully agree with that again because we have a kid. So now the argument is if I bail on the relationship now it would be best for both me and my S.O. but I don't think best for the kid (meaning a year or so ago) so I've stuck it out a while longer. You seem to be so enlightened maybe you can tell us where that line is when it's a good time to leave the relationship with the best interests in mind for the child? It can't be never because I can't see it being good for the kid to live with miserable parents. So in the mean time while my daughter matures to a point where I think a separation would be easier to handle I see escorts to fill in what I used to have with my wife... as in some great sex and maybe more importantly just some low stress quality time with a desirable woman.

I got involved in this industry about a year or so ago. Admittedly I came into it thinking the worst of the people involved and how sorry I felt for the women involved. I was naive, uneducated, and completely incorrect. There are a lot of great people here and I've been fortunate enough to meet some wonderful women that changed my mind on a lot of things. I understand if you still feel cheated but I don't think it's fair to blame or talk down to the people here. For the most part we are all actually looking out for each other. Hope that helps in some way.
Thanks Brewguy

Identical situation here. Zero physical relationship after the baby was born and constant constraints on my friendships and pastimes. I stay so I can continue to be the best father I can to my kids. But my marriage is nothing more than two people who share responsibility for children. I poured my heart out to my wife, asked her what I could do to make things better and received a shrug. It left me feeling worthless and led to a deep depression. Luckily I had the support and love of some very good friends and was able to pull myself together. After years of a sexless marriage I visited an escort (Carrie Moon!) and remembered how important physical not just sexual contact can be.

We can’t be sure that Lara is an actual jilted wife but I have to thank you Lara. Without your post I wouldn’t have said my piece. None of us has a “right” to sex but we all deserve to be happy. What consenting adults do is really none of your business.

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
I see Lara didn’t come back, or at least didn’t comment. Hope we didn’t scare her away. Maybe she’s enlightened now.
Maybe she’s my ex-wife. I got off easy. My ex-wife won’t talk to me, at all, and I like it that way. Bye Felisha :kiss:


Apr 11, 2017
Thanks Brewguy

Identical situation here. Zero physical relationship after the baby was born and constant constraints on my friendships and pastimes. I stay so I can continue to be the best father I can to my kids. But my marriage is nothing more than two people who share responsibility for children. I poured my heart out to my wife, asked her what I could do to make things better and received a shrug. It left me feeling worthless and led to a deep depression. Luckily I had the support and love of some very good friends and was able to pull myself together. After years of a sexless marriage I visited an escort (Carrie Moon!) and remembered how important physical not just sexual contact can be.

We can’t be sure that Lara is an actual jilted wife but I have to thank you Lara. Without your post I wouldn’t have said my piece. None of us has a “right” to sex but we all deserve to be happy. What consenting adults do is really none of your business.


Incredible discussion...the key word...discussion, and as it relates to Lara's initial post..If Lara, or anyone for that matter, could have had a different discussion, even read this string as it stands now, long before marriage was a serious possibility for her to commit to, invest in...if there had been far more discussion...there'd be so much less crushing stress, needless anger, hurt and pain..etc..more energy for the good things (like sex :) ) Like most things in life, if we only had the context we do at the end of our lives so much sooner... If only Lara and most could head into the decision of marriage with a few of the concepts covered here (ya, no shit...imagine if you're in your 20s about to get married and each of you could "download" the context you have now about sex alone..intimacy...or even just balls out frank discussion) ... if only most marriages that have ended had better understanding and context for the issues they were facing or would face...I suspect if we didn't see the divorce rate decline, we'd see couples investing energy into their relationships far more efficiently, accurately and with greater return...say what you will about this industry (at least in this country), if this thread is any could be a (controversial) vehicle to a better understanding/context alone for men and women, husbands and wives, exs...for all inside and out of could/should support better discussion, understanding of far greater things in life and "unweigh" one of life's incredible pleasures. I do actually believe it's "one of the oldest industries in the world"), as brewguy highlights, it's an industry (again at least in this country) full of the range of normal people filling a healthy, normal human need, far from perfect or ideal but what is?

Epilogue Rant if you have time:

Most (of us) have traveled along in life within the "confines" of "social organization"...including monogamous heterosexual marriages. The concept still plays as the support and model for the basic evolutionary drive to perpetuate the species...renew our genetic's passports. With so many solid reasons, advantages, and values in monogamy, including all the potential and possibility of value conferring advantage to our kids, we come into the world for the most part indoctrinated with the same model of long term relationships. Even today with "split" families..we try marriage again after failure and drive towards generating and living all the value(s) derived from long term relationships (formalized as marriage or not)...what we don't talk about as part of the indoctrination with our kids or even ourselves is where the model is weak, the pitfalls. We don't talk about how some basic biological functions/needs can and will rub up against the "model"..require more than raw strength in blind faith to will require strength to discuss...

Part of those discussions have to be around how we simply are made to believe that evolved core functions like sex are wrong, even deviant if they are "exercised" outside of the model...that's it, black and white with no discussion. Both men and women are socialized to not only believe deviation is a life altering, shameful crushing act with insurmountable repercussion, but that any deviation (cheating etc) is a simple choice of right or wrong for anyone in a marriage to make. Clearly for those that have deviated in whatever form, (the case for more than 50% of marriages and agreed it's not just men) It's not a simple, black and white decision to simply cheat however one qualifies it (paying for it or not)...if it was an easy choice between yes and no, then why bother cheating...? It's not an easy choice, it is still a choice to cheat...for so many sex can be analogous to's a "must" for most hardwired into our brains...sure we don't die from not having it, having too much sex doesn't make us fat or cause health issues (if done safely), wait a second, what's my point??'s not an easy choice not to pursue the context of the industry, it of course is the sole carnal reason the industry even's a very powerful need indeed. So why is the industry such a lopsided, one way flow from men to women...why is it the majority needing to pay for sex are men? Women have sex drive too right? Clearly women cheat outside of marriages...are men and women looking for the same need to be filled? As far as sex alone...are men simply weaker at making that choice to go without?

I'll leave it with this...without data to quote here (I'm sure it's been looked at..) at least part of the answer the industry being fuelled by men almost single handedly (yes all puns are intended) is because sex itself (perhaps some of the accompanied other needs like touch etc), has a far different evolutionary need for greater frequency and perhaps even variety in partner than the female side of the's a "left over" hard wiring from pre-industry time :)...if one considers the simple goal of survival as passing on the species genes by reproducing as it is for any and all living organisms as a prime function... as it was ours as a species competing 6M yrs ago with 20 others which we of course we're successful doing, we won, we "out produced" :).). Then we drill down a little further to the two key components and contributors in that process and women have very different restrictions on how often they can pass on their genes...women can do so every nine months, men have the potential to do so multiple times a day!. So, although sex drive is certainly far more than the quantity of genetic transfer for both men and women - ...the act of sex itself, in it's frequency and possibly variability (genetic fitness) of partner for men in general is a hardwired evolutionary that was a key part to why we are here today on this that has created and supported "the industry" men have to deal with as it rubs up against the confines of what we're all brought up to "value" in our general modern day society...not an easy burden, but we're strong and we manage the best we can.. while I feel for Lara/anyone being/feeling betrayed, marriage is a two way street, a partnership, rarely is anything 100% one sided...I'd broaden your context...if men are actually not only going to the risk to fill a core need they aren't getting at home (for whatever reason at this point), they are actually paying for it too...(wtf), then don't ya think they likely value what's at home far more than just sex?? If they didn't, then you're absolutely correct, there's no reason to be in such a useless relationship...nobody here I'm sure condones just flying out the door on a whim to go fuck someone (paying for it or not) for men in a marriage/ltr isn't the path most would's not even the one most would take with out sex from their partner for months on end some point though for most it's a basal drive with few solutions...and for those in a marriage where sex isn't happening...(and it will happen at some point for most I'm sure) ...neither can have a head in the sand, you can't breath down there... and like eating and sex it's a necessity. Dangerous isn't Lara's ex having safe sex, dangerous is not being able to breath and marriages end. When that happens, it won't be because somebody finally was on the edge of the "divorce cliff" long before may consider calling your ex, thanking him for risking all that he did to try keep the marriage breathing.

(Disclaimer - I don't have a clue what all the details are and so if it's not obvious, using only the 2-3 posts someone named Lara(strong) made and filling in gaps with assumptions for example sake...would never ever make a comment on anyone's marriage as nobody knows except the two people in it or where in it...) ...speaking of breathing...that's a long enough post to suck the air out of the entire thread...


Oct 27, 2017
I wanted to follow this thread... I hope Larastrong comes back for some solid discussion.

My kids have nothing to do with me visiting SPs. The lack of sex and caring from my SO combined with fruitless discussions left me in quite the 'spot'. Seeing other civilians and/or married women added a huge level of stress, so I moved on to SPs. I either keep having some stress-relieving fun every now and then, or I blow up my family and my kids' loving perspective of their mother as a 'hero'. As far as I'm concerned, my SO's lack of effort is her failure (as I've made the efforts to resolve). An ugly parting and the financial costs that'll be slapped against me are a concern as well.

Condoms are my safety. It is not like I've joined a drug cartel.

I bear my own Cross and Jesus has yet rescue me. I take that as a sign that he approves of my direction.
Wow, could not have said it better! All too common a predicament. Thanks.

The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
I see a common theme in this thread - I would have to say that it is members' SOs that should be getting the credit for keeping the SPs in business and not the members.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
I don't think that's on Lara's 'menu', although I don't believe she ever did provide one to either her husband or any of us. Serious doubt is she exists, but the thread does provide an outlet.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
I don't think that's on Lara's 'menu', although I don't believe she ever did provide one to either her husband or any of us. Serious doubt is she exists, but the thread does provide an outlet.
I agree - pretty sure this was troll bait


Active member
Sep 14, 2016
I don't think she'll be back. (Larastrong)

Probably a hit and run: one or two comments to release frustration in the hope it helps herself and then gone!


Dec 16, 2017
There's no way of knowing what Lara's true intent was to come here. Regardless of her viewpoint, I hope she finds peace.


Dec 16, 2017
I think the "problem" is we're humans and meant/designed to sin. Cheating is not as bad as another sins. Flying airplanes in buildings or shooting from another comes to mind. As mentioned above by several, cheating can save a marriage or it can hurt a single family (but only emotionally and financially). Maybe there are bigger problems/sins in this world we can focus on.

I think men in general love woman and sex too much to dedicate the one life they have to only one woman. We are after all mamals aren't we? Just the smartest breed. It's kinda remarkable that some men can be sexually with only one woman for their whole life... That's something I failed at miserably!
I think men are biologically wired to be less monogamous than woman. It explains allot of things like cheating, porn, escorts, media, ect.. This is all driven by men's lust, love, appreciation or whatever you want to call it, for women!

I also would find it very hard to believe somewhere out there is someone who has remained strictly upmost faithful to his spouse by never glancing at other woman or watching anything provocative or having any sexual desires of other woman. If even half the men on this planet were like that, our world would be very different!


Apr 11, 2017
I think men are biologically wired to be less monogamous than woman. It explains allot of things like cheating, porn, escorts, media, ect.. This is all driven by men's lust, love, appreciation or whatever you want to call it, for women!!
It's a given...totally correct Blackpanther...Men and women differ only on a relative few things biologically...part of our sex drive in theory for male's need in frequency and variety is because in part, we are able to pass on our genetic contribution multiple times a day - women only once every 9 months....this has been the case from the get go (6M yrs ago) ...obviously men running around fucking everything in sight and moving on to the next wasn't the best strategy for offspring survival...slowly but surely versions of parental relationships evolved in form or another from 100K yr ago to the present monogamous goals even outside of having kids...bottom line...our core drive to have sex more frequently and with various partners is hardwired...we've socialized ourselves beyond it and for the most part, at least on the sex front, women simply on the whole don't have the same hard-wring ...
...these are big, generalized statements of course..(women have been socialized to protect/not give out/into sexual advances ...repressed actually..something that's changed...even with the 20-30 somethings..) .but men get a raw deal too, made to look like cheating assholes devoid of any moral fiber.....NOPE...for the most part they try to quietly deal with a constant constant internal drive to have sex with the other half of the species...and agreed they can be so incredibly stunning...raw deal or not.


May 4, 2018
It's a bit of a copout to blame cheating on your wife as based mostly on our genetics and trying to say it actually will save the family by sleeping around in your personal life or seeing providers. We're genetically programmed to fertilize for sure, but monogamy has also been a large part of the success of evolution; taking care and sheltering of your female partner and family while not being sickened or killed by communicable diseases (cavemen were never vaccinated or understood why, but monogamy was basically formed on this principle even before churches got involved in the deal).

The issue at hand is cheating on the current commitment to your wife and being able to keep that promise. We do have the choice to be honest, and the repercussions that come with it.

If you wanna be with multiple partners, doing so with or without lying is a conscious deception being made, which is where the hurt and anger comes from. She has a valid point, if you are cheating, you are a cheater, which is heavy title to wear proudly. Your wife may have cheated or hurt the relationship in other ways as well, but you are putting them at risk by hobbying.

That being said, I'm currently single and hobby while single only... I get hung up on individual MA's at spas and won't see others at the same spa... I know it's silly and ridiculous, but we do what feels right because we enjoy that type of experience. The tricky times for me are those first 1-2 months of mostly exclusive dating before you are in a committed relationship which you really don't want to start off with 'cheating' that early on... It's weighed on me before anyhow and a decision had to be made with consequences either way, but it's a conscious decision I take responsibility for.

No judgement on those that do currently cheat on their wives, I have no idea your personal situation and how you validate it, I know the decision is not made lightly.
Apr 27, 2018
Can I just be the really honest person here and just say that I'm super bored with my wife and cheat for the thrills? This is the perfect hobby for me. No strings attached and just good old sex with awesome providers.

Lara, if you are there, blame me all you like!


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
I'm late to this party but I think I might still be the only one with the one and only true and correct answer...
How can some of you men continue to cheat behind your wives?
Because it's so much easier and less complicated than cheating in front of them. Glad I could be of help. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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