"Hot teen babes - me so horny... " thread

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
langeweile said:
I do agree that even discussing these kind of things is sick, especially since I have a daughter that is 10 years old,/B]

I didn't see the thread, but there's a fundamental difference between sexually mature teens (I assume that the talk was about 16 and 17 years olds) and pre-pubescents. Try to maintain at least a degree of relevance, okay?

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Hey Shakey, even us perverted sex-for-money crowd do have standards...


New member
Aug 20, 2003
The Shake said:
I didn't see the thread, but there's a fundamental difference between sexually mature teens (I assume that the talk was about 16 and 17 years olds) and pre-pubescents. Try to maintain at least a degree of relevance, okay?

I have to agree with you 100 % . If you had seen the thread you would have seen that nowhere did anyone advocate any kind of contact with underage children , this was not even discussed.
The moderator erred on the side of caution I believe but that is his perogative.
I realize we live in a society where a simple statement can be mis interpreted.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Other world sex sites have adopted a similiar standard simply because of the problem of the media and LE. One sex site that was attacked by the media was portrayed as containing pictures of underage children. Only problem was that the children in the pictures were simply on the street in the background of the photos of bars. Not even close to child porn, but the media was able to spin it and get the LE involved in trying to get the site shut down...


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
The Shake said:
I didn't see the thread, but there's a fundamental difference between sexually mature teens (I assume that the talk was about 16 and 17 years olds) and pre-pubescents. Try to maintain at least a degree of relevance, okay?
You must not have a daughter?
While I agree there were no girls in that age group. The feelings on my daughter won't change at that age either.

I am not sure that any father would like to see his daughter or son exposed like that at any age.
I enjoy looking at porn , however that thought is always in the back of my head.
Things look different when you a father.


Mar 7, 2004
So talking about Avril's or Tara's tits is fine, but not anyone who isn't already a celebrity.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
langeweile said:
You must not have a daughter?
While I agree there were no girls in that age group. The feelings on my daughter won't change at that age either.

I am not sure that any father would like to see his daughter or son exposed like that at any age.

The old double standard, as long as it's someone else's daughter it's ok right.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
langeweile said:
I have no influence over someone elses daughter. Call it double standard ! I call it protection and love.

That's an easy out for you . You do have infuence over what you watch and who you screw , so like I said for you as long as it's not your daughter it's ok. How do you spell hypocrite.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
langeweile said:
You must not have a daughter?
What makes you say that?

While I agree there were no girls in that age group.
Then why bring your ten year old daughter into the discussion? Doing so shifts the focus of the discussion from poor taste (middle aged guys fantasizing about buxom 17 year olds) to pedophilia.

The feelings on my daughter won't change at that age either.
Fair enough.

I am not sure that any father would like to see his daughter or son exposed like that at any age.
Thankfully, fathers do not own their daughters' sexuality in our culture. I agree that the idea of old guys fantasizing about teenagers is creepy - but to a) tie it to a pedophile's attraction to a 10 year old or b) suggest that the girl turning 18 suddenly makes it morally wonderful is just silly sophistry.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
The Shake said:
What makes you say that?

Then why bring your ten year old daughter into the discussion? Doing so shifts the focus of the discussion from poor taste (middle aged guys fantasizing about buxom 17 year olds) to pedophilia.

Fair enough.

Thankfully, fathers do not own their daughters' sexuality in our culture. I agree that the idea of old guys fantasizing about teenagers is creepy - but to a) tie it to a pedophile's attraction to a 10 year old or b) suggest that the girl turning 18 suddenly makes it morally wonderful is just silly sophistry.

You are missing my point, let me try again.

If somebody wants to pose nude for pictures, it is not my place to pass judgement. Like many guys I enjoy watching them, as long as the woman or men shown are of legal age, and are doing it out of their own free will.

If those girls in the pictures, meet the above requirements I have no problem with them posing...see above.

While I don't condem their behaviour my hope is, that my daughter or sons will not choose that path. I can't imagine that any parents dream for their kids is, to become a playboy centrefold or become the next Jenna Jameson.
Maybe this is where I confused everybody. My reference to my daughter was in a more general way, and I should have left her age out. The age is really not the issue here in regards to her.
I certainly would not be happy to see my daughter naked at any website, at any age.

You are correct when you say, that fathers don't own their daughters sexuality. I would take it a step further and say, we don't own our children in any way, shape or form.
Read back. I said I hope to influence her life, not control it. In the long run you can't control your children. All you can hope for is, that you influence their behaviour and teach them to recognize right from wrong.
So they are well equiped to make the right decision, when the time comes.

And of course, if my daughter or son choose to pose nude, they will be still my children. While I might not approve of their choices i will still love and respect them.

I hope I have cleared up some points here, if not please fell free to ask.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
booboobear said:
That's an easy out for you . You do have infuence over what you watch and who you screw , so like I said for you as long as it's not your daughter it's ok. How do you spell hypocrite.
If you want to call me a hypocrite, because of that.? I guess I deserve the title and I accept it in this case. No problem here.


Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
Moderator said:
...has been deleted.

Talking about underage girls on a board related to the sex industry could garner unwanted attention from LE.

TERB vigorously opposes any underage prostitution, porn or sexual activity of any sort. Anyone found to be peddling in this type of material on TERB will be immediately banned, and their ISP notified and any information obtained forwarded on to the police.

We take this VERY seriously.

Yea let's peddle incest instead! <in case no one noticed there was a little sarcasm in there> Personally i think both are disgusting!

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Re: Re: "Hot teen babes - me so horny... " thread

diva631 said:
Yea let's peddle incest instead! <in case no one noticed there was a little sarcasm in there> Personally i think both are disgusting!
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Where do we "peddle incest"?


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
booboobear said:
That's an easy out for you . You do have infuence over what you watch and who you screw , so like I said for you as long as it's not your daughter it's ok. How do you spell hypocrite.
Hmmm, your last 2 post definetly contain all the right parts to make a valid point albeit obvious but still valid. My question is how do you spell asshat? :rolleyes:
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