"Domestic violence (closely related to domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence and intimate partner violence) is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic context, such as in marriage or cohabitation. Intimate partner violence is domestic violence against a spouse or other intimate partner. Domestic violence can take place in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. Domestic violence can take a number of forms including physical"
Interesting..the above is consistent with my definition of DV. I sorta doubt Hopes relationship with her sister and 17 year old nephew, who apparently hit her first, falls into any of the above circumstances. Why a DV charge arises out of a drunken scrap at a family get together is beyond me. Must be yet another quirky variation of a messed up legal system in the States.
I've been to a few ethnic weddings and picnics in my time where family have assembled, drank too much, then fists went flying, yet all was well again the next day.. Not so sure this is about gender inequalities rather more so about cops discovering an opportunity to stick it to a celebrity. Either way, it's not domestic violence, in the true sense of the definition...yet perhaps it remains so in a contorted legal sense. It was a family scrap. Nothing more.....but makes for a good story for media vultures...and in turn for the politically correct crowd
Interesting..the above is consistent with my definition of DV. I sorta doubt Hopes relationship with her sister and 17 year old nephew, who apparently hit her first, falls into any of the above circumstances. Why a DV charge arises out of a drunken scrap at a family get together is beyond me. Must be yet another quirky variation of a messed up legal system in the States.
I've been to a few ethnic weddings and picnics in my time where family have assembled, drank too much, then fists went flying, yet all was well again the next day.. Not so sure this is about gender inequalities rather more so about cops discovering an opportunity to stick it to a celebrity. Either way, it's not domestic violence, in the true sense of the definition...yet perhaps it remains so in a contorted legal sense. It was a family scrap. Nothing more.....but makes for a good story for media vultures...and in turn for the politically correct crowd