Hooty has new tenants


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
The barn owl family living in a semi abandoned barn at the back of the property has new tenants.
There is a quantity of hay bales on the ground floor and a mama fox appears to have found herself a safe burrow.
I don't often go back there so as not to disturb Hooty and the Purple Martins.
Cutting grass in the vicinity a few weeks ago I noticed a fox hanging around. Slowly I've spotted where she had set up house.
Now her pups are out frolicking around most days.
Great entertainment as they jump around and ambush each other.
I've shot several squirrels and dropped them off in their general proximity. They don't last long.
I won't give mama or the kits dog or pet food but have no issue deleting some of the local tree rats to their benefit.
Country life is the best.:peace:


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
Chasing my tail
I have similar surroundings where I hang my hat. Watch and enjoy! Nature at its best governs itself.


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
I have similar surroundings where I hang my hat. Watch and enjoy! Nature at its best governs itself.
It never ceases to amaze what nature will use.
An old barn that is starting a visible lean and a roof with a distinct bow that most would tear down is a habitat for so many.
Hooty and family, purple martins, doves and a flock of others. Bats in the attic. Now foxes.
Jamie, my ground hog has been missing for more than one season and I doubt her children will move in with foxes present.
Skunks are plentiful. There was family living under the foundation. I doubt a fox would try to take one but you know the pecking order in the food chain.
Who knows what else?
Along the walls wild grapes are doing their best imitation of King of the Mountain. More habitat for the winged warriors and a sweet snack in the Fall.
There is a climbing vine with Hybiscus type flowers that I have seen in previous summers attract Humming birds. I think that is part of what has brought in my new resident Baltimore.
The wild asparagus growing along the foundation has been tasty if not limited by the dry weather. Not to mention Black Raspberries later.
Give it time and nature will turn a person's eyesore into a productive low cost housing project where nothing seems to get wasted.
I could have knocked it down and had a couple thousand square feet of lawn to cut.
Oh joy.
More grass.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
Chasing my tail
It never ceases to amaze what nature will use.
An old barn that is starting a visible lean and a roof with a distinct bow that most would tear down is a habitat for so many.
Hooty and family, purple martins, doves and a flock of others. Bats in the attic. Now foxes.
Jamie, my ground hog has been missing for more than one season and I doubt her children will move in with foxes present.
Skunks are plentiful. There was family living under the foundation. I doubt a fox would try to take one but you know the pecking order in the food chain.
Who knows what else?
Along the walls wild grapes are doing their best imitation of King of the Mountain. More habitat for the winged warriors and a sweet snack in the Fall.
There is a climbing vine with Hybiscus type flowers that I have seen in previous summers attract Humming birds. I think that is part of what has brought in my new resident Baltimore.
The wild asparagus growing along the foundation has been tasty if not limited by the dry weather. Not to mention Black Raspberries later.
Give it time and nature will turn a person's eyesore into a productive low cost housing project where nothing seems to get wasted.
I could have knocked it down and had a couple thousand square feet of lawn to cut.
Oh joy.
More grass.
Knock it down?....it took 100+ yrs to get it to look this good!
I have pigeons and barn swallows now because the cattle and the barn cat keep the rodents at bay. But back in the pasture the wild turkeys have another week to avoid the spring hunters.
It's all so peacefull untill I turn on the 6:00 news..:(


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
Knock it down?....it took 100+ yrs to get it to look this good!
I have pigeons and barn swallows now because the cattle and the barn cat keep the rodents at bay. But back in the pasture the wild turkeys have another week to avoid the spring hunters.
It's all so peacefull untill I turn on the 6:00 news..:(
You are right. To the closest I can find out the barn was built around 1900.
Huge post and beam construction from trees cut on site.
She acquired a corrugated steel roof sometime in the 70s that is still weather proof and I do a little maintenance to keep the weather out.
Like a senior with some arthritis she is a bit bent over but still spry.
Hopefully she outlasts me.
There is a dove that has nested at about waist level on a cross beam in the wall. I worry for her being so low to the potential preditors. I walk by every other day and she is still there. Must be close to the hatch.
Sure the meat eaters have to make a living and doves are not endangered, but I know this one.
Yep, forgot to mention the local turkey mom. Saw her last about a week ago with her brood numbering 7.
What has been missing this year are the pheasants. Never heard the males this spring or saw even one.

I to hate the daily news reports.

Mmm..., mellow, Mmm...


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
The pergola at the back of the house is buzzing with activity.
The wysteria are in explosive bloom, the flowers looking like huge purple bunches of grapes.
The bumble bees are having a hay day, though the regular honey bees are noticeably absent.
They seem to be more interested in the dandy lions.
Good thing I don't spray for them.
The field strawberries are oh so close.


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
The skunk passed by earlier.
He must have been in some sort of confrontation lately as the smell was over whelming.
Will you never learn Philipe? Your apple slices and orange half are at the prearranged location.

corrie fan

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2014
I used to enjoy hearing the coyotes howling at night. I was outside at 3.00 AM one night and stood for a long time listening to the howling in the distance. It is a very eerie sound. Unfortunately hunters and disease have greatly reduced the coyote population in my area.


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
I used to enjoy hearing the coyotes howling at night. I was outside at 3.00 AM one night and stood for a long time listening to the howling in the distance. It is a very eerie sound. Unfortunately hunters and disease have greatly reduced the coyote population in my area.
They are quite this time of year.
Their young are starting to come out and they don't want to attract attention.
Also food is plentiful. Canada geese young are easy targets and the adults are molting, making for easy targets.
Plus all their other sources have young that are easy meals.
Life is good in Wylie Coyote world this time of year. No need to fixate on a sole Roadrunner.


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
Can't sleep. This stupid cold/flu has my sinuses packed tighter than a Terb GT deniers backside.
Sitting on the back deck watching the wildlife carry on.
Foxxy was spying on me a while ago.
Super skunk checked for his apple slices.
Mr. Mockingbird spent all day trying to tell the world his story. I guess it wasn't enough as he's carried on into the am.
Neighbours cat was scanning the grass line between lawn and field. She always seems to get her mouse. Rarely do I see her head home to the kids empty pawed.
Still nicely warm.
I don't know if there is a thunderstorm on the far side of the lake or if it's heat lightening?


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
The field strawberries are kicking it up.
Disappointing though, not very sweet, sour actually.
I'm enjoying the everbearing ones in the greenhouse much better.
I'm continuing to save them up in a freezer with intents of making a super batch of strawberry wine later in the season.
Cucumbers and tomatoes are overwhelming in the greenhouse. Peppers to, but not to the same extent.
I've been giving them away to friends and neighbours and took some to one of the local soup kitchens.
There are a number of watermelons that are starting to size up, about half way between a volleyball and softball.
Todays rain will save me an hour or more watering the outside garden everynight for the rest of the week.
The weeds have been quick to take advantage. Less than 24 hours and you can already see them starting to poke out.
If it doesn't rain much more I'll have to rototill later this week.
Fox pups keep watching me from the tree line. Probably waiting for kitchen scraps.


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
The cool and wind aren't doing the recently planted crops much good.
We were rain deficit the last number of months and it was good to get the moisture.
The evening waterings were starting to become tedious.
The weeds have already shown themselves and will require a rototilling. Give them a week and they think they're the chosen ones.
It will be a good opportunity to dress with a light fertilizing.
The sunflowers sensed the moisture right away and have shot up quickly.
The fox pups were sniffing around the backyard last night by themselves. I haven't seen mom in a bit. Hopefully nothing has happened to her.
If they start to look hungry I'll have to step in with some food. I don't want them to lose fear of people but I couldn't let them starve either.


Sep 4, 2014
The asshole neighbor bragged he shot Foxy Moma.
I now have four stitches in my right hand where my knuckles took out two teeth. Blow hard took some time to get back up.
His lawyer has called my lawyer. Yada, yada.
Now I have to play nurse maid to the pups until they are old enough to move on.
They're looking healthy and less afraid all the time. I hope they don't become targets for the next idiot.
Maybe nature will provide them the lessons and instincts they need to survive long term.
The nurse gave me a hug for my troubles.
Pics or it didn't happen.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
The asshole neighbor bragged he shot Foxy Moma.
I now have four stitches in my right hand where my knuckles took out two teeth. Blow hard took some time to get back up.
His lawyer has called my lawyer. Yada, yada.
The nurse gave me a hug for my troubles.
Are you sure?
You attacked him and caused significant physical harm, SOP is the Police investigate. You didn't mention that.
How did his lawyer get your lawyer's info in less than 5 days?
I can't imagine a nurse being that unprofessional, especially nowadays with such huge focus on inappropriate contact.

I'm sure it will all work out. Whitewaterguy and I would be happy to drop by for a beer later if that would help your mood. I like Corona, Whitewaterguy?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
I have a barn on the property where I live that has this huge bird, we think their Ospreys, sea eagles, along with countless squirls (I don't shoot squirls, they amuse me), racoons (crazy bastards), cute bunnies, deer sometimes, turkey's once, all kinds of small birds, foxes once I think, lots of nature going on.
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