Honesty with the Police


New member
Jan 11, 2002
Just wanted to ask you guys a question. How many of you have been honest with the police if you have had a run in with them and it benefited you. Whether its being pulled over for traffic violation or whatever.

The first time I was pulled over I was honest to the police officer and he let me go, no ticket, Nice guy

The second time I was pulled over I had the same mind set be honest, well it didn’t work. I was keeping the same pace with the car in front of me yet I flagged over. I have never been issued a traffic ticket or been in trouble with the law. Walks over with the radar gun and shows me the reading. Doing 67km in a 40km zone. He ask for my info and I give it to him.

Comes back and says He says he's doing me a favor, "I am reducing it to 60km in 40km your suppose to get 3 points demerit points but now your only going to get 2 points. Tells me he will show up to court. Got a $210.00 speeding ticket/no ownership. ($100 for speeding, $110 for no ownership) So I pleaded guilty to a lesser fine and speed. There goes my perfect record :( After I paid the speeding ticket I spoke to someone and this guy told me there is no 2 demerit point speeding offence, I was better off fighting the ticket

Speeding: Exceeding speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h 3 points

Speeding: Exceeding speed limit by 30 to 49 km/h 4 points

So you get pulled over a third time, this time I didn’t know what to do?? Be upfront honest? deny??, make an excuse? There was not a lot of talking this time. He caught me doing 72Km/h in 50km zone. Cop came back tells me he reduced to 65km in 50km zone so I wouldn’t lose any points, and my options are on the back. "Drive safe" set fine $42.00

So here you have 3 Police officers 2 of them the 1st and 3rd in my story were nice cool understanding cops because they respected my honesty and only 1 didn’t really care about my honesty. So you start to have doubts, second thoughts when it comes to being upfront and honesty to the police. I also understand that cops have to put up with a lot of bullshit on the job with all guns/gangs in the city etc..

What do you guys think about being honest with the police? Any care to share there stories?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
In my opinion unless, you're positive that cop made a mistake which you can easily prove to him, it's not worth arguing with him. Just be polite and get it over with for the both of you. As you've seen, many times they'll give you a break.

He's heard all the excuses in the book and is of the mindset that you're trying to scam him. He really doesn't want to hear any BS and if he thinks your trying, you're only gonna make it worse for yourself.

At that point, if you think you've got a case, you'll have a better chance with the judge.


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
youngblood...I hear what you're saying and I know exactly what you mean. For the most part cops have been great to me. I've been pulled over a number of times. First things first though, he knows I'm guilty and I know I'm guilty. At the end of the day though honesty is not the best policy in this case. The minute you admit to anything the cop HAS to charge you. So here's the typical scenario that I've had

Me: How are you today

Cop: Fine thanks, Do you know how fast you were going sir

Me (with a friendly and not smartass smile): Actually officer, I honestly don't but I'd have to assume that I'm sitting here so that means that your radar is showing that I was likely going faster than I should have been

Cop: Well you were going xxxkm/h in an xxx zone

Me: Wow, I had no idea, I was just keeping pace with the car in front of me sorry bout that

Cop: I need to see your license and registration (I always have these ready before the cop even gets to the car)

yada yada yada and it's usually 15 over no points etc

However, on Wednesday this week I was pulled over doing 90 in a 60 and the cop was one of those hard ass have something to prove guys. Was I guilty? Damn straight I was but I was actually losing ground on the guy in front of me and there was another guy hanging so close to my back bumper he would have ended up in my front seat if I had hit the brakes.

Am I fighting it? You bet...go to court, if the cop isn't there fight the case....if he is there ask for a continuance so that I can review his notes...then come back and hope he's not there again...I'll try to plead to 15 over.


Rebmem Roines
Jan 20, 2004
Harrad College
when I was younger and stupider, I was clocked 80km over on the 401 - sunny summer day, clear blue skies, road was clear, great song on the radio, windows down, feeling great ... saw someone standing on an overpass, and yup, laser check ...

got pulled-over, I didn't say a word - not one word ... later that same day, drove to the local cop shop, asked the cop on duty who the best paralegal was in the area, and this cop tells me - why not, the paralegal is an ex-cop ... so paid this paralegal big bucks, but he saved me even bigger bucks ... and got me completely cleared! ... oh yeah, I didn't even have to appear in court - he did for me, twice!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I agree with drunken master, best advice is to slow down then you wouldn't have to worry about being honest or not, cause you wouldn't get pulled over!

Either that or keep your limit to 16 over the posted speed. BTW doing 67 in a 40 is bordering on careless driving. Why do you think they have 40 kph? Because the area you are driving in (most cases) is a smaller side street, school, kids, playground etc.
and at 67 you probably wouldn't be able to avoid a kid who jumps in front of you.

speed limit 40 do no more than 45 - 50
speed limit 50 do no more than 60
speed limit 80 do no more than 95
speed limit 100 do no more than 115 - 120

Either that or avoid the 40 kph streets


I own the night
Feb 26, 2003
About 3 years ago when I was 17, me and a couple of my friends were in a parking lot hotboxing my car. A cop pulled in and parked right beside us. We panicked, and tried to hide the "stuff". He got out of his car and asked us what we were doing. We told him the truth thinking he would smell it on us anyways. He appreciated us telling him the truth and asked us how much of the "stuff" we had. We told him, and he asked if he could sit in the backseat. We let him in and he started smoking the "stuff" with us. He started telling us stories and all I can remember is we laughed a lot.

Nice guy, young, must've been in his mid 20's. I wish all cops were like that lol.


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
You do not have any hope of a positive outcome by arguing with law enforcement, so the best you can offer is a good excuse (I know I was speeding but I am trying to get to the next rest area or gas station so I can pee). If he doesnt buy it, you always have the option to fight or negotiate the ticket.

I was clocked at 140 kph in a 100 kph zone heading over to Windsor, went over a ridge right into a radar trap, pulled me over and not the lead car in the line. I gave her (female cop) the "just following with traffic" line as I handed her my license and registration. She laughed and said I should get extra points for not knowing the speed limit.

Cut me a break though, only 14 kph over the limit, so that it would not transfer back to the States or hit my insurance. Only a $55 ticket, much lighter than it would be at home.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
About 3 years ago when I was 17, me and a couple of my friends were in a parking lot hotboxing my car. A cop pulled in and parked right beside us. We panicked, and tried to hide the "stuff". He got out of his car and asked us what we were doing. We told him the truth thinking he would smell it on us anyways. He appreciated us telling him the truth and asked us how much of the "stuff" we had. We told him, and he asked if he could sit in the backseat. We let him in and he started smoking the "stuff" with us. He started telling us stories and all I can remember is we laughed a lot.

Nice guy, young, must've been in his mid 20's. I wish all cops were like that lol.
You shoulda got his badge number.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Maybe this should go over to the thread "you know your getting older when..." but I don't know if I appreciate a cop who is getting lit while on the job........

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
tboy said:
Either that or keep your limit to 16 over the posted speed. BTW doing 67 in a 40 is bordering on careless driving. Why do you think they have 40 kph? Because the area you are driving in (most cases) is a smaller side street, school, kids, playground etc.
and at 67 you probably wouldn't be able to avoid a kid who jumps in front of you.

speed limit 40 do no more than 45 - 50
speed limit 50 do no more than 60
speed limit 80 do no more than 95
speed limit 100 do no more than 115 - 120

Either that or avoid the 40 kph streets
I agree with TBOY except for one thing - even at 40 you may not be able to avoid a kid that runs out in front of you. I lost a 6 year old nephew this way and the driver wasn't even doing 40. The driver was cleared of faullt, but that doesn't make my nephew any less dead.

At the low end (50 and under) you have to be very careful about your speed and be extra vigilent. Kids think they're immortal and do a lot of stupid things without thinking.

At the higher speed zones (80+) you can be a little more generous, but it's still important to be vigilant about the stupid drivers around you.


Aug 21, 2001
at her six
Anyone know how long a speeding ticket is kept on your record? And does moving from one province to another do anything to wipe it off sooner?


Why bother being honest with the police??

Especially when they often use their own dishonesty to achieve their goals.


Addicted to Sara V.
Youngblood said:
Just wanted to ask you guys a question. How many of you have been honest with the police if you have had a run in with them and it benefited you. Whether its being pulled over for traffic violation or whatever.


What do you guys think about being honest with the police? Any care to share there stories?
Honest with the police? I don't even talk to the police without my attorney being involved. However, if you get a ridiculous speeding ticket (like the 170km/h one I got driving to HFH on the 407), your best bet is to immediately file to appear in court. At worst you'll get a plea bargain, and if you're lucky, the charges will be dropped.

Prince Albert

New member
Mar 23, 2004
*NOTE* Even 15 over (which is no points) stays on your drivers abstract for 3 years with your insurance company.
Comes off your record, but those c*nts @ insurance figure they'll milk us the extra year.
ive got 9 tickets in total, 7 on my record, 2 that have future court dates. All "Dick" tickets IMo.
1) no front licence plate
2)no change of adress within 6 days
3)no signiture on front of ownership
4)no insurance card (was coming in the mail)
5)speeding 16 over
6)speeding 15 over
7)no change of adress
8)suspended license (unpaid fines)
9)speeding 20 over
As you can see, that most of these tickets are garbage tickets, and by the way they are all in the Peel region.
I would have none of these tickets on my record if it wasnt for paralegals, i gave this one guy 4 tickets, he didnt show for any of my dates and thats how my license went under suspension, then i gave 3 tickets to another ex-cop and the moron lost all 3 in court
like c'mon how do you lose a change of adress ticket, and they say they dont stay on your record, maybe not but insurance companies consider it a minor conviction.
Oh and by the way 2 of my speeding ones came when i was dropping a girl of to a call. ( that explains why we couldve been late).
i say we start our own insurance company, i wonder how hard it would start and how much capital is needed.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
LOL I don't mean to laugh at ya paradise but that just goes to show you: you gotta keep your paperwork up to date!

Start OOFIC (our own f*ckin insurance company), it takes millions. I believe you have to have assests on hand to cover off any settlements. Like if one driver wipes out a van load of mormons on their way to church. Even though Ontario has limited the amount you can sue for, you'd still need major capital.

BTW I got OOFIC from a bunch of guys who kept getting kicked out of marinas. They formed OOFYC (our own f*ckin yacht club!) LOL

The Milk Man

Extreme Lactophyle
Aug 18, 2001

I don't know if this loop hole still works... but the next time you
get a speeding ticket and all, and proceed to pay the fine.
Always pay a few bucks more. ie. $210 ticket, pay $215

By law, the courts can't keep the extra change and will send
you a cheque for $5. We'll, when you get the cheque in the
mail DON"T CASH IT IT!... shred it, eat it or burn it. You see,
the courts can't apply the demerit points and such until all
the money business has been processed to completion.

* I believe this works for all of Ontario. Perhaps there's someone out there who has actually tried it, and can explain exactly why this loop hole works. Also, let us know if there are
any consequences to doing this.
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