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Home Lives of Sex Workers in Canada photoproject


Well-known member
I really do wish sometimes that millennials parents would stop telling them they can do anything.......not all of them can....and shouldn't. Only one of them would reach the 3 bills mark with me, and all but two would not even get a text. Weird representation of the industry.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
The Fantasy has been crushed.

Malika Fantasy

Well-known member
Oct 24, 2009
Ottawa base.
I didnt participate in the shoot...but its not because you arent attracted to someone that there is a need to bash them on what they look or "they dont deserve more than x rates" Also we have a life, we arent prim, proper and doll up all the time


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I really do wish sometimes that millennials parents would stop telling them they can do anything.......not all of them can....and shouldn't. Only one of them would reach the 3 bills mark with me, and all but two would not even get a text. Weird representation of the industry.
One of them is a much reviewed and celebrated star on TERB btw.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
A big shout out the ladies who did this project. Congrats! You guys did a wonderful job and I can't wait to see the photo project in its entirety.


Mar 29, 2018
Why do any of us need your pea brained approval? We clearly CAN be whatever we want because we all love what we do and clearly make a living doing it. No one asked you what you think these providers should be charging, no one even asked you who you would "text back"

Clearly you are cheap as fuck and are just bitter because you know how many people actually can and do pay our rates (regardless of what they are) and are just a sad little baby.

Yeah, the old dogs had it good. Cheap houses with low mortgage rates, high returns on investments, good paying jobs that didn't need an education and job security.

The young generation have it pretty good to now with the internet though. Countless opportunities out there but young people have to be smart and hard working now a days where as the older generations could be dumb, lazy and uneducated and still have a nice house, a cottage, a boat and a good amount in the bank.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I really do wish sometimes that millennials parents would stop telling them they can do anything.......not all of them can....and shouldn't. Only one of them would reach the 3 bills mark with me, and all but two would not even get a text. Weird representation of the industry.
What does this have to do with millennials? Charging 300 an hour is not uncommon and it's been around for the last 20 years. Some people would rather fuck fewer people for more money. If that model works for them more power to them. Obviously it's working as they can afford having pets and a place to live.

Just because you wouldn't book them doesn't mean they can't make a living. Different strokes for different folks as they say.


Feb 23, 2017
What does this have to do with millennials? Charging 300 an hour is not uncommon and it's been around for the last 20 years. Some people would rather fuck fewer people for more money. If that model works for them more power to them. Obviously it's working as they can afford having pets and a place to live.

Just because you wouldn't book them doesn't mean they can't make a living. Different strokes for different folks as they say.

I still don't really find the whole concept works though. I presume the idea is to show that these ladies are just like any other normal lady - similar would be showing actors walking about, shopping, etc. versus the characters you see on screen. But thinking along these lines, the shoots should have shown them doing normal activities. How many non-SP's lie around naked smoking? I can't say but I don't think too many. If it showed the ladies doing normal activities (cleaning, gardening, walking the dogs, eating at café, etc.) I think it would make the point better i.e these women are no different than others. Most of the pictures don't really do that IMO.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2016

I still don't really find the whole concept works though. I presume the idea is to show that these ladies are just like any other normal lady - similar would be showing actors walking about, shopping, etc. versus the characters you see on screen. But thinking along these lines, the shoots should have shown them doing normal activities. How many non-SP's lie around naked smoking? I can't say but I don't think too many. If it showed the ladies doing normal activities (cleaning, gardening, walking the dogs, eating at café, etc.) I think it would make the point better i.e these women are no different than others. Most of the pictures don't really do that IMO.
Shows you don’t know too many women ahha, hell unless there’s company coming over what’s the point in closes?


Feb 23, 2017
Shows you don’t know too many women ahha, hell unless there’s company coming over what’s the point in closes?
If you are looking to prove that clothes aren't needed :)!

But I asked a smoker friend yesterday about her smoking habits and she says she smokes on the balcony like most people (who live in condos). Very few people smoke indoors because they might be the only smoker in the family and/or the stench of smoke in the clothes, furniture, and drapes is bad. Obviously I don't have a large sample but I think it's a fair conclusion that the majority of people don't strut around naked and smoke, even strutting around naked is not very common.

I'm assuming the objective of this is to humanize SP's in some way. If you are looking to show that sex workers are no different than non-SW's, I think you want to show them as "normal". Show an SP sitting on a couch reading a well-known book. Show an SP flipping through Netflix. Show the ladies playing with the dogs in the backyard.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Yeah, the old dogs had it good. Cheap houses with low mortgage rates, high returns on investments, good paying jobs that didn't need an education and job security.

The young generation have it pretty good to now with the internet though. Countless opportunities out there but young people have to be smart and hard working now a days where as the older generations could be dumb, lazy and uneducated and still have a nice house, a cottage, a boat and a good amount in the bank.
LOL. The old dogs had mortgages at 10-15%. In the past 15 years, a typical mortgage is about 3%. Only in the past 6-7 years have real estate prices really shot up. So if someone missed the boat, too bad. But at least the mortgage now are very low.

One reason why old generations seem to have more is because they also they don't go around buying the latest iphone every year, going on annual trips to Mexican resorts, eating out and drinking Starbucks all day. Buying a car was getting an American family sedan which wasn't glamourous, but it was cheap, ugly, but got the job done.

As a kid, most of us growing up MAY have had an annual trip. But that was more like camping or taking a road trip to Montreal or Ottawa. And if your parents had cash, a trip to Florida for Disney World. Hardly any of the old generation took trips every year when they were young. But somehow every 20-30 year old now MUST blow their wad going to Aruba or the Carribean. And some of them twice a year. No wonder you're broke.

Millennials prefer to spend the money they earn buying tons of shit and itching to buy that BMW 3-series car asap. A car they can't afford (yet), but they still got have it and buy it despite crazy car and insurance payments.

Older generation were more about saving, living more modestly and banking money for a rainy day.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Get off my lawn!!


Well-known member
Why do any of us need your pea brained approval? We clearly CAN be whatever we want because we all love what we do and clearly make a living doing it. No one asked you what you think these providers should be charging, no one even asked you who you would "text back"

Clearly you are cheap as fuck and are just bitter because you know how many people actually can and do pay our rates (regardless of what they are) and are just a sad little baby.

I'm not gonna spend too much time on this so here goes

1.I mentioned nothing about approval. You don't care about mine and I don't care about yours
2.It's a community board and it was a simple opinion. Many people have them. No one has to ask me anything. I certainly don't answer to you.
3.I state "3 bills" and that makes me cheap as fuck?. No that makes me market savvy. If someone finds those pics "fantasy worthy" they can have at it. No competition here.
4.I'm actually quite a happy chap. Not bitter or babyish in anyway.....I would be if I made infantile insults part of my rebuttal though(Points)
5.I spent too much time on this.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Interesting it is only the last three photographs which show women anything like those I've seen.

Yeah, not a representable showing of the gals I see. From that list I've only seen Ryan Lagosee, which says a lot about her character and service considering I generally avoid tattoo'd and alternative ladies.
I tend to see ladies who look like the blonde in the 7th pic: girls akin to everyday women I see and associate with in civilian life.

My theory is that alternative ladies are overrepresented in the shoot because they are more willing, in general, to expose their profession publicly.


Feb 23, 2017
Yeah, not a representable showing of the gals I see. From that list I've only seen Ryan Lagosee, which says a lot about her character and service considering I generally avoid tattoo'd and alternative ladies.
I tend to see ladies who look like the blonde in the 7th pic: girls akin to everyday women I see and associate with in civilian life.

My theory is that alternative ladies are overrepresented in the shoot because they are more willing, in general, to expose their profession publicly.
I'm confused why you say this is not a fair representation. Just because you have a certain type and the majority of those photographed don't fit that type, doesn't mean anything. I would argue it's maybe more of a representation so you see different types of SW's, not just the DDG models or GND's college types that many guys flock to.

The same could be said about Hollywood. There are plenty of actors/actresses that are amazing and popular but aren't generally making the 50 most beautiful people lists. Does that mean they aren't apart of Hollywood?


New member
Dec 24, 2017
Dawn I think you’re onto something. I would love a female perspective on your observations.
What I’m going to say is purely anecdotal.
I don’t think any of the woman pictured are what they had in mind to portray a hooker in the movie “Pretty Woman”
I do recognize some of the woman pictured and the one that I’m really fascinated with Jane.
Following her online, in my opinion she’s built an incredible brand.
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