Allegra Escorts Collective

Hobbies to get out of the house?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What kind of hobbies do you guys have to get out of the house?
I am looking for ideas.

-Has to be year round.
-Can't be too organized. "Why is your hockey game at 2pm on Saturday this week when it was at 11am on Sunday last week"? doesn't work. I need to be able to kinda just leave if I want to.
-Can't be the gym or the pool, since I have both in my building.
-Obviously I need to enjoy it, because I do want this to be a real thing that I can partake in, but also use it as a way to just get out of the house when I need to.

An old girlfriend of mine had a friend, "Jody", who she would "see" when she needed to get out of the house.
I will work on creating a "friend", but he can't just appear!

What do you guys do?
Thanks for your ideas!
Stamp collecting, board wargames league, militaria collecting group.

Those are boring, nerdy hobbies that NO self respecting woman will ask about. You can invent a group of nerdy, middle aged guy friends who introduce you to games which "simulate" Napoleon invading Austria or Rommel invading Egypt. Spend a few bucks on some old board wargames. Take them out and spread them on the kitchen table once in a while and look as if you're puzzling over the fine points in the voluminous, tedious rulebooks.

Then "Jim and Bill" ring up and say they've set up a special game about the Lesser Grand Franco-Estonian War of 1752 for Friday night and bingo!..... you're gold!


Active member
Oct 19, 2004
Photography and hiking are good options.

Edit: Going to the sauna in the men's change room at the local gym is also a good excuse.

eddie kerr

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
Photography and hiking are good options.

Edit: Going to the sauna in the men's change room at the local gym is also a good excuse.
[/QUOTE. As an 80 year old, I have many limitations, can't play tennis or go curling, (rotator cuff issues). Luckily, I can and do play golf 1-2 times a week, but can't walk a course, (osteo arthritis, lower back). Problem with golf even if you are a member of a private club, it is very difficult to get tee times and public golfers have a horrible time. I hate going for walks just for the sake of walking, must have a purpose and bigger problem is ALL my male friends used to go to pubs on a daily basis,but I can't find them anymore. My one saviour while at home in my condo is playing online poker 4 - 6 hours a day and actually making $. Lastly, can't visit my son and his family in Europe. Thank GOD for good wine. LOL.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts