Hoarders - TV Show

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Has anyone ever seen this show?

It's on AnE and profiles "hoarders". People who are completely over the top in that they never throw ANYTHING out.

It's like you can't stop watching. It's Trainwreck TV at its best. Completely and utterly out of fucking control pig styes.

One woman, 52 years old, house is packed to the rafters with junk. Her entire life is coming apart at the seams. They try to bring in a crew to clean up and she starts out saying just throw it out, but of course, as the show goes on, she loses it and can't throw out fuck all.


Then there's this other guy who's about 400 pounds of pack rat who is literally living in a garbage dump. Human shit 2' deep in the bathroom so bad that the cleaning crew is wearing masks and using shovels.


Has anyone ever seen this show?

It's on AnE and profiles "hoarders". People who are completely over the top in that they never throw ANYTHING out.

It's like you can't stop watching. It's Trainwreck TV at its best. Completely and utterly out of fucking control pig styes.

One woman, 52 years old, house is packed to the rafters with junk. Her entire life is coming apart at the seams. They try to bring in a crew to clean up and she starts out saying just throw it out, but of course, as the show goes on, she loses it and can't throw out fuck all.


Then there's this other guy who's about 400 pounds of pack rat who is literally living in a garbage dump. Human shit 2' deep in the bathroom so bad that the cleaning crew is wearing masks and using shovels.
Im totally addicted! You're right, you cant stop watching. Its like Intervention and Obsessed super-sized.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Saw a similar show years ago.

It showed people who hoard particular items.

This one guy had almost everything on Earth with Farrah-Fawcett or Charlies Angels on it, even a Charlies Angels pinball machine. It was creeping me out.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
You're watching it and you're thinking, "just get a bobcat in there and clean the fucking place up"


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
My Aunt was a hoarder.When she died 4 years ago I was the Executor of the will.When I went through the house I found eneormous amounts of stockpiles of food, laundry soap,newspapers Shopping Home Network junk 4 and 5 of the same item etc. Clothesd upon clothes still with tags on 5 fur coats NEVER worn including a sable and 2 minks!!!!

Food in the freezer I kid you not 40 plus years old!!!!!!!!! Remember NEW TORONTO? Frozen fish from a place in New Toronto

I was told by a Therapist that many people who came through the war my Aunt was from London were compulsive HOARDERS because of lack of items during the war food the main one they didnt realize what they were doing but HAD to have it.

It was really a shame to see and a bigger shame to throw ,most of it out as it was stale dated.


Diva of Double D's
Nov 2, 2008
I LOVE THIS SHOW! Did you see the one with the woman that hoarded food? She had rotting pumpkins all over the place, and her motto was "if it's not puffy in a package, it's still good". Some of that food was years expired but still good in her opinion.

The thing that bothers me is that they say "there's a team coming that can clean out the house in two days". Hoarding is an illness. They need more than two days to clean out the houses. I think it should be at least a week.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field

I was told by a Therapist that many people who came through the war my Aunt was from London were compulsive HOARDERS because of lack of items during the war food the main one they didnt realize what they were doing but HAD to have it.

Yup, heard of and know people who are like that.

To be honest my parents had a chest freezer in the basement that conked out and they had to (finally) clean it out: in the bottom were half a dozen steaks 20 yrs old........


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
The most disturbing one so far was the lady with the cats everywhere... alive and dead.

I believe there were 200+ cats throughout her home. She couldn't take care of them all and yet couldn't say no.

Where in the hell were her family, social services and animal protection?

Just amazing (most would say sick) that someone could do this. To suggest she had a mental disorder is an understatement.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I think I saw that one on the news. Supposedly there was cat feces 6" thick everywhere and the neighbours complained about the smell for months and the authorities didn't do anything about it......


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I think that Hoarders is a very important show. many of my friends just think that these people are pigs or lazy, but they are sick. It is a real illness. I happen to know someone very close to me that i feel is a boarder line hoarder and it is sad because most will not admit that they have a problem until they are faced with an eviction or social services removing their children.
The last ep was probably the most extreme that I have seen. The young guy who's dad was an alcoholic was very sad, but he realized that it was going too far and seeked help, but the couple with the excessive cats made me soooo mad. i understand that originally it started out as a kind deed, but it was so out of control. I believe by the end of cleanup, over 90 cats and kittens were found, unfortunetly 51 of them were dead and 16 more had to be euthenized. I am appalled that the couple were allowed to keep 6 animals after that. All that was required was to have their home cleaned. They need councelling as well. If they wanted to help animals they should volunteer their time at a shelter and not be permitted to keep animals at their home until a reasonable amount of time has passed and they can prove that they can upkeep their home and their addiction to hoarding. that episode broke my heart.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I have 2 friends that I would describe as pack rats, not near what you see in the show, but definitely either on the road to, or signs of.

They are sisters and they have allot of junk in their place. ALLOT of junk and they buy more all the time. Their living room and dining room is open, but it's hard to walk in the bedrooms and the basement is almost impossible.


I put an outdoor electrical recepticle in for them one time. I bought a steel cover plate, but it was missing one screw, so I told the one to go to HD to buy just a cheap plastic cover plate so I could use the 2 short screws. I then threw out the plastic cover plate because it was useless without screws and all of their recepticles were the conventional type and this was a square one. Well, that 29 cent plate got fished out of the garbage and added to the junk pile.

One other time, I showed up at their house and they had all these wood doors in the garage. I asked, "where are these doors from?" since they were not their wood doors (which were very nice). Turns out they had seen them at a garage sale and bought them. They didn't need them, nor did they even fit, but they liked the way they looked.

Boarderline, very boarderline.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
To be honest I see a bit of myself on that show...I have tons of electronics, CD's, DVD's. Yeah some doubles and triples....:eek: It's a little scary when I watch it.

When is obsessed on?
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