Hmmm...maybe THIS explains the reluctance of Canadian men to meet and greet women...

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
MLAM's persona on Terb strikes me as the stereotypical black guy who loves to brag about how many white women he's doing at the moment. He comes on an escort review board and mocks others who spend money on SPs while claiming never to see them, because he can get enough white pussy for free, and at the same time, he sticks it to the white man, by getting "amusement" from other people sharing stories and asking for advice. Am I right, MLAM, or am I right? Maybe there's a review board on the South Side calling your name right now!


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
MLAM said: much from sharing.

I guess this means my decision to decline the TERB party invite that was extended to me was the correct one, huh? Or would that have been my opportunity to become a part of the "community"?

BTW - I "contribute"...just because my reviews aren't used for masturbation doesn't mean they don't have value. And...just because most of the people who like to troll the Lounge probably would feel out of place in the political thread doesn't mean my contributions aren't or worth their as well.

But...I am glad to know I have given you reason to formulate an opinion about me. My mission in life is complete, even if I don't particular care about the result.

Too bad I don't care enough to be able to share the experience with you.
You asked a question and I tried to answer it. If you didn't care why did you ask?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I never said...

Captain Fantastic said:
Seriously, here's a question: If you really don't like what TERB is ultimately all about and dislike the people and content so much, why do you continue to visit?
...I dislike what TERB is all about. I'm here, aren't I?

I dislike the people who are "dislikeable". Many aren't. I've met a few IRL, have "online" rapport with others.

I don't dislike the content as a whole either...I just dislike misogyny, and since I have a voice, I point it out when I see it, along with U.S. bashing, and stupidity in general.

That said, it is true I often go out of my way to be "dislikeable". Never denied it, and have explained my reasons why.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Your post...

Plan B said:
MLAM's persona on Terb strikes me as the stereotypical black guy who loves to brag about how many white women he's doing at the moment. He comes on an escort review board and mocks others who spend money on SPs while claiming never to see them, because he can get enough white pussy for free, and at the same time, he sticks it to the white man, by getting "amusement" from other people sharing stories and asking for advice. Am I right, MLAM, or am I right? Maybe there's a review board on the South Side calling your name right now!

..strikes me as a stereotypical white guy who likes to stereotype people he doesn't know because he is most comfortable placing people inside of boxes that fit his assumptions about them, more than likely due to his latent feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, derived from media driven stereotypes. And yes, I used the word "stereotype" in a sentence three times to mock you.

If you didn't know I was Black, would your assertion still apply? Or would I be the guy sharing details of his dating life and frustrations with women like many guys here? What separates me from A1 Player (in the context of your post - not in regards to the other shit I like to disturb) for example, save for our writing styles?

Seems to me you are more concerned about the race of the women I sleep with and my own than I am....stereotypical white guy who can't get enough white pussy for free so you have to tear down the black man who can....:p

(and yes, for those of you who barely made it into the triple digits when God was handing out IQs...that last paragraph was totally tongue in cheek and not meant to be taken seriously...)


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
It was...

baci2004 said:
You asked a question and I tried to answer it. If you didn't care why did you ask?

...a rhetorical question. My apologies for not making that more clear.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
More like...

Keebler Elf said:
MLAM is just trolling for attention.

...amusement, but yeah, very close cousins in this instance.

Thanks for contributing to the cause.


is Rebecca Richardson
May 9, 2007

Okay, can someone explain to me why Canadians using social networking sites (Facebook mostly I'm assuming) has to do with men being reluctant to approach women? That doesn't make much (okay any) sense to me.

MLAM I don't fully know why you're this board (having spoken to you I doubt you initially intended the contempt you've exuded) but I'm glad you're here, you've kept things interesting. And hostile. How did a discussio on an article turn into a personal attack? So much for every being adults, c'mon now guys, that's embarassing.

Issue? Take it up with me tomorrow night ;)


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Hiding said:

Okay, can someone explain to me why Canadians using social networking sites (Facebook mostly I'm assuming) has to do with men being reluctant to approach women? That doesn't make much (okay any) sense to me.

MLAM I don't fully know why you're this board (having spoken to you I doubt you initially intended the contempt you've exuded) but I'm glad you're here, you've kept things interesting. And hostile. How did a discussio on an article turn into a personal attack? So much for every being adults, c'mon now guys, that's embarassing.

Issue? Take it up with me tomorrow night ;)
i blame harper (and GWB)


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
It was....

Hiding said:

Okay, can someone explain to me why Canadians using social networking sites (Facebook mostly I'm assuming) has to do with men being reluctant to approach women? That doesn't make much (okay any) sense to me.
...a reference to a previous thread where Miss Maya Blue said she doesn't get approached (often) by guys, which was followed by the usual female bashing that its because all women are shews, which was followed by my usual response that this hasn't been my experience (case in point). It was my tongue in cheek way of saying "hey...well maybe this explains what Maya has been experiencing and other women have told me is the case here in Toronto"

Hiding said:
MLAM I don't fully know why you're this board (having spoken to you I doubt you initially intended the contempt you've exuded)
It entertains me. I'm not all that different from many others who post regularly, but seldom (if ever) reviews. That is something else that tickles me - the accusations of "you don't contribute". I HAVE about a dozen reviews on this board...more than some other regular contributors. But other people aren't taken to task for this.

Really - this is the only message board I have found where I can say what I actually think without repercussion. I've been banned twice in...what...5 years? And one of those times I all but asked for it. Really, I am not sure WHAT you have to do to get banned (I know it happens), but clearly it isn't just speaking your mind, and I like that.

Regarding contempt - I have contempt for some, people, primarily the misogynist, and others who spew vile anti women hatred. And - and you probably know this - I've received many PMs from the women of this board cheering me on for saying what they can't else it potentially hurt business.

The Canadian / American stuff? Just giving as good as I get. The difference is, Americans bashing is so ingrained as part of Canadian culture that people don't even notice when they are doing it, or notice when others are as well. And when it is done, rarely (though occasionally) are people called on it. So - I return fire. Maybe because I feel it is warranted, or maybe I have some fantasy that people will think "oh..THAT is how I sound" and will change their behavior.

Nah...that isn't it. It is because I just like to shit disturb, and that is a good way to do it. Fair is fair.

Hiding said:
but I'm glad you're here, you've kept things interesting.
Thank you. I try.

Hiding said:
And hostile.
90% of the time that is HONESTLY not my intent. It is just that apparently people aren't used taking it...just dishing it out. They toss an insult...not expecting one to come back. Case in point...this thread. I posted something, made a quip in reference to another thread...suddenly my mom is the topic for discussion. Fair enough....its on.

Or...another thread. Someone makes a barely veiled racist smear, I call them on it, they start with characterizations of me, so I return fire...except I am pretty sure mine were a lot more accurate than his. That started off as me simply pointing out that what this person was espousing was an untrue slipper slope stereotype...and somehow that made me a sympathizer with "thugs" and all my friends "brothers" and "boys". So - in the course of actually finding the academic research that proved my point to counter his reference to an article in the student newspaper at a Tier 3 university that I am actually familiar with it, yes, I called him out via a fairly accurate characterization that, yes, was intended to humiliate him. It didn't have to be that way...but, he tossed an insult. Apparently he wasn't expecting any back.

Hiding said:
How did a discussio on an article turn into a personal attack?
It was SUPPOSED to be a poke in the ribs...which you will note was not directed at anyone in particular...expected to garner a poke in the ribs in return. As you got mom, I'm gay, etc. None of which actually bothers is just fascinating (to me anyway) that people want to start shit like that, but I'm the bad guy.

Hiding said:
Issue? Take it up with me tomorrow night

Are we still having that conversation? Did you come up with something more....persuasive?? :D I thought it was settled, but if you wanna up the stakes and payoff, I'm game...
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