Hillary Clinton must prepare for right-wing attacks


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America

You know the hate attacks/campaigns are coming.
Hillary-haters are licking their chops, as our own lil-blue Hillary-hater pops, will readily attest to! ;)
After all it's the way of weasel. The way of the sick neo-fascists, trained and tutored by Rove, Limbaugh and funded by the Richard Mellon Scaife's, et al.
Watch for these hate filled weasels to scurry from their weasel dens shortly.


By DOUGLAS TURNER WASHINGTON - Yes, Tim Russert, there absolutely was a "vast right-wing conspiracy" against Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton. In her 2000 Senate debate, Hillary wisely finessed the NBC newsman's question.

There was indeed a huge campaign financed by sick neo-fascists to vilify the Clintons, hobble his presidency and make their lives as miserable as possible.

There was no good outcome of this effort joined in by powerful House Republicans, past and present. It preoccupied the executive branch when al-Qaida was launching its march toward mass murder. Worse, it made George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney appear intelligent, prudent and high-minded.

Some right-wing attacks exploited in the 1990s have played out. Yet remnants of the old right-wing conspiracy are licking their chops at the prospect of Sen. Clinton making a run for the presidency.

For those at the bottom of that food chain, her nascent campaign offers haters the prospect of money, lots of space in Rupert Murdoch's publications and air time on Fox outlets and radio chains owned by the ultra-right.

Voters can expect the right to push dependable hot buttons like open homosexuality in the military, gay marriage and abortion rights, in hope of reviving the White House-directed link with evangelicals that saved President Bush and his war in 2004.

The big contributors who will most savagely attack Sen. Clinton are not really worried about sex or reproductive issues. What they are really afraid of is that, as president, Clinton may actually do things that will cost them money:

Like extend health insurance for all Americans, return more police to the streets, increase funding for day care and for veterans health, restore journalistic integrity to the Public Broadcasting Service and guarantee the security of Israel.

They fear she may put teeth back into the National Labor Relations Board and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and end the monopolistic practices of the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.

In short, fat-cat Hillary-haters are worried that she may turn out to be a real Democrat, a decisive, patriotic one like President Harry S. Truman.

Like all serious presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton will have to be long on generalities. No successful hopeful ever let the opposition accurately describe him (now, her).

To that end, she has had to fudge on the only mistake of her Senate career - voting to let Bush invade Iraq. She could underscore that error by making former Democratic chairman Terry McAuliffe, who strongly supported a war resolution in 2002, her national chairman.

To blunt her reputation as a hard-driving ideologue, she has co-sponsored Senate bills with the widest spectrum of Republicans, including Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, Sam Brownback of Kansas, Trent Lott of Mississippi and Mike DeWine of Ohio.

Virtually unmentioned is the prospect of another "co-presidency" involving the senator and her husband. Undetermined was who wore the pants in the first two terms, and who will wear them if she is inaugurated in 2009.

In an essay titled, "A Flawed Co-Presidency," Duke University historian William H. Chafee blamed Hillary for some of the Clintons' legislative and political failures:

"In part, it was Hillary's obstinacy, her single-minded purposiveness, her reluctance to listen to others or be flexible at moments of potential compromise."

Irrespective of the unfairness of the earlier attacks, she has a real history no other candidate has. Perhaps the toughest balancing job she faces is how to become more accessible, and more popular, than she has been without baring her back to paid hatchetmen.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Hmm... I might actually see a POTUS down there that I can tolerate ..whether R or D if the 2 front runners for each party hold (R - McCain, Guliani) or (D - Clinton, Obama)


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Whatever happened to Ross Perot?

I kinda liked Steve Forbes with his flat tax initiative.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Since I'm not an American by birth, heck not even a citizen and don't live there I must respectfully decline to accept the position.

While I know that I could have a great time as POTUS there must be someone else you could pick so please could all the American TERB members stop sending me PM's asking for my help.

As you were.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
so let me get this straight

hillery is not running but is

Laddie is running but can't and DQ is stuck in Cleveland.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
if elected I promise to do nothing, dismiss crongress, reduce taxes and elimate the debt.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
DonQuixote said:
How can you 'do nothing' and do all that at the same time?
You're better than both Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich together.
Simple I would sell the seanate and congress back to the people who paid for them in the first place.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
DonQuixote said:
Is that a promise?

We seem to keep paying and paying and paying
but never get anything from the bargain.

It'd be nice to own something for the money spent
for a change.
Like I say sell them back to the people who bought and paid for them before the elections


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Papa if you get to be POTUS I've got a trade to suggest. You give us $.35 and a nice beachfront property in Arizona after California falls into the ocean and we will give you qwebec and the name of the second shooter who splooged on the blue dress.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
DonQuixote said:
That's as clear as it gets.
Not a lot to choose from.

If elected I promise to return
Texas to Mexaco [er, Mexico].

Caught that spelling nazi correction did you. Sometimes I amaze even myself, which is hard to do.

I'm not worried about being outed as a TERB ite as POTUS as I would amend your strip club and prostitution laws ,reduce taxes, stop pork barrel appropriations, reduce foreign aid and take as much oil as was needed from iraqastan to pay the costs of the latest overseas adventure. Then I would make france pay back their WW2 debts or wipe them out just for kicks.

I think that platform pretty much would appeal to most people.

Papa can be pres, I'll be the VP.

He should just be careful is all I'll say. Whats the line " just a heartbeat", I'll get him a froggy limo driver.:D


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
LancsLad said:
Papa if you get to be POTUS I've got a trade to suggest. You give us $.35 and a nice beachfront property in Arizona after California falls into the ocean and we will give you qwebec and the name of the second shooter who splooged on the blue dress.

You keep Quebec and take Celine back. We get both sides of the falls and all the strip clubs within


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
DonQuixote said:
We should also negotiate for TO to be a trade free
enterprise zone accessable to Americans. After we
retake our former colony, Cuba, we'll negotiate a
partition of the isle.

Isn't nation rebuilding better than nation building?

Mexico is too much of a political/crminal mess to
deal with right now.

Cuba is high on my list to set up once again as a tax free zone for the US. Mexico has alot to offer as does most of North America. But we need not colonize. We can have open enrollment to join the US.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
LancsLad said:
I'm not worried about being outed as a TERB ite as POTUS as I would amend your strip club and prostitution laws ,reduce taxes, stop pork barrel appropriations.....
You better worry more about the bible thumpers!
Did you forget Larry Flint tried to do that.
Larry just got the RR (Religious-Right, the American version of the Taliban) in a lather! The end result, the RR hired a gun to 'Wack' Larry Flint and ended up leaving poor Larry Flint a cripple........:eek:


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
WoodPeckr said:
(Religious-Right, the American version of the Taliban) in a lather! The end result, the RR hired a gun to 'Wack' Larry Flint and ended up leaving poor Larry Flint a cripple........:eek:
You should go back to cut and paste. You sound like you are yelling the sky is falling on this one. You sure you didn't fall from your tree in the last storm???


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Not worried about the religous right. They will like me due to my stick it to the iraqastanis policy, lower taxes and piss on france approach. As we all know behind closed doors a lot of those RR guys would secretly love to join something like TERB. Hell I'm willing to be that 5 to 10% of the "ministers" of the far right are getting something from some congregant every day.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
Depends on the rightie.

For example, we know el Rushblo is a sex tourist who hobbies in the DR.

Sean Hannity however, totally disgusted me with his holier-than-thou reaction when they had Nevada hookers on their show.

Some righties are libertarians, and support legalization or decrim of our hobby.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
DonQuixote said:
Ministers and politicians. Two of a kind.
Talk the talk, but not walk the walk.

You'd have to reintroduce the draft to
do your military thing. We've had it with
that macho mentality.

As for France, we've got bigger problems
than them. South America is becoming
a major problem with their left-leaning
presidents. China and OPEC are a really
scarry scenarion.

I still don't understand why you'd want
the job.

Think it would be a great job. hard as it may be to believe but I can be very vengeful at times. What better weapon of payback that being CiC of the US Military.

draft eh, like the cut of your jib son, care for Sec of Defence. We can bring in Colin Powell again. Seriously draft is not an option but I really believe that the US could use the military they have more effectively. Let them truly cut loose with the equipment they have and let them know that "nudge nudge" get the job done as you see fit.

I know france is not a problem. We can just let the guys take them out for kicks as a reward for a job well done. Who would care???
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