Exxon, by itself is not manipulating the world wide oil futures market.....that is more correctly OPEC's function. OPEC has meetings on it, then posts the results of these meetings all the time. You're saying you never heard of these OPEC meetings or deny they happen???? Opec openly claims they use oil quota's to regulate [manipulate] the worlds price of oil. In fact OPEC just had a recent meeting where they said oil production was to be cut 1 million barrels a day to shore up [manipulate] the world oil price.
Oil interests never lose money even 10 years ago.
They just didn't make as much as they planned on making !.
It's called 'creative accounting', done all the time. For instance they plan on making say, $800 million in a given year but end up making only $400 million. So instead of saying they profited $400 million, they claim they lost $400 million that year and as a result of this 'loss' they have to double the price of their product to make up for this 'paper loss'. Neat scam ehhh!
MARKET MANIPULATION will also come into play and be highlighted in the upcoming Enron trial/circus where MARKET MANIPULATION was one of the 'business strategies' of Kenny Boy, as Dubya used to refer to him, and the other crooks of that utterly corrupt Texas outfit.
Do you happen to recall those Enron audio-tapes that were played on manys News stations and TV News that showed Enron officials openly laughing and joking about how they were going to make a 'killing' off those 'contrived rolling brownouts and blackouts' they manufactured and sent throughout California etc ??? Then these Enron officials laughed and joked as their customers called in to complain about skyrocketing energy prices that were all phony and created by Enron from the start to manipulate energy costs through the roof!
Ahh yes MARKET MANIPULATION is just one of the benefits of Deregulation.
We are supposed to believe the market will correct all and we don't have to regulate these people/businesses because they are all run by 'honest' people now.
Well if you believe that one, I got a great tip for you on some hot Enron, Tyco and Delphi stock, put all your money on it, you can't loose.........
Time to bring back Regulation. As For Kenny Boy et al., I prefer the Chinese solution for corruption for them....'a single bullet to the back of the head'! These vermin don't even deserve prison housing of 3 squares & a cot, at taxpayers expense.
Hell, we've been letting OPEC do
Texas' manipulating for years !!!