High mileage girls @ nikki's


New member
Feb 3, 2002
Is there any decent high mileage girls out @ nikki's. you can pm with names please


High mileage is what you have to put on your car to get there!

After reading favorable reviews of this place late last year, I made several field trips from here in Hamilton. First of all, the place was brutal to find. It's out in the middle of nowhere and it's kind of a scary drive when you're alone. As for the mileage? Well, the girls I met were all talk and no action. Don't get me wrong ... some of them were pretty good looking (most weren't), but I used to regularly visit the Fan in Toronto when I lived there. High mileage in my books is not a lap dance or copping a feel if you know what I mean. Even the much-hyped Cinnamon was a big disappointment. Still, if you're gonna make the trip, let us know how you fare.

Good luck,



Mar 23, 2002
If you meet up with Jolene count yourself blessed
I first met this girl in london, had a wonderful high mileage first time experience, went back for seconds but she wasn't working shes the one who told me about nikkis
I met her there and got shown the time of my life
I went back six months later and was told she had been banned as she was only 16.
Needless to say shes back now and legal.
straight hair, I've seen it natural brunette and dyed blonde.
petite gymnast hardbody is a good desciption.
what an ass!
word is shes had some work done now to enhance her already wonderful charms.
As you can see she stuck in my mind, but don't worry there is usually good high mileage talent there as well as a few local not so talented ladies, dont go early.


New member
Mar 12, 2002
Had the pleasure of meeting Jolene this evening. Definite hardbody and worth the drive. As far as high mileage? Not so much, but an amazing experience nonetheless!

Ted E Bare

New member
Feb 27, 2002
Is this the Nikki's out in Gobels?
on Hwy 2 between Paris and Woodstock?

I used to pop in there...but could not believe strippers could be that ugly or nasty and stopped..lol...let me know if its any better now


Elusive Member
Ted E ...

Actually, I think the address is listed as Princeton. But yes it's basically on the 2 between Paris and Woodstock. I visited several times late in 2001. They seemed to have a pretty good mix of girls at the time. Certainly some lookers could be found. However, I was there looking for one girl in particular - Cinammon.

I only play the SC game once or twice a year simply because I find it to be a really fast and wholly unsatisfying way to spend my money. Still, when I suspect there's some mileage to be found, my interest is stirred. I'm a former Fantasia regular ... we're all on the lookout for a return to the good times.



New member
Sep 1, 2001
i was at nikki's on sunday night there was prolly 25 girls there about 15 or so were young college age girls and pretty good looking there was also about 5 black girls who all seemed little plder and the rest were overwieght old hags.can't comment on milage as i did not get any dances.
on a sad note the beer was 4.50 a bottle seemed pretty expensive for me.
on an even worse note i had an air compressor stolen from the back of my pickup truck by some piece of shit.

if anyone else was there between 11:30 and
1:30 on sunday night and happened to see someone loading something into the back of a truck i would be very interested to hear what about it


New member
Sep 1, 2001
i forgot to mention of the girls i talked to they say they were coming from toronto hamilton and london i don't know exactly why they would drive that far.

just thought i would throw that in in case someone had any theories on the matter.


Elusive Member
All the world's a stage (so why dance in your own backyard?)

Actually amun99, I had a conversation with Cinammon when I was there late last year that touched on this exact subject. Indeed a lot of the girls drive in from Hamilton, Mississauga, London, Windsor and even Ottawa and Montreal. Seems as though they only use freelancers at Nikkis. No one is a staffer from what I understand. But I guess the money's pretty good if you're a hustler (and a lot of them are - I've never had so many tongues shoved into my ear!) and the girls will come in, work a few key days and then head back home with a wad of cash. Plus, if you think about it, who the hell would actually be local dancing at this place? There's nothing around for miles. And finally, I find that's it's pretty rare to find any dancer at a club that's actually a homegrown lass. I guess there's just no fun standing up on stage and looking down at your grade five teacher, or your dad's boss or your the man who baptised you.

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