Hey asshole! Pick up your dog shit!!!!


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2021
Here's a funny story...at a family gathering a few years back, one of my cousin brought his dog to show off. kids love the dog but my cousin is a bit of a douche and I knew he isn't a good dog owner...(iresponsible)..the other cousin who owns the house doesn't get a long with my "douche" cousin...then at the end of the party as we were cleaning up my cousin who owns the house found dog poop on his lawn...like a big pile (big dog)...my douche cousin was gone home...so he called him, told him to go back and get the pile of poop of his dog...he said he's already home...my cousin told him, i'm going to kick your dog when nobody's looking...i'm not going to say when or where or whatever but it is coming...he told him, he's going to his house when he's not home and kick the dog...lol...so he better bring his dog anywhere he goes from now on......lol my douche cousin came back and pick the poop up...and my other cousin told him, he's still kicking the dog and he wouldn't know about it...lol...
I don’t think abusing the dog is the answer !
Sounds to me like 2 douchebag cousins


Well-known member
May 7, 2019
Where I live downtown there is dog shit every few hundred yards on the side walk when I go out for morning walks in that area. Queen West is close by and that's can be pretty bad early in the morning. I had relatives visit from the UK and they used to come every year or 2 for the last 15 years and they always commented on the amount of dog shit Toronto has on it's streets.

I should carry some of the dog shit gloves and bags and if I ever catch someone not cleaning up after their dog I should pick it up and throw in down the back of their shirt/jacket or smear it on their back. That will make them think twice about not picking up their shit in the future!
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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2021
Where I live downtown there is dog shit every few hundred yards on the side walk when I go out for morning walks in that area. Queen West is close by and that's can be pretty bad early in the morning. I had relatives visit from the UK and they used to come every year or 2 for the last 15 years and they always commented on the amount of dog shit Toronto has on it's streets.

I should carry some of the dog shit gloves and bags and if I ever catch someone not cleaning up after their dog I should pick it up and throw in down the back of their shirt/jacket or smear it on their back. That will make them think twice about not picking up their shit in the future!
This action may also get you arrested for assault


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
This action may also get you arrested for assault

But if someone puts out a call to old people who can't sleep past 4-5am and tell them to show up with a video camera and capture the culprit on their device and pay them. Then post the video on youtube. while posting their face on a "post" stating : Hall of Shame with their face on it, they will get the message. Since this is an announcement of neighborhood watch or public service do you think any dumb dumb would file a lawsuit?
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