Hey guys, do you really expect Vanessa to tell you what program and college she'll be attending.
Most of the answers are great, not too many smart-assed ones which translates into a lot of respect for this lady. I especially liked Alexa Taylor's, don't give up when the going gets tough, just think about walking up to board once the exams are finished and seeing how well you've done.
I also like the idea of reviewing your notes at the end of every day (sounds good, but its very, very hard to do, especially when you've got other stuff going on in your life). Try to review your notes once a week.
A notebook is another great idea, how good of a typer are you. I went from eight to fourty eight WPM thanks to the typing tutorial "Mavis Beacon teaches typing". A notebook at college is only good if you can type fairly fast.
As mentioned, Word, Excel and Powerpoint are a necessity. Another good time saver Vanessa is a PIM (Personal Information Manager). One of the best, as far as I'm concerned is the Daytimer Organizer 98. It gives you an address book, a scheduler and a task list where you can organizer your assignments by priority. Its very user friendly and I'm sure a copy could make its way to you if ya like, just ask.
GOOD LUCK -Go Vanessa Go!!!