Help on Ottawa?


New member
May 24, 2007
Hi all. I'm a active poster over on PERB (Same username-anonanon) and I will be coming over to Ottawa the first week of June. I will be staying at the Westin close to the convention centre. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction to any SC's that are close by, or within $30 taxi each way. I will be here for a week, I'm also thinking about seeing a SP, but I am unfamilliar with the rates over on the East Coast. What would I be looking at for an hour or two with a blond thats under 25 and is Indy? I don't like MP's and I wouldn't want to go to one on this trip. Of course I will post a review afterwards.




All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
there is actually a thread on stri[p clubs here in the Ottawa section.......
there are about 5 clubs within the $30 price range.....there will be a number of people to point in the right direction

As to the SP`s in the area....`

Escorts canada
and the xxx here on TERB

and a little reading here once you have seen what there is on the web......because what is on the web is what we really only have here......


New member
May 24, 2007
Hi antlerman,

I have looked through the xxx and I have a few that I will email closer to the date. What I`m really looking for is some sort of insiders tips to the Ottawa SC area. What clubs are better than others, which clubs serve alcohol (some in BC don`t), are all the clubs ``touch`` or ``contact`` (again some clubs in BC don`t allow contact) because I would most deffaintly be looking for lap dances. While I don`t expect anyone to answer, I`ve been told that some clubs look the other way with regards to extras, anyone know more on that? Over here, there is only one club that does extras, and the police are there almost every night, but they blame that on the heavy HA presence there...


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005


New member
May 24, 2007
Hi there. My knowledge of the topographical locations of Ottawa (anywhere outside of BC really) is a bit lacking, where exactly is Gatineau? Are there better clubs there? Thanks for the help, I try to plan my attack before I arrive. That way I don't look too much like a tourist lol.


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
Gatineau is the city on the other side of the river, on the Quebec side of the border. Clubs on Greber Ave (Pigalle comes to mind) are usually pretty good.


Left-handed user
Jan 6, 2007
The outer fringe
Barb's is nice, Pigale is like the

when I was out West, there were no such things as table dances, let alone lap dances, and clubs had maybe 5-7 dancers on duty... And that is not that long ago.

If you are downtown Ottawa, Barbarellas is nice (10 minutes away on foot), and the Barefax (in the market, 3 minutes walk) can be ok, too. In each case, on a busy night, there will be quite a few dancers on duty, sometimes as many as 25...Quite a difference... Google these, you'll find their websites easily...

Pigale in Gatineau is not that far by cab, will cost you about $25 each way, but it can have that man-made, plastic boobs lineup that the Cecil had, at least when I was out West. Some like man-made, some don't. There have always been rumours about mileage, but I have never got more than a good grind...

Are there still all these ladies walking by Dick's on dicks, and the Bulldog? Does the Penthouse still have its amateur nights? That was then...

Have fun...



New member
May 24, 2007
toine said:
when I was out West, there were no such things as table dances, let alone lap dances, and clubs had maybe 5-7 dancers on duty... And that is not that long ago.

If you are downtown Ottawa, Barbarellas is nice (10 minutes away on foot), and the Barefax (in the market, 3 minutes walk) can be ok, too. In each case, on a busy night, there will be quite a few dancers on duty, sometimes as many as 25...Quite a difference... Google these, you'll find their websites easily...

Pigale in Gatineau is not that far by cab, will cost you about $25 each way, but it can have that man-made, plastic boobs lineup that the Cecil had, at least when I was out West. Some like man-made, some don't. There have always been rumours about mileage, but I have never got more than a good grind...

Are there still all these ladies walking by Dick's on dicks, and the Bulldog? Does the Penthouse still have its amateur nights? That was then...

Have fun...


Unfortunatly, the scene out here is rather sad compared to back East. My club is the Paramount, 25 dancers on a busy night with 15 on a slow night. No alcohol, but contact and my regular is there, I usually spend $900 when I go mostly on my regular.

Dicks is gone, so is the bulldog. The penthouse amature nights are no more, well possibly once a year now. I hardly go there, too many HA attract too many police.

Barbarellas seems to be the place to go for where I am staying. Any reccommendations for good girls there? Do they serve alcohol? Is smoking allowed in Ontario SC's? In BC no smoking inside any building at all...


anonanon said:
Barbarellas seems to be the place to go for where I am staying. Any reccommendations for good girls there? Do they serve alcohol? Is smoking allowed in Ontario SC's? In BC no smoking inside any building at all...
All the SC in the area serve booze, but no smoking in any public building in Ontario, you need to cross the river to Gatineau if ya wanna puff while watchin the hotties ;)


Left-handed user
Jan 6, 2007
The outer fringe
slurp said:
All the SC in the area serve booze, but no smoking in any public building in Ontario, you need to cross the river to Gatineau if ya wanna puff while watchin the hotties
Well, if I got it right, and I'm almost 100% positive, Gatineau has gone no smoking as well. Booze? Booze! well, nobody has yet got a problem with our getting drunk while getting stupid with our money ;)


Gatineau is non smoking as well. I was at Pigales today & there were no ashtrays or smoking. Anonanon, check out the Barefax or Barb's first since they are close to your hotel.


New member
Apr 13, 2006
anonanon said:
I will be here for a week, I'm also thinking about seeing a SP, but I am unfamilliar with the rates over on the East Coast.
LOL. I've heard Ottawa described as many things but never as 'on the coast'. Like others here, I became quite fond of Barbs this past year and enjoyed a couple of their - er - enthusiastic dancers. That said, if the CR crackdown proceeds it would seem Ottawa SCs will be just as bland as the ones on the real east coast! Re Ottawa SPs, Monique is not under 25 but she is young, beautiful, generous with her time and a lot of fun to be with. Note that a recent thread suggests some have had communication problems with Monique lately, though I've never had this problem. Expect rates $200-$300/hour.
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