The Baron
About 2and half months ago I started seeing this fantastic lady every thing is great especially the sex, which is unbelievable and if I may say she thinks so too. However, we were talking this morning and getting a little randy on the phone When she says "I had the most fantastic orgazm this morning" To this I replied "how could that be I wasnt even there" then she said "with a new setting I found on my shower head" It must have been something in my voice because she new I was taken back a little by this.Then she said something likebut its not as good as you honey(didnt suond very convincing) So my quetion to the other men is. Would this bother you if your lady friend did this. And if so why.
And to the ladies I would like to ask- Can a showerhead or other devices be more satisfying than a live partner. Im sure most of you think Im being silly but I think my ega got a little brused.
And to the ladies I would like to ask- Can a showerhead or other devices be more satisfying than a live partner. Im sure most of you think Im being silly but I think my ega got a little brused.