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Help: Constructive Dismissal

Nofah Kingway

Apr 21, 2002
inside the palm trees
Lang Michener would be my pick as number one labour law firm in Toronto.

Yes, Torys is extremely pricey, my office is with Torys, the lead partner is at $985 per hour, $15 shy of a G-note per hour.

In perspective, some of the best and pricier SPs in Toronto at $300 per hour is a bargain and personally, I get more satisfaction from SPs at $300 per hour than the Torys partner.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Fuck that reimburse bullshit, they should be supplying you with a NEW phone line that they pay every month. A NEW computer for your home (remember it is their machine so no terb or porn). A NEW high speed data line. Why should you or your family be inconvenienced one bit for the company saving rent on office space. Then you should also receive around $400 per month as an allowance for heat, electricity, property tax. If they want courier deliveries to your home then the price goes up. IT IS ALL NEGOTIABLE.

Then if they do not cover your reasonable expenses, then you can say constructive dismissal and have some real numbers to back up your claim of a change in circumstance.
A little fricken angry are we? lol....sheesh....everything you mentioned comes right off the top of one's income tax yet if the company pays for all this stuff, you get nothing. Ever heard of "business use of home expenses"?? I forget which line it is on the income tax return but it is there. I use it all the time. I'm not sure about this but I would figure that if a company pays YOU for having an office at home, that will probably be added to your income somehow and you probably would have to PAY tax on it. Kind of like if they provide you with a company car, a portion of that IS added to your income.

Inconvenience to the family? How?Are they home during business hours? Sorry, but they should be at school or work.

Internet line: most homes have them now. Why not get it for free? Or would you rather the company pay for a second line (which isn't needed with most cable ISPs now). Phone line? Most homes have one of those also, it is easy (and cheap) to add a second.

To top it off, if junior has to stay home from school cuz he or she's sick, voila, dad's working from home and can keep an eye on him or her instead of having to take an unpaid day off or pay a sitter.

Anyone who thinks this isn't a fantastic idea really should sit down and think about it. The benefits to the employee are far more advantageous than to the company.........

Oh, and just one more thing: if the company is on the ropes financially, it isn't such a good idea to hammer them for more expenses. If you take some of the burden, you might end up having a job for a lot longer than if you hammer them. As I say about unions: they are only interested in the short haul. How much money can I rape a company for NOW.

I (on the other hand) would rather make a little less right now, but make it for 20 yrs. As opposed to make a little more, but only for a couple of years. The bottom line is: how much am I going to put in my pocket, and how does it benefit ME. Working from home is immensely beneficial to an employee......


New member
Nov 13, 2006
Niagara Falls
I would much rather just be terminated immediately with severance and collect EI rather than waiting for doomsday.
uhhhh, yeah.... good luck. :rolleyes: Don't worry, you'll still get EI when "doomsday" arrives.

But anyway, the only thing anyone can do is get a lawyer.
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