Healthcare is rationed in America


New member
Apr 1, 2005
themexi said:
All I can say is that the few times I have had to go to an emergency room I have had to wait for HOURS....

I look around & I see some people ahead of me that absolutely should not be.... I mean some obviously high street degenerate? Whatever their problem is it would be best to let the contributing taxpayers in front of them.... If my condition worsens from having to wait...

I lose valuable time/$ & they govt loses out on revenue = Less $ for healthcare

If they lose time, it's no real loss to anyone really...

If for some reason I die for some reason that could have been avoided without waiting or strain on the system then I lose out HUGE, so does my family & so does the givernment coffers

If they die.... It's a net gain really.... savings on healthcare, welfare, social services, court time, etc....

It's a REAL pity those little bastard gangbanger "known to police" aren't put to the back of the waiting line no matter where they got "capped"....

At the very least they should get snipped while they're in there.... saving us from the next generation of these monsters that's the Least they could do.. Hell the kids would even be Grateful for it... I'm sure next to none of them want to have family services hassling their asses....
Some of your ideas are ... interesting. Triage based on an individuals record with the police? Forced vasectomies. Difficult for the hospital personnel to make some of these decisions. Perhaps the police could brand the asses of people known to them with a big "U" for undesireable and then the job would be more manageable.


Jun 6, 2009
chiller_boy said:
Some of your ideas are ... interesting. Triage based on an individuals record with the police? Forced vasectomies. Difficult for the hospital personnel to make some of these decisions. Perhaps the police could brand the asses of people known to them with a big "U" for undesireable and then the job would be more manageable.
He's already recanted those remarks, step back a bit, but hay!!
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