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Have aliens visited the Earth?

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009


May 20, 2006
I TOFTT once with an alien. Can't recommend though as she was a bit too green in person.
Just search, "See my green bits" on ;)


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it plausible? No.
Implausible? (I haven't found the newspaper article I was thinking of but this came from my search)

[video] ario_Canada[/video]


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Ockham's razor is a principle urging one to select among competing hypotheses that which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation of the effect

IE assume a phenomena is caused by the known rather than the unkown until the evidence is compelling to do otherwise
OR is a scientific methodology in arriving at the best hypothesis given a set of circumstances. It doesn't necessarily explain phenomena or resolve a mystery or the unknown.

What 'competing' hypothesis would you suggest for that video I posted herein (also, not the best one out there for actual unidentified flying objects)?

(Note: I would agree that you can't conclude incontrovertibly that those 2 pulsating lights travelling in tandem are extra-terrestrial visitors but WTF?)


New member
Oct 12, 2010
OR is a scientific methodology in arriving at the best hypothesis given a set of circumstances. It doesn't necessarily explain phenomena or resolve a mystery or the unknown.

What 'competing' hypothesis would you suggest for that video I posted herein (also, not the best one out there for actual unidentified flying objects)?

(Note: I would agree that you can't conclude incontrovertibly that those 2 pulsating lights travelling in tandem are extra-terrestrial visitors but WTF?)
Why would I remotely think that extra-terrestrials are involved? The video is anonymous, unverified, unexamined and has not had the least bit of impact on the local community and as far as I can tell has never been covered by anything like a legit media outlet. Seriously bro...use your noggin.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
OR is a scientific methodology in arriving at the best hypothesis given a set of circumstances. It doesn't necessarily explain phenomena or resolve a mystery or the unknown.

What 'competing' hypothesis would you suggest for that video I posted herein (also, not the best one out there for actual unidentified flying objects)?

(Note: I would agree that you can't conclude incontrovertibly that those 2 pulsating lights travelling in tandem are extra-terrestrial visitors but WTF?)
Actually yours is the reverse logic used in conspiracy theories.

As far as our best understanding of science:
- probability of life in the universe exists but is very low which means
- any alien life is likely a very far distance away and therefore
- it would take a ridiculous amount of time to travel from there to here and
- aliens would either be visiting every single star in the Universe or for some reason have decided it was extremely important to visit us (even though there would be no other way for them to know we're here).

So for aliens to have visited us, they would have to exist in some place near us (in universal terms), they would have to have technology far in advance of ours which would allow them to travel huge distances, they would have to have some reason want to visit us, they would have to decide that they want to hide from us but despite their advanced technology are unable to completely do so, and they would have to decide that for some reason we should destroyed, conquered, colonized, or otherwise harmed and that they shouldn't interfere in the stupid things we are doing to wreck our planet.

To me a hoax or a misunderstood 'normal' occurrence seems like the far far simpler and likely explanation.


New member
Aug 27, 2005
Gatineau, QC
I use to live with an Alien but she had to go back to her home planet, her visa was expiring.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Actually Marconi was 1901 but your point still stands. I think Marconi's signal wouldn't have made it 1000th of the way across our galaxy yet (if it had enough power).

Of course that's a moot point since the alien visit believers think these visits have been happening for a long time before 1901.
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