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has anyone seen chloe

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
seen shes been advertising for a while just wondering if anyone has taken the plunge yet

That link now brings up a different ad, daly.

But as you can see when I take off the http coding, the link is to an ad for an agency called Platinum.

Mixed references to Chloe show up elsewhere, from the ultra positive newbie accused of shilling, to the seasoned veteran who claims she's a true gem, his "Go-To" girl, to . . . well . . . to Chloe herself (under a quickly exposed fake handle) shilling her service and that of her colleagues.

Entertaining, to say the least.

For what it's worth: I have not seen Chloe, nor have I ever done business with said Platinum agency.
Last edited:
Aug 23, 2005
I've seen Chloe,

I had a great time. I found her very attractive and the service was great. The downside, no shower available. I'm not sure why she was shilling, I found her service spoke for itself.
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