Harpers use of `God bless Canada` in speeches

Rocket Man

New member
Jan 29, 2006
I'm curious to see if the words, "God keep our land glorious and free" in our national anthem offends anyone?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Rocket Man said:
I'm curious to see if the words, "God keep our land glorious and free" in our national anthem offends anyone?
Fortunately no one ever made me learn that version. I do believe those offensive words are sung by some, where I still sing: "O Canada, glorious and free" but I don't hear them.

Anyone know what's afoot with the French lyric? Does it still talk about "…the arm that carries the sword, knows how to carry the cross."?

Pope Benedict XVI

Ich bin der Papst.
Apr 22, 2005

"Car ton bras sait porter l'épée; il sait porter la croix!"

Ton histoire est une épopée; des plus brillants exploits

Et ta valeur; de foi trempée;

Protégera nos foyers et nos droits (bis).

Rappelez-vous qu'une croix blanche fait partie du drapeau du Québec.

It's not just in the anthems.

The Christian cross figures in the provincial flags of seven of the provinces (BC, AB, MN, ON, QC, NS, NFL). Canada's head of state doubles as head of the Church of England - but they'll return to Rome one day :).


New member
Mar 21, 2005
The singing of God Save the Queen should be revived.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Pope Benedict XVI said:

"Car ton bras sait porter l'épée; il sait porter la croix!"

Ton histoire est une épopée; des plus brillants exploits

Et ta valeur; de foi trempée;

Protégera nos foyers et nos droits (bis).

Rappelez-vous qu'une croix blanche fait partie du drapeau du Québec.

It's not just in the anthems.

The Christian cross figures in the provincial flags of seven of the provinces (BC, AB, MN, ON, QC, NS, NFL). Canada's head of state doubles as head of the Church of England - but they'll return to Rome one day :).
Many thanks, your Holiness. I note that, "…il sait porté l'olive" would fit the scansion nicely, as well as carrying a somewhat more contemporary relevance. I can't remember when Canadians last Crusaded. "Valour steeped in faith…" seems entirely ecumenical to me; you can't be suggesting that only Christians have faith, surely?

Perhaps we want to check w/ Christopher Pratt, who designed the Newfoundland and Labrador flag, whether that is the Chistian Cross, a cross-design element, or just a white negative space. I'd bet the last; he is an artist.

But I have to grant you, the Union flag that appears in the hoist of all those provincial Red Ensigns is chock-a-block w/ crosses, three I believe, though they got all jumbled like that because they were national symbols, rather than religious. Fond of the foolish pageantries and pomps of the past as I am, I don't doubt those ensigns too will one day go the way of the Canadian one that we used to fly over the Peace Tower.

I hope at that time the other provinces follow Newfoundland's example. Better we follow art, certainly few have been ordered to their deaths in its name. Can't say as much about flags w/ religious symbols can we Mr. Wizard? So YH, if I may be permitted an invocation: May the stupidities of faith that spawn hatred and bloodshed in the name of Cross and Crescent go too.
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CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Truncador said:
The singing of God Save the Queen should be revived.
What could be more appropriate than to invoke a non-existant divinity to save an irrelevant historical anomaly. I sing it with gusto at the few remaining opportunities.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
oldjones said:
What could be more appropriate than to invoke a non-existant divinity to save an irrelevant historical anomaly.
I suppose it would be more enlightened and politically correct to sing something like "Supreme Court Validate the Feelings of Kofi Annan", but there's something to be said for class and venerability where hymns of State are concerned.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Truncador said:
I suppose it would be more enlightened and politically correct to sing something like "Supreme Court Validate the Feelings of Kofi Annan", but there's something to be said for class and venerability where hymns of State are concerned.
hymns of state? cannot we just be a secular democracy?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Truncador said:
I suppose it would be more enlightened and politically correct to sing something like "Supreme Court Validate the Feelings of Kofi Annan", but there's something to be said for class and venerability where hymns of State are concerned.
Catchy beat, can you hum a few bars?

Rocket Man

New member
Jan 29, 2006
oldjones said:
Fortunately no one ever made me learn that version. I do believe those offensive words are sung by some, where I still sing: "O Canada, glorious and free" but I don't hear them.
I hope to GOD you are an American saying such a thing.

This is our National anthem BTW...

Where does it say "O Canada, Glorious and Free?"

Official Lyrics of O Canada!

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God Bless Canada


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Rocket Man said:
I hope to GOD you are an American saying such a thing.

Sorry to dash your hopes. Until the GodSquad got hold of them the lyrics at that line were: "O Canada, Glorious and free". That's what I learned to sing, before we even had a national anthem, and it's what I still sing today.

Guess I missed the lightening bolts and thunderous voice demanding the substitution of "God". At the time, it was just pols and profs bitching about all the repetitions of "O Canada" and "Stand on guards". I figured all the "God"s in the hymns I sung at church every Sunday were enough for any deity. Why should I care what words they printed? I learned it long ago, by heart.

But as long as you're hollering to your GOD, I'd rather he'd make me Irish than American, if it's all the same to him. EU passport doncha' know.
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Rocket Man

New member
Jan 29, 2006
oldjones said:
Sorry to dash your hopes. Until the GodSquad got hold of them the lyrics at that line were: "O Canada, Glorious and free". That's what I learned to sing, before we even had a national anthem, and it's what I still sing today.

Guess I missed the lightening bolts and thunderous voice demanding the substitution of "God". At the time, it was just pols and profs bitching about all the repetitions of "O Canada" and "Stand on guards". I figured all the "God"s in the hymns I sung at church every Sunday were enough for any deity. Why should I care what words they printed? I learned it long ago, by heart.

But as long as you're hollering to your GOD, I'd rather he'd make me Irish than American, if it's all the same to him. EU passport doncha' know.
Those words were never used in our national anthem sorry, you are wrong.

Here is a link to the history of O' Canada....




CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Rocket Man said:
Those words were never used in our national anthem sorry, you are wrong.

Here is a link to the history of O' Canada....

Sorry, reading is so difficult for you:

First: Read what I said, "I learned those words before we had a national anthem",
Second: Read your own link, to check when we first got such a thing. It was not so long ago.
Third: Read the words of the original poem (link's on the page), and note the absence of "God" where you think it's so sacred.

You might also note that "an official version for use in schools was adopted in 1927", and you'll find the lyrics on the page you referenced, just above the section on Calixa Lavalée. Godless! Not having an actual national anthem never stopped a teacher worth her job, even though that version said "true patriot love" was for "sons" alone. Guess what I learned, and a few million other kids.

So, of course, those words have never been part of our national anthem, but never did I say they were, and I'll continue to prefer a poet's words over politician's platitudes. You sing whatever pap you want.

Now please stop peddling your silly god-stuff to me. Frankly we were a better country when we didn't have stupid fripperies like flags and anthems. But it's easier to go along with the world than expect dull-normals* to think outside their little boxes. At least the rink staff at the Boston Gardens finally knew what to play.

*The ones God must love, she made so many of them.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
oldjones said:
I hope at that time the other provinces follow Newfoundland's example.
Newfoundland may not follow Newfoundland’s example for that much longer. There is a movement here to give up the current flag and go back to the old pink, white and green flag. BTW, the current flag design is based on the Union Jack (which was actually the official flag of the province from 1949 until sometime in the 1980s)


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
This will get the libs panties in a knot

I liked it better when we flew the Union Jack, sang The Maple Leaf used a proper system of measure.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
point taken

SilentLeviathan said:
You forgot to add "as God intended". :p
I suppose I should have sized up the participants a little better. I didn't feel that there was a need to add "as God intended" to what I wrote since it is a given that those things were as God intended. One just naturally underestands that when reference is made to the Imperial system of measure . the Union Jack and The Maple Leaf it is clearly with God's blessing and wishes.


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
LancsLad said:
I suppose I should have sized up the participants a little better. I didn't feel that there was a need to add "as God intended" to what I wrote since it is a given that those things were as God intended. One just naturally underestands that when reference is made to the Imperial system of measure . the Union Jack and The Maple Leaf it is clearly with God's blessing and wishes.
I blame video games for my lapse in judgement. :(

Rocket Man

New member
Jan 29, 2006
God Bless Canada
Toronto Escorts