The One Spa

Harper supporters and Ford Nation?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
I feel bad for them thinking that they are Canada's elite 1% going to get taxed to death by the Libs.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Did any of you cry when Justin was declared winner?
This is a complicated question.

For sure, I had a heavy heart seeing Harper go down. Even thought I never like the man, I liked what he tried to do. His only faults really was he did not do enough to put the boots to his ideological enemies, and that after finally getting a majority he loses just like that.

The writing was on the wall he was going to lose. When someone like the pompus Conrad Black would approve of voting for Trudeau's son about 10 days before the vote, well, that's game over right there.

I got a heavy heart because is an end of an era. With Harper, you knew what he wanted to accomplish with the country in the economic realm, and in terms of trying to limit government.

With the Liberals, at the moment we have no clue. The Liberals claim they want to do something, but will reality allow it? Then they would flip their course.

Remember Thatcher? This Lady is not for U-Turns. That's Harper, that's conservatives, the goals are always the same. And they are always working for those goals.

Liberals, look no further than Kathlyne Wynne. She is going to privatize partly Hyrdo One, but preserve the LCBO monopoly. No one knows what the goal is there, other than basic opportunism.

Manufacturing is still contracting in this province. Catillpilar closed their about 2 weeks before the election. No noticed.

No one has a solution for that, that they can implement quickly.

That is the most disappointing thing for me in this election. This election avoid all the tough economic questions.

You know, with the economic situation, this election was all about petty issues.

That's why I got a heavy heart. Harper I would say probably knew the challenges facing the country economically, but he couldn't campaign on it, because ...

Well, lets just say people more interested in petty issues.

To cut this post short ...

So Trudeau going big on deficit spending. Big deal. Ontario has been on a deficit spending spree for about decade now. Where did that get us?



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That is the most disappointing thing for me in this election. This election avoid all the tough economic questions.

You know, with the economic situation, this election was all about petty issues.
Blame Harper, he put the dead cat Niqab issue on the table.

Trudeau has stated he'll raise tax on the upper classes and spend money on infrastructure.
At least we'll get something for his debt, we got nothing in return for the billions of Harper debt.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I can't see how we can feel bad for harper he ran an attack campaign and people despite that still wanted a change.

The niqab issue was a dumb hill to die on.

The appointment of senators plus scandal wss not helpful.

Good voter turnout hurt him.

The c.f. 18 was bad for him.

Silencing scientists and poor environmental protection hurt him.

His silence on aboriginal women didn't help

Saying pot was infinitely morr dangerous than tobacco discredited him to the youth.

In other words he pissed off enough interest groups that his party was slaughtered. He miscalculated the number of "i always vote conservative" type people as he didn't seem to do much to attract new voters.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Sad and arrogant as in his speech, Steve-o still wants the Conservative values for next election. I think he is more American than most (right wing) Americans.
If I am wrong about Conservative values in the context, pls let me know.

'For all of those who have, over the past decade and a half, built our party and contributed to our campaign, you have our deepest gratitude, and you should feel nothing but pride. Know also this as well: the disappointment you also feel is my responsibility and mine alone. But know this for certain: when the next time comes, this party will offer Canadians a strong and clear alternative based on our Conservative values'
Which values appear to be: We'll band together with lying, drunken drug addicts if we think it'll help us get conservative votes.

Strike that 'get'. Shoulda said 'hang onto'. Harper's campaign was never about getting new votes, settling for 30% support had always worked before. But this time he was up against an actual winner.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Did Harper have the courtesy to congratulate the winner? I ask as I just could not stomach the idea of listening to some misleading claims by him during his tenure. Trudeau did at least thank Harper for his role in office. All I can say is that Trudeau stood out as an astute politician, who did not stoop to the levels displayed by the ridiculous attack ads that Canadians did not buy.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Did Harper have the courtesy to congratulate the winner? I ask as I just could not stomach the idea of listening to some misleading claims by him during his tenure. Trudeau did at least thank Harper for his role in office. All I can say is that Trudeau stood out as an astute politician, who did not stoop to the levels displayed by the ridiculous attack ads that Canadians did not buy.
Justin stated in an interview that he received a gracious call from Harper congratulating him and to assure him he would make the transition as seemless as possible.

The same interview he praised Harper as a patriot. That while they disagree on policy he has respect for those who serve the office of PM. And on the personal side shared stories of their kids in off moments.

Harper is not a monster. He is a man who served his country.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Justin stated in an interview that he received a gracious call from Harper congratulating him and to assure him he would make the transition as seemless as possible.

The same interview he praised Harper as a patriot. That while they disagree on policy he has respect for those who serve the office of PM. And on the personal side shared stories of their kids in off moments.

Harper is not a monster. He is a man who served his country.
Good for him. Now we can welcome him to join us hobbyists, as he will have time on his hands. :)


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Justin stated in an interview that he received a gracious call from Harper congratulating him and to assure him he would make the transition as seemless as possible.

The same interview he praised Harper as a patriot. That while they disagree on policy he has respect for those who serve the office of PM. And on the personal side shared stories of their kids in off moments.

Harper is not a monster. He is a man who served his country.
Harper was a monster to everyone on this board. In fact the whole website had to flee the country due to Bill C36 and what used to be is now Harper did not service us citizens, he turned us into criminals. And that was the act of a monster trying to impose his public morality on everyone else.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Harper was a monster to everyone on this board. In fact the whole website had to flee the country due to Bill C36 and what used to be is now Harper did not service us citizens, he turned us into criminals. And that was the act of a monster trying to impose his public morality on everyone else.
Love the ones who continue to think with their cocks. I didn't like it either but I expected it from ANY Gov't who happened to be in power.

Did you really think they would leave it in a vacuum? A wild west?

He put the legislation in...and then didn't really enforce it except for the pimps/traffickers.

When Justin repeals it come back and say that. Until then I stand correct.

Or is Justin a monster as well if after the first parliament sits he doesn't repeal it?


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Naw, but I think you're a monster to keep making excuses for the worst PM since Mulroney and remaining loyal to the political party that turned you into a criminal who belongs in jail for no valid reason.
Now, if Trudeau does not legalize or at least decriminalize cannabis within 2 or 3 years, I'll consider him a monster; just one more politician who will say anything to get elected.

Excellent column in today's Star:
How Irony Killed Stephen Harper
...look no further than Harper’s promise in the late stages of the campaign to establish a tip line where Canadians could rat each other out for so-called barbaric cultural practices. “Barbaric cultural practices” — my God, it was comic gold! The name itself cried out to be mocked, and mock it we did.

This Hour Has 22 Minutes immediately jumped on it, creating a sketch in which anonymous tipsters called into the hotline to report such offences as a captive woman being forced to kiss a fish — a “barbaric practice” that turned out to be a Newfoundland screeching-in ceremony.
Meanwhile, Canadians spontaneously created the twitter hashtag #BarbaricCulturalPractices to report a slew of horrific offences:
Wearing socks with sandals #BarbaricCulturalPractices!
Beer-bellied men in Speedos #BarbaricCulturalPractices!
Triple-bacon-pork-belly poutine #BarbaricCulturalPractices!

Then, like the punchline to a 78-day-long joke, came Harper’s final, desperate appearance at a suburban Toronto rally with Rob and Doug Ford. To his loyal legions of followers, Rob Ford could get away with being Rob Ford, because he didn’t pretend to be anything other than what he was: a loud-mouthed, hard-drinking, hard-partying, unapologetic boor.

But for Harper — prim, proper, puritanical Stephen Harper — to hitch his wagon to the erratically careening star of the Ford brothers? For tough-on-drugs Harper — who had spent the entire campaign warning Canadians that Trudeau would hook their kids on weed and install an injection site on every street-corner — to embrace the crack-smoking ex-mayor of Toronto? The irony was thicker than a pot of French-Canadian pea soup in a Halifax fog.

Irony does not let pomposity and hypocrisy go unpunished...


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Naw, but I think you're a monster to keep making excuses for the worst PM since Mulroney and remaining loyal to the political party that turned you into a criminal who belongs in jail for no valid reason.
Now, if Trudeau does not legalize or at least decriminalize cannabis within 2 or 3 years, I'll consider him a monster; just one more politician who will say anything to get elected.

Excellent column in today's Star:
How Irony Killed Stephen Harper
And we shall see if he does keep that promise. My bet is it goes into extensive community consultations with various substance abuse advocates weighing in. Just like c-36.

The gov'ts will want control of it like the LCBO. And that is going to create another monster bureaucracy. They will want to control the product and THC levels to water them down.

The non smoking advocates will weigh in.

He will probably reduce smoking charges while even increasing dealing charges.

I see a lot of disappointment on the horizon for those who smoke.

And for the record while I don't personally I have no issue with it. But I can see how various groups will want to weigh in on the negative side.
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