Happy Socialist - "gratuitously smearing the members of the Humboldt Broncos hockey"


Feb 23, 2017
Semple is only 1 of many who support her position. In fact far from not having anyone else say this sort of racist hateful message, she has a lot of people either saying the same thing or wishing they had said it. The feminist left is devoid of any pride of principles. These morally bankrupt sudo every-things, will sell out anything to make themselves look superior in some, even if it means at some moment, making themselves look like scumbags
As I stated, not the time to do this. But it remains an undeniable fact that some tragedies spark more of an emotional feeling and get people to give support. There's a large number of tragedies involving many people dying (e.g. recently a plane went down carrying military personnel and refugees - 250 dead). Why is it some get frontpage coverage while others are barely mentioned in passing? I just read an article about the mass shooting at a Mosque in Quebec where 6 died. As the article stated, there were some true acts of heroism as people attempted to stop the shooter, in some cases losing their own lives. The big differences are the victims were male and Islamic. Has there been the same outcry of support? Are people worldwide looking to donate to the victims (one guy is paralyzed)?

Race, age, sex, etc. are all factors. Even the country - a busload of British people dying would get more coverage/support than a busload of Mexicans. It's hard to say they are clearly the reason why some tragedies are more "tragic" than others but they are definitely pieces for consideration. I remember something similar in the Maritimes involving a team bus/van crash. I don't believe it got the same daily coverage as seen on sports channels.

Well, perhaps all hockey clubs should have one person of color, in case of an accident.That way the monetary and the emotional outpouring can be "pure".
Or people just treat other tragedies similarly/equal.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I have zero sympathy for Loreto. Let her deal with all the heat she is getting on Twitter for her stupid comments.

I just don’t see how this rises to the level of a national story. ....
I agree with that.

Of course despite the headline, I didn't see any smearing of the victims in her rant and I'm sure she's thanking the Sun for making her name known and becoming a celebrity in her own circles.

Not that it minimizes my sympathy for the victims and their community but I think this story became more viral because it's Canada and hockey (and not the race of the victims).

...Why is it some get frontpage coverage while others are barely mentioned in passing? ...
I think it is the social media storm that made this a front page story (other than the original news stories) and the nature of viral is extremely unpredictable (tide pods?). For example, a decade or so ago there was school basketball team killed in a crash in New Brunswick and because the lack of social media at the time, the only national level follow-up was a brief report on changes to safety regulations.


Feb 23, 2017
I think it is the social media storm that made this a front page story (other than the original news stories) and the nature of viral is extremely unpredictable (tide pods?). For example, a decade or so ago there was school basketball team killed in a crash in New Brunswick and because the lack of social media at the time, the only national level follow-up was a brief report on changes to safety regulations.
Granted social media allows for a bigger net to be cast. Granted GoFundMe makes it easier for anyone from anywhere to donate. But I don't recall seeing people wearing jerseys at sporting events, similar news coverage from national news services, etc. There wasn't a bball jersey day.

Part of the equation is clearly the hockey factor. I'm surprised at the worldwide support but not surprised that a hockey tragedy elicits heavy support in a hockey-loving country.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... There wasn't a bball jersey day. ....
As I said, pre-social media. The jersey thing and the stick thing weren't government initiatives but simply people posted and it caught on.

BTW, the basketball kids were white too.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
I shared my thoughts on her Twitter account


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
The same awareness can be applied to when a celebrity dies - It makes the news, and even on TERB someone will make a post and people will chime in with their thoughts. What makes them more important than some schmuck who may not have been a movie star, but was loved/respected as much in their circle of friends/family?

As someone mentioned, the timing sucks. If she had made those comments months after the event, then I think most people would react differently. However her tone comes across as someone who is mad at the world and does not have the mental capacity to manage her anger.


Feb 23, 2017
As I said, pre-social media. The jersey thing and the stick thing weren't government initiatives but simply people posted and it caught on.

BTW, the basketball kids were white too.
I know (it's the Maritimes, not exactly a hotbed for diversity). So to me the main thing (besides the social media and internet) is the sport - it's not that basketball is unpopular so much as hockey is super popular.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
She has a very valid point, but chose a very stupid time to make it. There are numerous examples of similar tragedies that haven't elicited the outpouring of support and cash that Humboldt has. (remember this as an example, very similar accident and death toll https://www.thespec.com/news-story/2154962-deadly-crash-echoes-similar-tragedy/. I dont think that there is overt racism, sexism, ageism motivating the amazing support Canadians and others across the world have offered, but part of this discrepancy in how these incidents were treated by the public could be explained by a covert form of racism, where we are more likely to react to tragedies involving people like us, from common backgrounds and common experience. I'm not blaming anyone, but this is an example of how minority members of a society are treated different than the majority, and a major source of inequity in countries where all are supposed to be treated equally. The support for those injured and killed in Humboldt is amazing, and like many have said on tis issue in recent days, maybe it could be an example of how we could help more when such a tragedy happens to those who are not like us, i.e. not that we should react less to a tragedy like this, but rather more in the other cases. .

Now despite the thoughtless timing of her tweet, the vitriol, hate, threats that she has been exposed to is totally out of line, and in fact likely criminal in many cases.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm trying to not get cynical about what is a totally devastating tragedy but the maleness, the youthfulness and the whiteness of the victims are, of course, playing a significant role.
I don't think for a second whiteness played a role. Maleness usually garners less sympathy than femaleness, which is a lingering effect of a formerly patriarchal society, so I'm not sure where Nora is getting that idea.

But yes, youthfulness is probably playing a role, and why shouldn't it? They had their whole lives ahead of them. That's far more tragic than a group of people who have lived full and meaningful lives being killed in a similar manner. Both are tragic, but the former seems more tragic to me.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Semple is only 1 of many who support her position. In fact far from not having anyone else say this sort of racist hateful message, she has a lot of people either saying the same thing or wishing they had said it. The feminist left is devoid of any pride of principles. These morally bankrupt sudo every-things, will sell out anything to make themselves look superior in some, even if it means at some moment, making themselves look like scumbags
and there you have it......trying to use the foul thoughts of one asshole to tarnish the entire liberal movement......pathetic , and just as absurd and tasteless as the rantings of Loreto.


Feb 23, 2017
I don't think for a second whiteness played a role. Maleness usually garners less sympathy than femaleness, which is a lingering effect of a formerly patriarchal society, so I'm not sure where Nora is getting that idea.

But yes, youthfulness is probably playing a role, and why shouldn't it? They had their whole lives ahead of them. That's far more tragic than a group of people who have lived full and meaningful lives being killed in a similar manner. Both are tragic, but the former seems more tragic to me.
The problem is there is no real available comparison (nor would I wish for one). If an innocent youth who is a visible minority is gunned down by police, everyone's up in arms about it (as they should be). But you never really hear too often about the family getting boatloads of financial support. I also remember a bus driver who was being treated badly by the kids she was driving. A video was posted online and there was a small goal to send her on vacation. It raised like $500,000! Now, it's not so much about her getting what she got but there are plenty of other sob stories that make the news too that are equally bad if not worse.


Just Trying To Help
Apr 15, 2008
Southwest Ontario
I don't think for a second whiteness played a role. Maleness usually garners less sympathy than femaleness, which is a lingering effect of a formerly patriarchal society, so I'm not sure where Nora is getting that idea.

But yes, youthfulness is probably playing a role, and why shouldn't it? They had their whole lives ahead of them. That's far more tragic than a group of people who have lived full and meaningful lives being killed in a similar manner. Both are tragic, but the former seems more tragic to me.
Perfectly said.


Independent Massage
Mar 19, 2008
CBC Defends Nora Loreto


random person wrote on fb:

"I wrote to Nora myself. I learned that her point was we care " it because they were white and male" . That's racist and sexist , and her agenda is all about muslims and ltgbq. Hep out was that if they were ltgbq or muslims, no one would care. I disagree. I lived in London Ont when a van full of muslims rolled , the support was immediate and generous. It showed that we care as a society. I also think , that if the some of the ltgbq & the Muslim community has alienated themselves by their demands that society embrace their ways. The majority of Canadians , do nor wish to change our uniforms ,diets , etc to suit this aggressive group , no more than they wish to accept that everyone should love the alphabet soup of sexual deviations from the norm. More like , " you do your thing we will do ours. " We won't take pork off menues, we dont want mixed washrooms , unless they are one stalls, which we already have in our homes. It's nor personal , its private."


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
I’m sure it’s about time for her to learn that if you are going to sign you name to a piece, you have to suffer the consequences of your work. Snowflakes these days seem to be amazed that they can’t just spout off without a reaction.

This reaction is that all the major journals, magazines or newspapers aren’t ever going to hire her ever again. Hope your point of view where you pick on dead children to further your SJW agenda is worth not being able to pay your rent.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
I have a bit of an issue with this being painted so pro-hockey
Its a bit weird seeing people wearing random jerseys (not even hockey jerseys lol) or putting sticks outside saying its for the kids
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