Handicapped get first dibs?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I had a couple of runins with handicapped people who feel they are "entitled". I went to a public washroom and all the cubicles were taken except for the big one. When I left, there was a handicapped person and his handler giving me dirty looks.

I think one day, the Human Rights Commission will force banks to designate one ATM "for handicapped only" even if they have no handicapped clients. BTW If you see an elderly person standing in line, please let them go ahead of you. That could be someone's grandmother (maybe yours). I hate seeing 85- 120 year old folks standing in line.
I know they have it rough(er) than most of us but this is one bone of contention with me. I don't think just because there is a stall designed to accommodate a wheelchair that doesn't mean it is specifically reserved for someone in a wheel chair.

What if 2 people in wheelchairs wanted to use it? Does the one more handicapped get it over the other?

Anyhow, yeah, the guy was a total dick and I wouldn't have had a problem facing up to him.......

Now with all that being said, we should accommodate the wheelchair bound to some extent. I mean, hold the door for them, get something off a shelf if they can't reach it etc. (but then again, I do that for us regular folks too).

One thing I DO not do is give preference to those in those little george castanza motor scooter car things. It is getting ridiculous these days. I almost ran one over who was bombing down the curb lane. Now if they have to travel a bit on the lane to get to a driveway ramp, sure, but this one passed about 5......


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
You guys deserved it. You should have let him go in front of you.

I know it was wrong for him to but the line, but he is in a wheel chair. People in wheel chairs have a lot to be pissed off about, they can't stand, go to the washroom properly, can't have sex properly, etc etc.

I think he shouldn't have yelled at the lady like that, but if I was there and I seen you yelling at a handicapped man I would definitely wipe the sidewalk with your head, then the other guy who went in his face, and break both of your noses.

I don't care what the situation is, you don't yell at a handicapped person.
LOL oh please. Where is a handicapped person so I can scream at him/her right in front of you ?

Sorry I'm not trying to be a tuff guy, but I once witnessed an old man in a wheel-chair get mugged by some black guy, I guess that's what made me sensitive..

But put yourself in the wheelchair man's shoes for a day. imagine how your life would be.

I can tell you one thing; if i was in a wheelchair i would become a real big asshole to everyone.
I'm not trying to be a tuff guy
No you are just pretending, OH and did you beat the crap out of the 'black guy' ?

I'm thinking you don't need a wheelchair... :p
The Capt is correct, you are already there sans wheelchair.


Durham's Best Kept Secret
One thing I DO not do is give preference to those in those little george castanza motor scooter car things. It is getting ridiculous these days. I almost ran one over who was bombing down the curb lane. Now if they have to travel a bit on the lane to get to a driveway ramp, sure, but this one passed about 5......
Before my mom died, the cancer had spread to her bones. She could walk but it was very difficult. She was a very strong women in her day and refused a wheel chair. She was embarrassed even though she had no reason to be. As a compromise, we got her scooter.

Just because some are mis-using them, doesn't mean they all are. Just some FYI. You may want to rethink your "no preference" rule for people in scooters as well. You never know why they need them. I would rather give preference to the wrong person then be an asshole to the right type of person. That is just me.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
I fail to see why you continue to doubt nolabel.
Me thinks you doth protest too much. Who cares if I doubt you? I still responded to the situation you threw out for discussion, because it was an interesting dilemma: to side with the girl is to show little sympathy for a wheelchair bound guy, but to side with the guy is to show little sympathy for basic social courtesy. Is your point to stimulate discussion about tricky social situations, or to be known as a guy who just happens to always be in them and reporting them?

Rantsalot has a bit to learn about the art of the rant.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Who was the guy on here last year, had Aspbergers, which caused him to be awkward in the most basic of social interactions, to take things much too seriously and personally.....?


New member
Oct 22, 2009

Me thinks you doth protest too much. Who cares if I doubt you? I still responded to the situation you threw out for discussion, because it was an interesting dilemma: to side with the girl is to show little sympathy for a wheelchair bound guy, but to side with the guy is to show little sympathy for basic social courtesy. Is your point to stimulate discussion about tricky social situations, or to be known as a guy who just happens to always be in them and reporting them?

Rantsalot has a bit to learn about the art of the rant.

LOL Hardly


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I would have asked him if he was such an ass when he could walk.
Maybe it was his attitude when he could walk that got him into the chair in the first place. Maybe he was a cyclist who breezed through stop signs and red lights without slowing down, cursing at cars as he went.


Dec 5, 2008
Lately I've approached some people like the dick in the wheelchair differently. Now, I would have let them bud in and I would have said something to the effect that I pity their miserable lives.
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