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Ashley Madison

Hamilton Cops on the Prowl

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Aug 18, 2001
Had an interesting visit from Hamilton Police today. It was from that task force that's investigating that guy who is attacking all those street girls and SPs in Hamilton.

They said that they were interviewing all the area members in TERB and MBB. After a few awkward questions they went into a bit of moralizing of dangers of the sex industry. Saying that all I was doing was feeding money to organized crime. Yadda Yadda and would you like fries with that.

After they left, I called a few other TERBers that I know of and found that they both had been contacted by Hamilton Police and the got the same song & dance. Personally I don't think that Fred would give up any membership info unless they had a warrant. So I think there may have been some other more dubious means that they got the information.

Just thought I'd give all Hamilton area TERB/MBB members some heads up on this.


Aug 18, 2001
Yup...they specifically told me that they were targeting all members that they could find on TERB / MBB that live in the area. I'm not sure about this but I think there is something out of kilter with invasion of privacy or something like that


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
I wonder

if one of our mods can help clear up this .......I for one would like to know, but I dont believe fred would have those it makes me wonder..



Aug 26, 2001
I don't see how Fred has the information to hand out... The only identifiable piece of information I provided was an email address. They certainly can't track you down by email (well, they can, but it's probably not worth the effort). I'm wondering if you & your friends might have the same ISP? Could they have spoken to them to find out 'surfing' patterns/sites visited, etc?


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
It is my understanding that your ISP should not be giving out this information without the police having a search warrant for their records or a subpoena, or else your provider is leaving themselves out to legal action from you.

Same as any records that Fred has, although it is unlikely that he could identify most member from the info that he has.

Maybe someone who knows Trelew and his involvement with TERB tipped off LE but other than that , I find it hard to believe that they could track down members of this board or other boards, unless the poster reveals personal info.

It does seem IMHO, that Trelew is often bring up LE and their involvement in the trade with out much to substantiate it such as his posts last week about a number of busts that were occuring in TO that never happened.

As someone else pointed out recently he does claims to be the master of mayhem.


New member
Apr 30, 2003
Offstage, instrument tuned.
I think dickydoem is coming to the same conclusion I reached a little while ago....there is just a little too much myth & mayhem coming from that quarter. I wondered ages ago how Trelew knew there was a particular # of street girls in Barton jail in one of his posts. My personal opinion is he either is LE or he is just making posts to see how people twitch in reaction. Just check out how many people wanted to hook up with that SP he supposedly met in Hess Village...that no one else has seen or heard from yet. His self proclaimed title says more than you think. IMHO


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
This is supposed to be an information board. What you want to believe or use the info for is up to you. Whether you believe it or not is also you choice.


New member
Sep 2, 2002
Not Me

I haven't been contacted. I will let you know if I am.

Three things stick out about Trelew that differ from myself:
1) Member of MBB
2) Others on Board(s) know his true identity
3) He attended the Hamilton party (I believe from above)

Maybe one of those three gave the police his info? Also maybe an SP knows his identity (not sure).


Aug 18, 2001
I know for a fact that I was not the only TERB member that was contacted. There was at least two others from TERB that I know of that has been contacted.

Also, these guys were cops...showed the ID. Judging from the questions ask they were just on an information hunt that sort of thing.

As for my post about Tasha over at Hess. I don't know why she hasn't made her presence known here. I know she is still working as she confirmed our appointment on the weekend. When I see her I'll ask. But guys...she is legit! No joking around.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Sorry, I just saw this thread - I would have responded earlier. We were never contacted by Hamilton police and in any event would have no way of matching IPs or email addresses to people's real names and places of residence.

The police are investigating a crime and it appears to me there are other ways for them to obtain this info - the most likely, as someone pointed out, being to send undercover to some of the TERB gatherings. They may also have got the info from some of the Sps in the area.

It's certainly not a crime in Canada to be a member of an adult site
and I think those who were visited would have been within their rights to inquire from the officers how they got hold of their personal information.


New member
Jun 6, 2003
south of the border
Fred Zed said:
It's certainly not a crime in Canada to be a member of an adult site and I think those who were visited would have been within their rights to inquire from the officers how they got hold of their personal information.
Well said FRED! How in the hell would they get hold of personal information from a web site???

Sick My Duck

If all members who were contacted were at a TERB/MBB party in the past (not necessarily the one that just occured), then the answer is that the cops wrote down all the license plates and ran your home address.

The same could be true if you guys visited a common SC or MP and the cops were copying plates at any of those. If they are looking for a predator, they may even go as far as staking adult video shops, etc.


New member
May 21, 2003
Interesting thread, and it makes one think to proceed with caution! This person that LE are looking for - is this the same guy that killed a girl from Hamilton last summer and dropped her off in a Burlington park? Or another incident (or incidents) that I may have missed. I think all the comments above are worth reading here. Just hope the culprit is found so we can get on with hobbying without having to worry about the LE checking us out!


New member
Feb 3, 2002
Trelews propaganda again!!!!!!!!!!

I think that it is very interesting that everytime the police get involved in the sex trade trelew is the first to know..... or has been contacted...... the same goes with city hall.......... this sounds like a guy with a little to much insight for me...does he have inside information at the above city departments...I have not heard of anybodyelse being interveiwed, why just trelew...... Remember the cops have many informers

Trelew I say it again to to so get it this time.........There is no organized crime operating the sex trade in hamilton if there was you would have high prices and no indepents, extortation ect.........

Ip addresses if you use yahoo and or hotmail the police in north america do have good relationships with these firm and will suppy your computers ip addresses as well as internet firms. that is factual information. no search warrants needed read your teams of service that you have aggreed to.

Sorry Trelew.......but I don't believe you
it's just all the propaganda that you have posted it the past makes me really wonder.


New member
Feb 3, 2002

Did you get the task force investgators names if so post them here so we can all know who is comming for a visit


New member
May 25, 2003
Hey Fred, just a little FYI;

Even if LE does have the IP addy's of everyone who visits this site or any others, your ISP will NOT give out your personal information to them without a court order (even still, I know of at least 1 case where the ISP too LE to court because they did not believe they had an obligation to hand out that information). Additionally, a judge would be irresponsible AT BEST to issue search warrants on the (tens of?) thousands of IP addys here.

I think that the best explanation is that they followed you all to a terb party MP or something and copied plates. They mentioned TERB in passing, and when they saw you react to the name, they dove deeper.
Seems more than reasonable for LE to lie about where they go their information from, specially when it can cause paranoia like it obviously has! LE are in fact allowed to lie to suspects in order to gain more information.

Trelew, looks to me like they cast a line, lookin for a fish, but all they got was a nervous fish that pointed at the school =)



New member
Jun 7, 2002
Re: Trelews propaganda again!!!!!!!!!!

Fred said:
Sorry Trelew.......but I don't believe you
it's just all the propaganda that you have posted it the past makes me really wonder.
Things that make you go hmmmmm.....

I have to admit that Trelew is chronically famous for posting on issues re: "so called" apparent recent busts, law enforcement on the lookout, news re: anything to do with cracking down etc.!

Perhaps Trelew should be more specific and not so elusive on matters of concern.

We already lost interest in Trelew's promo on the Hess Village lady...zzzzz. He's probably sitting back LOL at all this.

Again, things that make you go hmmmmm....

Fred Zed what's your take on all this RUMBLE!??

May not even be of any "significant concern"! It all sounds not very standard for LE to do what Trelew is suggesting!
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