Allawi, Bin Laden , Saddam Hussein, Shah oF Iran are ex CIA puppets, are they not.!!!
I never compared Bin laden`s "band" to Amercian soldiers. American soldiers kill millions of people and Bin Laden has killed a few thousand.
Are you familiar with the "highway of death".?
Ah yes, the "highway of death", the incident where Saddam's troops who had raped and pillaged the Kuwaitis tried to run away and keep their military equipment for round two only to have American airsupport destroy it all.
Saddam was never a CIA-puppet. Saddam did what he wanted when he wanted. The Shah, I'll give you that one.
And your attempt to slander American soldiers shows your level of thinking. I really don't think you'd be happy living under binLaden's type of society...
BTW, the Americans killed lots of Germans in WWII, I guess that makes them as bad as the Nazis...