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Hair loss treatment


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
You take an oral dht blocker, you're asking for trouble.
Not true for everyone, but is certainly something to consider. My doctor suggested that it is likely a small subset of men who are particularly predisposed to the negative effects of finasteride (i.e. Propecia).


Nov 24, 2014
Ok so I started to work at this company six years ago and I'm forced to wear this heavy hard hat on my head all day and it's driving me nuts. I can feel it pulling my hair. If I work 12hrs which I do a lot this heavy piece of plastic is on my fucking head.

Low and behold I'm starting to lose hair on my crown. Nothing major but I'm noticing it and I'm happy at all. I talked to my friend and she said she started noticing it since I started working at this new place.

I know it from the hard hat its irritating the fuck out of me. I tried a couple of oils lavender oil, caster oil. No success though.

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm not going to quit my job I make good money and have a great pension. I'm 39 years old but look younger/great shape and I love my hair it's nice light brown and I love doing it up when I go.

I find this hair loss on my crown very bothersome. I'm thinking of trying rogaine I don't know I've been doing research on the internet kinda mixed review.
propecia definitely works....you have to give it time. Minoxidil also help. Use both and you should at the very least stop the hair loss


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
I took Propecia for several years and can attest that it does work. I have tried topical Rogaine, but it tended to cause headaches (a documented side effect).


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Shave your head. Or wear a wig. Do you want hair or health/longevity?

Euro Male

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2004
concrete jungle of toronto . . .
All you guys are focusing on 'Crisis management'. What dude needs to do is dial-in on is 'Preventive management'

Fucking around with chemical spray-cans to do what? So he gets a lil dick-fuzz on his head? Most of us got more Ball-Fro on our fuckin' Balls!

What dude needs to do is zero in on the ROOT of his hair-loss!

Translation . . . . . get BLOOD WORK done!!!!!

Go from there . . . . .


Active member
Nov 14, 2009
I am amazed that they are still selling propecia, aka fineasteride.
Think twice before you tinker with your body functioning for (admittedly important) cosmetic reasons.
I took it for decades to slow my hair loss and it did that effectively. My doctor then thought it was safe.
It took a long time for the downside to become evident, perhaps because, as my doctor has said, my testosterone is “on the high side of normal.”
I stopped when the initial links to ED were announced but unfortunately it was too late for me. Studies in Europe have shown that the impotence it causes is not reversed when you stop taking it. The same doctor who prescribed it now says it was a mistake.
One drug leads to another... I am now stuck with Viagra and Cialis, both of which in my case have unpleasant side effects. Spontaneous sex is a thing of the past... and you’d be amazed at how limiting that can be.
Personally, I would rather have been bald than be in my current flaccid state.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
I am amazed that they are still selling propecia, aka fineasteride.

I took it for decades to slow my hair loss and it did that effectively. My doctor then thought it was safe.
It took a long time for the downside to become evident.
I stopped when the initial links to ED were announced but unfortunately it was too late for me. Studies in Europe have shown that the impotence it causes is not reversed when you stop taking it. The same doctor who prescribed it now says it was a mistake.
Sorry to hear. I took for a few years but luckily experienced no lasting side effects.

I believe the physician's monograph was amended several years after introduction once the link with erectile dysfunction was established; the initial drug information contained no such warning.

(Has also been more recently documented that DHT-blockers can have ill effects on neuro-steroids responsible for regulating mood, anxiety, etc.)


New member
Nov 17, 2006
None of those medication, and products that is mention above are effective for my hair loss. Hair club is a waste of money($2500). Laser comb is useless However, i have been using Aveda shampoo, conditioner and treatment and it stops my hair from falling. Currently, with the help of my doctor, i have completed a new procedure for regrowing my hair and that is PRP treatment. it is too early to tell if it is successful or not. With this treatment i am using Rosemary, grapeseed oil,
and a few more mixed together and massages into my skull. Biotene orally.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
When I was 24 I asked my dermatologist for a hair treatment. He told me "Ice if I knew the cure for hair loss I be the richest man in the world. There is no cure, there is work being done on magnetism treatments that show promise, but the technology is at least 30 years away. Save your money and accept that you will lose your hair. You will be ok."

I have learned that life never takes something, without giving you something better.

The best time of my life happened after I lost my hair. You will also if you give it a chance....


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
When I was 24 I asked my dermatologist for a hair treatment. He told me "Ice if I knew the cure for hair loss I be the richest man in the world. There is no cure, there is work being done on magnetism treatments that show promise, but the technology is at least 30 years away. Save your money and accept that you will lose your hair. You will be ok."

I have learned that life never takes something, without giving you something better.

The best time of my life happened after I lost my hair. You will also if you give it a chance....
That's fantastic, but research has since demonstrated that finasteride does effectively prevent hair loss (potential side effects notwithstanding).

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
When I was 24 I asked my dermatologist for a hair treatment. He told me "Ice if I knew the cure for hair loss I be the richest man in the world.
Anyone who comes up with anything that actually works, without any other bullshit effects to your body, instant billionaire.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
this is the richest man in the world.

if there was an effective treatment or effective cure. youd think he'd have bought it, no?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Easy tiger . . . . . just sayin, forget the 'bald' thing. Dorky look on his face makes gay men go straight! If that personally 'stings', sorry, deal with it!
If he wasn't a dork, he wouldn't be the richest man on the planet. He can get whatever you can x100000000. Humble yourself.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
if there was an effective treatment or effective cure. youd think he'd have bought it, no?
Exactly. Add half of male athletes and Hollywood actors to that list.

These TERB members are living in a fantasy world that props up a multi-billion dollar industry of worthless products.
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