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Hailey - 1433

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
Was gonna watch with my popcorn but man this shit gets old. Sheesh Terbites. Relax a bit.

Y'all get your panties in a bunch when people don't post, when they post too much, when they're new and they post, when their old and just recently posted, when newbies don't do enough research, when they accidentally post a new much panties in a bunch.

If you're all adults like you claim to be, then do the adult thing....if you don't like the post...pass by it. There's many here I don't agree with at all...but you know what? Different strokes for different folks!

You got concern for a Terbite...why not DM them instead of trying to tear them down publicly. Especially someone who's actually actively trying to help out the community....

Look...I have different taste then @bobmoo but I don't come here bashing him. You know why? Cause I appreciate that he's putting his neck on the line and putting out honest reviews. There's plenty of girl I've personally seen that he has reviewed and they are fucking spot on. I don't put out reviews like he does because too many here just want to bash. Like wtf? Are we here to share so people know what they're getting into and don't get riped off or are we here to trash contributors? Such a fickle crowd.

Guys...remember this is supposed to be fun..that's why it's called a hobby. No need to piss on others (unless you're paying for it). No need to try to tear this comment or me down...I'm too old to play keyboard warrior and couldn't care less about petty replies.

Let's get back to focusing on the girls (and any scammers)!


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2023
Man just shut the fuck up and stop posting your fan fiction.
Btw you mention on hazel thread "Do you mean Party favors instead of Dinner?" Dont worry I got proof for you too screenshot..

I promised this young lady Id take her out one day for dinner & drinks.. and this day has come, after her completely offering her service at no cost to redeem @CanuckSoldier B&S session /w Laura.

Dig for this number see if it matches hers also dont forget to match CS review date with my text date.. if you actually knew what was happening with CancunkSolider.. I was legit proud of her.. message her right as I saw the review. You may be invited over for a meal or dinner date.. or buy her a meal because of what an amazing girl she is... wait a min who am I kidding 😂 Instead your clouded by the delusional comments..

what time I fking texted Hailey right away as she is the fking best.. )

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