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Hailey - 1433

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2023


Slim Thick Booty
Nov 6, 2023
Ottawa Ontario
Too expensive.
I've never seen her or plan on seeing her either. But I think are rates sounds reasonable 350/hr for full PS/ GFE sounds like a bargain, my issue is that she's charging $200 up charge for bare sex and that's the reason I would not book a appointment with her. Any SP that offers bare sex I stay far away from because they basically have no restrictions and that's not safe


New member
Mar 28, 2024
I emailed her to get a phone number and she gave me one ending with 4618. No response yet. Anybody else had luck with this number?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2023
Hailey called me on IG and wanted to tell me stuff but couldn't over the phone as she staying with a friend so I went to scoop her up. I promised this young lady Id take her out one day for dinner & drinks.. and this day has come, after her completely offering her service at no cost to redeem @CanuckSoldier B&S session /w Laura. (I cant believe I gotta prove everything.. screenshot after the B&S I promised her a meal go ahead dig for this number see if it matches hers also dont forget to match CS review date with my text date.... if you actually knew what time I fking texted Hailey right away as she is the fking best.. )
1711929579647.png 1711929941845.png
Thank goodness even Hailey is tame compared to what happened last night. Even out in public I admire her helping others with the simplest things like opening doors for other ppl. Truly has a heart of Gold.

Yes ofc this girls phone is broken as well... will fixed soon, seems like a common theme this week. (heavy duty phone armoured, dropped it b4 from a story high & was fine but then dropped it off a bed recently and now has issue /w touch screen) She mention for everyone who tried to reach out she sorry. She's active on her 2nd Instagram account not her main one as it has been compromised.. also whenever she can shes use a friends phone. (Dont use the number nor email on ad).

I cant even make this shit up (Stop reading here if its too much - its a situation that she was able to now turn the next chapter of her life)

This took place Last week and I couldn't post as it was happening in real time
Hailey calls me, I was curious why.. Shes having a shit day, come over hang out on St. Patricks day, whatever happens happens and this is not for $$. So we did exactly that... but oh boy I was in for a nightmare... (I saw her the pervious day, she informed me 3rd party comms doing their bookings, He didn't like that when I posted here as a warning to terb members... service & rates had been reworked.. however this also cock blocked me that night)

Laura and I went to the store to buy stuff, we talked and seemed like there was a bit of tension between her and Hailey. Laura had a incall for like 15mins but also gave me her real number (foreshadowing her pimp). So Hailey swapped in my car, the truth came out or lies.. Both the girls were stuck in a room for a week and kinda hating on each other. Everything was good even mind blowing intel convo then Laura msgs me saying Hailey has a client waiting. At this point Hailey went into panic mode was fearful.. She wanted some paper money to show that I did service with her to please Laura's pimp. I don't understand.. he doesnt control her money.. then it came out, she gives him 100% to keep it "safe" when he takes only 20% and gives "back" their money when they need it to pay for stuff.. Both girls were fed up with this pimp. In my head, I was thinking lie and id just give money to her for free after her incall bcuz Laura wanted to fuck after.

Hailey said dont text Laura shes lying the number is the pimps... wtf she just gave it to me? At this point I still didn't know who to believe.. Laura told me park in front ill come out. Shortly after pimp parks right beside me.. WTF Im I getting set up? I move right away to the gas station then Laura says go to gas station. shortly after pimp shows up beside me... I looked him right in the eyes and waved, rolled down window he instantly left...?? I reconnect with Laura, and ask wtf does he want, she doesnt even know. 10mins later pimp texts Laura and says why are you girls plotting something against me.. Laura said ok let me go calm this guy down and tell him ur Hailey's regular. After doing so I'm guessing he didn't believe her and wanted to talk to Hailey after the incall.

Laura then is trying to meet me again and told me a certain area to go and the pimp is exactly there. She tried to warn me but was a bit late. I tried to pick up Laura 2 or 3 times around the building... this guy is circling the place like a hawk. 3rd attempt swooped her up. She told me the 1125 is TAPPED with him seeing and answering text but she picks up the calls on her phone. After Hailey's long incall.. she wanted to be in the room with Hailey when pimp comes in to make sure she was safe. Pimp (who is using Lauras car doesnt even have his own) doesnt trust both of them... at times I had a buddy on call incase some shit went down and he decided to be reckless.

Hailey text me saying "I told you everything I said happened." Tells me to leave, they are going away. (she had no access to her phone from this point)
Laura text me saying were safe, but we need to leave.
Pimp takes them away some where else.. Laura doesnt know where (they were driving for hours)

All week I've been trying to send them msgs that they would only know... but I knew the guy was watching. Laura seem to be leaking all the info and lying saying she was in prembrook alone..

Today /w Hailey to just talk about situation last week
She said Pimp took them both to Niagara falls bcuz the pimp was scared of me.. lol, even though both girls told him I was just Hailey's regular client... All week every time a phone ding the pimp said Is that the guy? 😆. They made no money there & wasted $$ on gas, Hailey was upset & deprived her.. bcuz she could be making $$ in Ottawa. She also said pimp got put away for couple charges just yesterday, Thank goodness bcuz this guy took all their money and got all her passwords for phone & social media.

TLDR: Let's just say... Hailey was fed up with him and put him away. Great job Hailey 🙌
She is in a much better situation, she is safe and trying to get sorted to the best of "Hailey standard", sadly some women do not treat it as a business with the goal of not only providing for their immediate needs but also for their future as the trade has short shelf life if you don't have yourself sorted.
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William St

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2018
Simply not worth the frustration. If one isn’t seeing her within 30mins of contact, then just forget about it. She’s unreliable and has no qualms just ghosting or making up excuses after saying she’s about ready.
I'm tired of these over-the-top reviews of sketchy providers. They need a chance to straighten out their lives, not have their questionable and dangerous activities splashed around Terb. Moderators, where are you?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2023
I'm tired of these over-the-top reviews of sketchy providers. They need a chance to straighten out their lives, not have their questionable and dangerous activities splashed around Terb. Moderators, where are you?
Hey Will, out of respect this is not on Hailey. Shes been working for a while.. this is Laura's "pimp" they came into her lives 2 weeks ago so hailey could train laura.. (many others including me have seen her before this) now he is gone for good so she is getting back on track, by locking this thread will also remove any way of her making income you do know that right?

William St

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2018
Hey Will, out of respect this is not on Hailey. Shes been working for a while.. this is Laura's "pimp" they came into her lives 2 weeks ago so hailey could train laura.. (many others including me have seen her before this) now he is gone for good so she is getting back on track, by locking this thread will also remove any way of her making income you do know that right?
Well, that's just false. Terb members account for a small percentage of any provider's clients. That's always been the case, and always will be.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2023
Well, that's just false. Terb members account for a small percentage of any provider's clients. That's always been the case, and always will be.
hmm interesting you seem to disregard the whole comment and cherry pick what you think applies to a generic situation..
Her specific situation might not be understood... let me ask you few simple questions for a Suitor like urself try to see Hailey.

1. How do you contact her? on her LL that has been taken by the pimp? sure
2. On the email 📧 that is provided on the LL? that made by the pimp sure
3. What's her #? 📞 that I clearly stated and attached a screenshot showing she needs to fix.
4. Finally Hailey is a stage name ofc.. So your not going to find Hailey, phe, sammy, serenity or even latest Sabrina on her actual Social media. How would one locate her? on this great information sharing website TERB which I've search all last week trying to get through to her without him watching.. its not easy writing in code then blocking my number.

TLDR: Hailey's LL, passwords, social media has been all turned over to the pimp.. she is trying to recover them.. and can call from a friends phone but needs to be private.
She is honestly trying her best to pick her life back together..

Wow, threats of death now! What more can I expect, I wonder?
Also seem to disregard and missed the beat again as Nesbot is not referring to you.
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William St

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2018
hmm interesting you seem to disregard the whole comment and cherry pick what you think applies to a generic situation..

you might not know her situation.. let me ask you few simple questions for a person who is going to try to see Hailey.

1. How do you contact her? on her LL that has been taken by the pimp? sure
2. on the email that is provided on the LL? that made by the pimp sure
3. is her whats her #? on a phone that clearly on the screen shot shows she needs to fix.

her LL, passwords, social media has been all turned over to the pimp.. she is trying to recover them.. and can call from a friends phone but cannot be posted

Also seem to also disregard the situation again as hes not referring to you.
Yeah, sorry....this wasn't quite clear from the post.


Active member
Aug 13, 2003
Lots of drama happening here. I know not all of us are adventurous as bobmoo however at the same time, he’s been upfront about it not being for everyone. We are have our own swim lane where we hobby and to each their own. At the same time, if these girls aren’t for you, then he’s been providing a service in letting us know his experiences which this forum is for.

Not all providers have drug, alcohol or other problems and if we’re not interested in seeing them we all know the red flags in ads or communication with them. By the sounds of it, these girls all need some kind of help and if it’s something that bobmoo is interested in, that’s up to him.


Nov 25, 2018
I don't have an issue with bob's reviews. As mentioned many times before, we are all consenting adults and can make our own decisions. If his encounters are too sketchy then there are plenty of fishes in the sea, as people always like to say.

These girls are all consenting adults as well. I am not here to judge anyone. If they want to indulge in questionable substances and want to associate themselves with shady characters then that's entirely their prerogative. There are plenty of helpful resources around, if they want to seek assistance, but they need to have to their own mental fortitude to do so.

I do have a genuine question for bob: In one of your previous review, I believe you mentioned you are attached. I'd like to know how you can find all the time in the world to come see SPs, at odd hours of the day too!

If you have any tips to share for the ones who may need to come up with creative excuses, I am sure we are all ears!
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