Ashley Madison

H&M faces customer boycott over 'racist' hoodie advertising campaign


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
H and M is a European company though. And a big one. Between focus groups and the execs they all failed on this one.

And not because I personally see this as racial. But we have hit enough critical mass of people who do.

Cripes I'm waiting for when food becomes cultural appropriation.......
Focus groups cost money so they likely did not use them. We're talking about a run of the mill sweatshirt, not a completely new product line. So the execs likely would not get involved in something so routine.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
It was 83' I believe.

Today, the soccer leagues across Europe have a tough time with fans mocking opposing players who are black....jumping up and down and scratching their armpits. In Italy the fans do it to their own players in some cities.
And throw bananas



Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Cripes I'm waiting for when food becomes cultural appropriation.......
Are you actually trivialising legitimate concerns such as this?

Likening black people to apes (gorillas,monkeys etc) has a long dark history. And here you are being flippant about food possibly becoming cultural appropriation.

It's attitudes like that....

This is about a slur.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Are you actually trivialising legitimate concerns such as this?

Likening black people to apes (gorillas,monkeys etc) has a long dark history. And here you are being flippant about food possibly becoming cultural appropriation.

It's attitudes like that....

This is about a slur.
And that's the point I made above, which you ignored.

You are Black and supposedly have so much knowledge about "monkey" being a choice of words when it comes to Black people. No other people care about the term even though they may call their own babies and toddlers little monkeys.

So you tell us all why that is.

To me, when I saw that green shirt with a Black kid on it saying monkey, I couldn't give a shit. It's a bunch of 7 year olds with green or orange t-shirts with cheesy sayings on them. It's only because these articles popped up claiming it's a racist t-shirt. Put the same shirt on a white, brown or asian kid and nobody cares.

As I said before, if people people stop paying attention to it and "going with the flow" by associating and correlating themselves with the stereotype, it won't be seen that way.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Are you actually trivialising legitimate concerns such as this?

Likening black people to apes (gorillas,monkeys etc) has a long dark history. And here you are being flippant about food possibly becoming cultural appropriation.

It's attitudes like that....

This is about a slur.
My point is I don't believe it was an Intentional one. Just a stupid one.

I'm reminded of the Ottawa Yoga Teacher at an Ottawa University who was fired because she was white and not Indian. Despite her giving free lessons to handicapped people. And a genuine practitioner.

Feel free to look it up.

So my point where is the line heading? If I make Tacos an I appropriating Mexican Culture? I've actually seen this argument online.

A better pic for this sweatshirt would have been a bunch of kids hanging from jungle gym of various cultural backgrounds.

So yes H&M got it wrong. But I continue to be curious as to when as a white guy I can stop being wrong. Just because of the past.


Active member
May 22, 2011
So yes H&M got it wrong. But I continue to be curious as to when as a white guy I can stop being wrong. Just because of the past.
I agree it was a stupid decision to green light that shirt with a Black kid. They should have known it would explode.

Never the less, it's something that is surely a middle/low level manager who is at fault. No CEO or director is going to give a shit about some children photos on a website selling sweat tops. High level execs don't micromanage everything. So what happened is some marketing or e-com person green lit this material... whether it was designed in-house or from a third party marketing/ad company who does it for them.

As for your sentence of being a white guy and always being portrayed as some kind of overlord, it's actually kind of flattering.

It goes to show that even in 2018, minorities put all white people on a pedestal as some kind of powerful authoritative figure. And it's up to YOU (as a white guy) to appease the masses and give back so they feel better. Doesn't matter if you are a CEO or a fry cook, you are obligated to be "in give back mode" because somehow every white person is rich with a great job, education and grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth..... and has some kind of KKK ties, so a white guy like you has pre-baked racist thoughts since you were a toddler. On the other hand, no whites have shitty jobs, are unemployment, and everything runs smoothly.

The funny thing is US and Canadian demographics are actually similar.... Asians typically have overall better education and avg salaries than whites and blacks. And let's face it, when it comes to troublemakers and the media, there's hardly any asians that are famous. So you don't get any salary skew because of all the rich white and black athletes, movie stars, CEOs etc....

Maybe the best thing to do in life for anyone is just to shut up, go to school, get a good job, and stop trying to be rich and famous athletes, actors and news reporters.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
And throw bananas

Well according to the rhuarc29 test, if throwing bananas at white people is not racist, then throwing them at black players is not racist. Great logic there.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
My point is I don't believe it was an Intentional one. Just a stupid one.

I'm reminded of the Ottawa Yoga Teacher at an Ottawa University who was fired because she was white and not Indian. Despite her giving free lessons to handicapped people. And a genuine practitioner.

Feel free to look it up.

But I continue to be curious as to when as a white guy I can stop being wrong. Just because of the past.

She wasn't employed, the class she ran was cancelled because some nutjobs complained and some pencil pushers wanted to keep their jobs. What you posted is race-war baiting crap.

To answer your question, as a white guy you will continue be wrong when you continue to be wrong. Being white has nothing to do with it.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Do you live in North America?

Do you remember someone called Barack Obama...just for recent vintage?
I don't pay attention to such silly stories because they don't affect anything. My guess is that Obama also doesn't pay attention to people calling him names because he was busy running a country.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Are you actually trivialising legitimate concerns such as this?

Likening black people to apes (gorillas,monkeys etc) has a long dark history. And here you are being flippant about food possibly becoming cultural appropriation.

It's attitudes like that....

This is about a slur.
Sorry, this is far from a legitimate issue. People are just choosing to be outraged over trivial issues like this. The only reason that they're outraged is because it's easy to do it. All it takes is a Like or Retweet. There are much bigger injustices going on in the world that get little to no attention.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
I'm black and even my first reaction is: "Oh for the love of Christ they weren't calling the little Black Boy a monkey".

Kids find monkeys cool (like that game Barrel of Monkeys, Curious George, etc.) and this is at worst, a case of casual cluelessness on the advertising team's part. Was it necessarily the best idea? No. Was it deliberate racism? HELL NO. "Cultural insensitivity" is as far as I'd condemn it, but short of handing every non-Black person a codified Urban Dictionary of every pejorative term ever used against Black People in the history of mankind, such innocent gaffes are going to happen from time to time.

Know what would be really cool though? If people didn't even know to get offended anymore because the thought of a Black Person being confused with a monkey never even once crossed their minds/conversations. Hopefully one day with increasing multiculturalism kids won't even know such offensive slurs existed in the first place.
Not just kids, monkey's are awesome!

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Actually there's plenty of examples where something is "okay" on a white person but "not okay" on an ethnic person (or vice-versa), especially in ad campaigns, movies, tv, etc.:

1) Any episode of TV that involves terrorism (even domestic) and the bad guy/gal is automatically brown (be it Iranian, Afghani, etc.). The Unabomber was a white dude and one of the most infamous domestic-grown terrorists in recent history, yet people don't walk around suspecting every white guy in a hoodie. Put a Brown / Black guy in one and everyone is looking at them sideways.

2) Movies where the heroes are all white, and the villains are all conveniently ethnic. The Last Air Bender is a perfect example of this: the canon material featured an ethnically diverse world and cast of characters (Asian, Inuit, Indian), both good and evil with nary a white-looking person to be found anywhere, but the white-washed Hollywood casting put all the good guys as white kids and the bad guys as brown people. THAT is a deliberate decision on someone's part, and was clearly reinforcing bad racial stereotypes.

3) There was a news article last year about some Montreal Elementary School teachers that got in trouble for making their kids wear paper Native American head-wear for the opening day of school. While not "racist", it was flamed for cultural insensitivity. It would have been one thing if it was a First Nations heritage event initiated by Native students/staff, but it was just some would-be-do-gooders that were clueless that they had no right to touch this with a ten-foot pole.

4) Same goes for Halloween - tons of costumes have come under scrutiny when worn by people not of the ethnicity it depicts. Still an open debate mind you, but the PC police have been all over it.

5) A swastika in the hands of a white person is an automatic Neo-Nazi association. In the hands of a Tibetan / Buddhist and (properly inverted) it's a religious symbol.
When I was a young kid if I was being chased by an adult while playing I often heard "I'm going to get you you little monkey". For the record I'm not black. Kids love monkeys like you said. Curious George.
It's only those who have hangups about race (derrick76 for instance) that see the sweater as being inherently racist. We live in a post racial society for the most part but we'll never achieve full racial harmony until people can get beyond nonsense like this. Hyper sensitive PC culture is the prime barrier to achieving that.


Active member
May 22, 2011
When I was a young kid if I was being chased by an adult while playing I often heard "I'm going to get you you little monkey". For the record I'm not black. Kids love monkeys like you said. Curious George.
It's only those who have hangups about race (derrick76 for instance) that see the sweater as being inherently racist. We live in a post racial society for the most part but we'll never achieve full racial harmony until people can get beyond nonsense like this. Hyper sensitive PC culture is the prime barrier to achieving that.
The world will never be perfect. Never has, never will.

Best thing to do in life is do your best, live it it fun and honest, and when you die you'll realize you had a great time.

Ignore the small things that pester you in life, life will be a lot smoother and better.

Getting hyped up and angry about every little internet article or tweet, or going nuts and OCD because you have a dirty fork in the kitchen sink is just going to rise your blood pressure and make it look like you can't handle anything.

Trust me, that green monkey sweat top isn't going to affect you one bit, and that dirty fork isn't going anywhere. It can be washed tomorrow.

(But I got to say..... reading up on how hyper people get at small stuff gives me laughs. So I guess my blood pressure rises too. lol)


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
If you see a monkey and think "black people" and I see a monkey and think "hey, monkeys!"

Who's the racist?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
You realize that blowing this thing up gives the racists MORE power because they will continue to use "monkey" as a derogatory term because they know it causes a visceral reaction, right?

You've just given more fuel to the fire for those racist (and/or shit disturber) soccer fans in Europe to hurl more bananas and make monkey chants during games.


Active member
Dec 26, 2016
People have such brittle ears.

Was it racist? Imho no.
Was it in poor taste? Yes

Call em out move on.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
This goes down as probably the stupidest knee jerk reaction of all time
Anyone who thinks they were insulting the black boy should be shot to remove them from the gene pool

This was a CHILD and there was no racism involved whatsoever
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