Thanks for your genuine response. Take care and happy new yearDon't sweat it too much. The chances of contracting anything serious is smaller than you probably think, although of course still not zero. By far your biggest risk right now is COVID. If you're new, I'd suggest getting a full series of STI tests done (many clinics do them, most are free, all are super discreet and non-judgemental) and repeat it a couple of times a year to keep your mind at ease. Happy hobbying!
If it's going to be a constant worry the hobby may not be for you. Maybe stamp collecting?So I assume that means you had contracted nothing. Since life went on?
After you went to confession did your Priest tell you to say two Hail Mary’s and you will feel better. If not treat your OP as your confession and say two Hail Mary’s. Guaranteed you will feel a little better as there is nothing more powerful than the Church of Terb. But stay away from the evil ones here as they will lead you astray and you may never come back.Hey all, I'm new here and new to all of this. I got first service yesterday been having a terrible year... I'm really paranoid as I'm new to this all and not really sure why I did it. I paid 400 for 1 hour service. She gave a "BBBJ" I wasn't aware of the stress that can bring. I also had protected sex with her and removed the condom and did get some vaginal fluids on me. I'm really paranoid and stressed the hell out this was yesterday.
If you are worry so much. You should forget about hobbying. Stay home and hide under a rock and feel safe.Hey all, I'm new here and new to all of this. I got first service yesterday been having a terrible year... I'm really paranoid as I'm new to this all and not really sure why I did it. I paid 400 for 1 hour service. She gave a "BBBJ" I wasn't aware of the stress that can bring. I also had protected sex with her and removed the condom and did get some vaginal fluids on me. I'm really paranoid and stressed the hell out this was yesterday.
Hey dude, don't let the pranksters get to you. Become aware of everything possible healthwise when seeing an escort. The best thing is to talk with the person beforehand and make them aware of your health concerns. Hopefully, this will allow you to make an informed choice.I know for some it's funny for sure. I had a really terrible divorce and just testing waters on life in a different light. Little paranoid as I never did this before
If you're really paranoid, next time play doctor, first. It's just a mild kink. Bring a flashlight and a magnifying. Tell her to open wide and say "ah", then repeat downstairs. Make sure to wear gloves and a white coat.