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Great!! Terb Party


Master Roshis Apprentice!
Oct 19, 2001
more than Great!

WOW Violet tonight was killer! the fog on the drive home at 5 am after the after party was bad but heh worth every mile of it ;)
Happy you got home o.k.

I am glad you had a good time. That you also got home o.k. That is what is important. ;) As did I. I think I am going to talk to my beautiful Kassidy to plan more of these events... Great way for all of us to meet.


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
*loudly curses her neighbours*

I also had a spectacular time last night. Thanks to all who made it out. Right now, I would love to be sleeping (got in at 5 AM) but someone is using a farking jackhammer next door I think *sighs*

Mori: Enjoying your Jelly Krystal? I wasn't lying when I said it was the worlds best toy! Agree with me know *winks*

Violette: It was an enchanting evening with you as always *kiss kiss* Congrats on your win with the lei contest as sexy runner up!

Rogie: You bum looks even better than I imagined! You were an amazing person to plan and host this with, and I think the party was a huge sucess, but I need a couple months off before I attempt organizing one of these again!

XTC: Great to see you out last night. It has been way too long. Don't forget my rock!

Benny and Tonto: You both were great as always to see. Thank you for making the trip up to our neck of the woods.

Zoickss: It was great to see you too! Again a person I had gone way too long without seeing *kiss*

JennyL: Congratulations for winning the get lei'd contest, you sure worked some magic on the room.

Hammertm: Lemieux was adorable! Thanks for showing Violette and I that TERB hospitality.

Sidvic: It was splendid to meet you! Even if you seemed more interestd in meeting my twins *winks*

Stoo: You totaly ROCK! Thank you for making the time to attend, sorry I forgot to grondle you, though you did get some gropes!

And to everyone else: It would take forever to thank everyone one by one, so thanks one and all who came out and made this party a success! I had a splendiforous time meeting each and every one of you!

Now...back to bed with me....I think they put the jackhammer away next door.



New member
Aug 21, 2001
S.W. Ont.
Had a great time, thanks to Kass and Rogie for planning the whole thing and making it a great evening!

Violette, I really enjoyed meeting you, will have to meet a gain sometime soon!

Huggs n kisses to all the ladies!


New member
Nov 26, 2004
Niagara peninsula

Great evening. Really enjoyed meeting everybody - Rogie, Kassidy, Violette, Sensfan, Beermiester, Gentle Ben, Tonto, JennyL. Sorry had to leave "Early" but I had to be back up at 4:30 AM and on my way to work afterwards.

Do it again - dammed straight!!



Senior Member
I must agree with everybody and say what a great party it was. Had lots of fun meeting everyone. Hope everyone got home okay.

Had a great time with Violette and Kassidy. Sounds like I should have left with you guys when you asked if I cumming back too.
Anyway glad you guys and gals found " somthing to do "

It was great meeting you all, and having some fine conversations as well. Everyone I met was very cool and I'm looking forward to one of Violette's parties soon. I think she is very hot and one of the prettiest ladies I have ever seen. What a sweet smile she has. Always seemingly smiling and rocking a little. I like that....a happy girl
Kassidy I thought you were very good at getting the mood going and mingling to start things off. Thanks Kassidy for breaking the ice for us shy ones. We needed that.

And a very big Thank-you to Rogie for all his hard work at organizing it all.

Hammer your a wild one all right.

To everyone I didn't mention it was great meeting you and see ya next time we come out of Cyber land
Last edited:


"Good Girl"
Just like to add...
Thanks to everyone that came out and made the DollHouse rock on a Monday evening. The girls from the club and the Management & staff were very greatful for your business, we had a great time with you all. Sorry I couldn't meet you all, we were short girls last night, and I had to be on stage more than the floor :(
Jordan also was glad to meet you all, especially Kassidy and Violette. (we already knew you Rogie!) *giggles* You girls are great and fun to be around!
Hopefully we can have another one in the future. I'm sure it'll be a little more interesting next time, as not everyone will be so shy.
Again..thanks guys for planning such a great party.

ps, I still remember my ticket #, if anyone still has theirs that they didn't cash in. pm me if you have mine, and I will re-imburse you for it.
Party Memories

OK... good things... seeing everyone, and meeting new pervs; grand organization (thanks Rogie et al); Melissa in the VIP (thanks again Rogie..)

Not so good... Rogie's ass getting whupped on stage... I stopped drinking at that point, and it was early!

Great seeing you all... next time we're all ridin' with Tonto.... "The Piece Train"

And you owe me a couple of Grondles Kassidy! ;)


Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle
Da partay

Stoo said:
Not so good... Rogie's ass getting whupped on stage... I stopped drinking at that point, and it was early!
Thankfully (and for probably the only time in recent memory) it wasn't my ass getting whipped on stage - although you have to be careful when you're around Jordan & have a belt. I think it was one of the London boys, but don't recall which one.

I had a blast & it was good to see we got a good turn out.

Full marks to Kassidy for all the help & everyone for being an extremely cool & fun group. Too many people to thank but just wanted to send a shout out to a couple of the ladies for a special thanks:

Kassidy (again) - thanks for all the help, it was pleasure working with you & finally meeting you.
Sensfan - you are one wild rockin' chick. I'm almost afraid to come & see you because i'm so frail & gentile you'd probably hurt me. ;)
Jordan - for making sure that losing my first lei was the most memorable. Yum.
SexyKiki - sorry for the smack on the ass, hopefully it didn't leave a mark. I'd forgotten what a feisty lady you are until you smacked me right back. Damn that was a turn on.
Michelle (waitress) - you're a rockin' chick as well - watching you & Sensfan exchanging hooter shooters was one of the highlights for me.

So, who's in charge of the next party?


New member
Oct 31, 2004
Aloha girls

From the girls at Aloha
Everyone had a great time. Unfortunately we could only stay for a couple of hours. Sounds like we missed the most fun!!!!
Rogie and Kassidy: you did a great job and it was very nice meeting you.
The people I did meet, Terbites and non-terbites, were all nice people. Lots of laughs.


New member
Apr 20, 2002
I posted this in the party thread last night as soon as I got back - didn't think of starting a new one but it was almost 2 am - damn coulda been almost 3 if they would have let us keep drinking - anyway here is what I posted last night.

Well IMHO the party was a hit - great turnout and great work by Rogie and Kassidy - It was nice to meet a bunch of you - to be able to put a face to the name when I see you on the board. THANKS ROGIE and KASSIDY - great job !!


New member
Apr 20, 2002
Next one hell yeah - just give me about 3-4 weeks to rebuild funds.... damn buying drinks for me and some others ... all those lai's I gave away .... VIP dances ....... vip dances ....... vip dances ....... what and some of you remember me ? LMAO

Seriously it was a great time - and if there is any way to make it the next time - I will be there.


Busty Member
May 7, 2003

Thanks to everyone for the thanks. But it is going to take a pretty piece of convincing to get me to do aother one soon. Maybe if a group did it instead of two people. I think I got to sit down for all of about 5 minutes last night! So any offers for assistance with co-ordinating the next one and I will help again, as long as there is atleast 4 co-host/hostesses!



Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle
I'll attend but...

Kassidy said:
Thanks to everyone for the thanks. But it is going to take a pretty piece of convincing to get me to do aother one soon. Maybe if a group did it instead of two people. I think I got to sit down for all of about 5 minutes last night! So any offers for assistance with co-ordinating the next one and I will help again, as long as there is atleast 4 co-host/hostesses!

Leave the hosting honours to someone else (or several someones). Lot more work than i anticipated & didn't get to properly seduce any of the lovely ladies from Aloha before they ran away. <note to self - must rectify that next time>
Rogie I will help

Next time I will be glad to help out. It was such fun I would not mind helping out. I know you and Kassidy worked very hard to get this ready for all of us. You did a great Job!!

Just remember how many people you helped get together that night.

BTW Kassidy I miss you. When are we going to get together again?



...voted Most Open-minded
This was the first terb party for me and I must say it was a HOOT !! (Lot's of "them" there too)
Just finally getting to meet some of our fellow terbites and see what they actually look like in person made the trip worthwhile. For instance, I had always 'pictured' Rogie as about 50-ish and with a strong Scottish accent and pipe hanging out of his lips...maybe even wearing a kilt and all !!
Although they only stayed for a far too short a period of time, it was great to see the gals from Aloha...I'm sure if any of you would have stayed you would have had a ton of fun.
Also met a few new 'friends' in Violette, JennyL and the gal from the Blue Lagoon in London (lost your contact info)...
I would have LUVED to have stayed a little longer but had to leave rather suddenly as a result of an allergy problem and the meds being at home...damn....right in the middle of that gal from the Blue Lagoon doing her little dance routine. :(
THANKS to both Kassidy and Rogie for a job well done!!


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
Violette my dear, I am sure we will see eachother soon enough. You know I can never get enough of you!

Kinks, it was great to see you. Sorry I couldn't really spend too much time talking with you, but I was the busy little beaver *evil grin* circulating and making sure everything ran as smoothly as possible. Though I am glad you enjoyed meeting Violette and Jenny, both are great gals!



New member
Dec 21, 2004
Sometimes in England
Terb Canadian Culture

Well This "Very out of Towner" would like to say a big thank you to everyone that made this night possible and making me feel welcome, It was a great oportunity for me to experience a little of this branch of Canadian Culture and to meet a few of you ...I am sure I should have made a bigger effort to introduce myself but I was a little busy myself from time to time and the evening did go by so quickly ..
...Repeating Thanks to Rogie and Kassidy for the organisation behind it all... Good to meet you both ... To the Doll house for hosting it and a Special Thanks to SexyKiki for looking after me so well ( when she wasnt on the stage that is ;) ) .. and lastly Well done to Jordan for turning out to the party in spite of feeling quite under the weather I know everyone apreciated your efforts.

Anyhow more Brits could sure do with coming over here and experiencing this Branch of Hospitality .. I hope I am over here when you have the next one !

Good Luck and good health to you all..

PS.. Exactly What technique did those Lovely Ladies ( ? ) use to get all all those Lei's ..I guess some things just are not for telling ....LOL
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