Toronto Girlfriends

Got stiffed for a web site by a fellow member


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002
papasmerf said:
Hey Glibey

A good business moto is; "In God we trust, All Others PAY CASH"
oh yah I once had to take the almighty to Heavanly court once... and he settled out of court for a adult divine web site with naked angels, but he grinned and said hed be there at the gates judgement day... gulp! so I won the case but will rot in pergotory for that lawsiut, unless I catch him with another angel and get the video to prove it LOL


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002
Re: Gilbey

guru024 said:
Come on Gil and post her name so we all can avoid her
oh dont avoid her, next time she gets on her high horse about people should be treated with respect and people should be paid reasonably for their time, just remind her "you mean like Gilbey"


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Sorry Glib can not resist

<in my best whimpy voice> I will gladly pay you tuesday for a website today.


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002
papasmerf said:
Sorry Glib can not resist

<in my best whimpy voice> I will gladly pay you tuesday for a website today.
funny I actually have a character in my upcoming comedy movie named whimpy becuase he goes up to the girls in the cars and says "Ill gladly pay you tuesday for a bj today" I hope enough people remember wimpy on popey

anyway im not just a web designer, Im a film maker as well well its my first film coming up this spring about the escort and driver buz. a comedy


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Just had a look around e-driver. Very nice work


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002
we start in a couple of weeks.. and I paid for my site, no wait , I did it myself yah thats the ticket...


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Nice work
interesting premise.

Sounds like a great project
Re: Re: well

bbwmorgan said:
Err, I think Dave meant he *creates* his own templates, from scratch, to stockpile for future sites - as opposed to using stock templates.

I do the same, that way I always have a few hanging around I can just plug content into.

-- Morgan
I was confused by the whole comment top be



And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
Unfortunately we all have stories of being scammed, the only silver lining is the experience you gain and the future pain you avoid by not repeating the same mistake twice.

You are certainly within your rights to "out" her... no different then a merchant who hangs up bad checks for everyone else to see. Public ridicule and a loss of future business for this scam artist is probably fair payback, although it doesnt help you recover your losses.
Not really the same, but sort of...sorry to hear what happened gilbey

trust (tr st)
1. Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
2. Custody; care.
3. Something committed into the care of another; charge.
a. The condition and resulting obligation of having confidence placed in one: violated a public trust.
b. One in which confidence is placed.
5. Reliance on something in the future; hope.

I don’t post much in the lounge, however there is something that I just have to get off my chest. I had asked someone to get me something and I actually had the money to pay for it.
What it was is not important, but is that it was something that was in the planning for a surprise for our kids. I spoke to the individual (you know who you are) and he assured me that he could get what I was asking for. I pressed and pressed that I wanted to pay for it, however he said that because I have been good to him, he would take care of it.
I thought ‘wow’ the kids are going to go nuts. So I called him a week before the event and asked if he had it in his possession, and he said he did, so I picked up the phone and booked a limousine.
The night before the event, I called this individual and he comes up with an excuse that he is in the hospital with colitis and the Norwalk virus. I am thinking oh my god he is going to stiff me. He then calls repeatedly saying that everything will work out. So again I give him the benefit of the doubt because maybe he really is sick. Every time he calls, he says he’s out front of the hospital having a smoke and is putting the blame on someone else who was supposed to call us. Each time I speak with him, he gives us another story, so I jump in the car and go to the hospital to wait for him to call again, and he does. He tells me he’s out front having a smoke, and I am like hell you are, I am sitting right out front myself. He then told me that he was going to check out of the hospital and he needed a ride. I sat out front to 4:30am, during which time he turned his phone off. So needless to say I have a limo booked and no where to go. Thanks A*****E.
His story changed and changed so much my head was spinning. I was furious, upset and most of all pissed off at myself for putting my trust into someone I thought was a friend. This individual does read this board and I hope that he does not sleep well at night knowing what a pitiful excuse for a man he is. I hope never to speak or hear from him again, as I will never trust a single thing he says. I should have listened to all of the people that told me what a ***** he is and believe me they are many, but instead I chose to try to see the good in this person.
I choose not to name this person because I am sure he will be reading this and ask for this thread to be pulled.
I eventually came up with a plan and we took the 5 kids to the Playdium in the limo and they had a blast. So to the individual that stiffed me. THANKS FOR NOTHING.


Feb 13, 2004
bonnie said:
I had asked someone to get me something and I actually had the money to pay for it.
What it was is not important, but is that it was something that was in the planning for a surprise for our kids..
I know its not important but PLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE tell us.

Ms Paige Taylor

New member
Mar 17, 2004

You should know that I don't shy away from anything, nor do I take to threats well.

If you are going to tell the story, then tell the whole story, and not just the part that best suits your agenda.

I am the person you designed this website for. You've said as much as you did, why not just be a man and say the name and the REST of the story? The WHOLE story.

You did design the site for me in record time and did an excellent job. Even though at no point did you stipulate that you expected payment by such and such a day, on the VERY DAY that you informed me that it was ready to be viewed, I offered to send you full payment by either PayPal or a money order by overnight courier. Do you remember that or do you have selective memory? Your response to me was that you didn't have a PayPal account and you would not accept a money order, that it had to be cash only. I said fine, then I'll do my best to come to the party (I had a school function that evening) and if I see you there we'll settle up. I did not attend the party. From then until now "shit has happened" which you are not interested in, nor should you be, making it difficult to get the money to you. Now, perhaps there was another way to get the money to you that I haven't thought of, but it was never my intention to screw you out of your money like so many people I've worked for in this industry have done with me. It has only been ONE WEEK (7 days, you've said yourself) since the site has been finished, and you make it sound like I've owed you this measily $300 for months.

This morning you refused payment. Instead you hung up the phone on me AFTER you threatened me through PMs to post threads like this... how very professional of you.... and said to forget it that you were going to sell the site. Fine, that's your perrogative.

Not only did you post this, but you went a step further and stated outright lies you made up about the site being a cover for scamming people and all the other bullshit that's spewed from your keyboard today. The purpose of that website was exactly what it is... an escort agency. And although YOU may not think that anyone would drive for $20, again you are wrong because not you nor anyone else on here or GTAC knows anything about me when it comes to business... what I do... how I do it... who I have working with me, etc etc... you speculate, but you don't KNOW. So if you don't know for sure, keep your mouth shut and stick to the facts.

Now, if you still want your $300 for a site you're going to sell, I will gladly give it to you because I can assure you that $300 is hardly a problem for me.

Now quit saying that you know I'm trying to scam people and do this and that, because that's an outright lie that you made up and you know it. I've done well in this industry long before you or any of these boards, and I will continue to do well, regardless of your hissy-fit thread. You are the most passive-agressive individual I've ever known... posting shit like "you guys know me, I never want to cause trouble" then posting like a madman and gossiping about it to people through PMs and including outright lies.

Perhaps people should be skeptical of doing business with YOU who after only 7 days will do what you've done today.

There, it's out.... I'm looking around me and the world hasn't caved in.


New member
Jan 24, 2004
Hmmm... If you owe somebody money you don't make them ask for it more than once. You pay up, no excuses, no delays. Your reputation is everything.


Mar 13, 2004
Ms Paige Taylor said:
Gilbey, If you are going to tell the story, then tell the whole story, and not just the part that best suits your agenda.
Yeah right Taylor, and you think we are going to believe you more than Castro (Gilbey)? I don't think so. After the half-truths you try to tell us at JohnCoop and trying to raise SP's prices your credibility went down the drain.

Originally posted by Ms Paige Taylor I can assure you that $300 is hardly a problem for me.
So let's pay up pretty girl, what's the problem?


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002
Ms paige taylor I was still waiting to get an explanation of every time yousaid , tomorw with no follow up, and then no call no email and nothing,
I told you to call me if you wanted to do business with me and you then asked me for my number, like you lost my number , then you didnt want to call me and said in a pm instead of a phone call. "maybe yuo should just go and sell the site , Im not pissed about the money
but if you had any integrity about yourslef which you dont, you should have called me at 8:01 pm when you didnt send your driver with the money, why didnt you call me and say there was a change of plan?? you ignored my request yeterday to please lets take care of this be fore noon so I cna carry out my day , you didnt respond, what the hell were you thinking did things change no you were lying from day one, every time you said tomorow it was a brush off......and you didnt want to alk on the phone when I said ihave some questions, dont blame me, its your lies that did it for you,
you either dont have the money or have no intentions of paying >>>
when someone keeps sayng its in the mail 7 days in a row and doesnt call to say no it isnt, that person is a scammer , plain and simple, I have never had a fight with anyone on any board in 2 years, but they know how disrespectfull you can be, I have see the writing on the posts.... you paige are a scammer , and you tried to scam me for my time and see how long you could get away with it,

if you have an once of decency, please explain what you did every time you said , tomorow, or the driver is comeing at 8, did Innot deserve a call saying no the driver isnt coming and your answer to all my questions is

"Look Gil, Im not going to argue with you , shit happens "

thats right 7 days in a row, Tell me something, if you were sending a escort to a client and she had her car broken down and couldnt make it, would you call the client and say she cant make it ??? no , then why didnt you show the same courtesy with me waiting at hime for your non exisitan driver,

twice you claimed for sure tomoroe if not I will drive there myself, another 2 lies... face it nothing but lies and no follow through

you planned this fromthe start.... thats my piece, you canhuff and puff and explain it to these folks , you dont fool me , you trie dto stiff me and lied amny times and you got caought,

the best part is when you would argue with people aon the board about how sp's should be paid a minimum of 250.00 and no less, then startt this pretend agancy to gather names to sell them on you secret secretary services, but what about the web designer,
does he deserve 25 lies and wasyed another 6 hours of my time waiting for your driver whom you necer sent

lier and scammer , never in my life have I told someone , im send your payment right now it is a lie, neverin my life, thise that know me here who ahve done business with me will always do business with me anytime

but thou art on thy high horse and thoust got caought

sorry tosay this but shit doesnt happen 7 days in a row... only lies

have a nice lying life ,
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts