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Got stiffed for a web site by a fellow member


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002
some of you remember this web site with come controversy.
http://www.blue-zone.net/gta-escorts/ Well I had been requested to design this by a fellow member here and on GTA. I was told to keep it quiet so as to keep it secret whi was doing it. I did the site well ver a week ago and when asked for my paltry payment was told, "Ill see you at the Party friday and Ill pay you then" Well she was a no show, so I go t home expecting a phone message or email saying she couoldnt make it , nothing, I contacted her a day later, "Oh yah I idnt make it"m, -Well Id like to get paid, the goods were delevered and you were happy. So I get, "my driver will bring it to you tomorow. " ok tomorow, no hear from anyone, I again email, I get , he was busy, so tomorow, if not Ill bring it down myslef, Next day... nothing , she is not answering the phone, I send pm, "Oh she says , he was sick, it wll be tomorow... Now Im getting irritated . I send email to say lets take care of this before noon so I can go about my banking... no answer, again lack of communication..

then I notice shes posting away on the boards, she notices me and sends pm, my driver will be there at 8pm, she doesnt confiem my address or phone number.
of course, I know no one is coming from that, sure enough no driver.
then this morning she is posting away again having fun while im waiting for an explanation... I send her a pm, saying thanks for the brush off, I will sell the site and tell everyone what you are about,

she pms me back , "wait thats not true I wnt the site" and I say, f you care so much then have the courtesy to call me or our business is over....
she pms 10 minutes later "whats your phone number, I left my book in the car" I send my number agaih... then I get a pm... maybe you should go ahead and do what you want , should I call you or are we finished?"

I said you just asked me for my number, so this is really a scam from the begining. then the phone rings, its her. I ask for not apology but explanaition how when all the promises were broken why she didnt call me, she says well it will have to be tomorow, I sadi no if you want the site, take care of it now, then one excuse after another, wheres your driver? hes working, why dont you jump in your car and come down now after all the grief, Because i busy on the phones... (phones? the agency isnt running yet)

I asked for an explanation, I got well you know "shit happens" and she said do what you want to do. I hung up and posted on gta about it,, then it hit me, (and this is my opinion from duduction)

there never was an aegency in mind for this site, it was to attract the ladies to try to sell them the other escort business services she provides

she had planned to scam me from the beginning and would just stall forever thinking Im a wimp and wont do anything about it...

any this is my story, its not the not getting paid but the contrived lies this
purpose scammer would tell me , lie after lie, tomorow, hes sick, hes busy, tomrow, Ill come down myself if I have to....and so on...

well I had enough, put it for sale and have 2 offers. but that doesnt let her off the hook becuase she is on these boards for the purpose of scamming others , especially the sp's she lures ijn wih this phony escort agency scam..

what would you do..?
I hope you dont get scammed by this crook.


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002

but such a small job, sometimes you do a small jb on spec. the real bitch is that she jumps on everyones thoat here about things like integrity and people should mind their won business when they are criticizing her, hey thats how she plans to make money..\
dont pay anyone LOL ,the drivers or anyone else.. and you would think a very vocal opinionated fellow member would value her reputation much more than a couple hundred bucks...
Personally I wouldn't have referenced the specific site, it's outright naming someone who may have been willing to pay eventually, I think payment now is a lost cause. I'm surprised that there wasn't an agreement of some sort on terms of payment etc. If she was established, there was no reason she shouldn't have been able to give you a deposit.

You're not alone, In 8 years of doing this ... even I get scammed. Some for a $100, some for $1000's. It happens to us all in this end. I understand some of the inherent problems though of dealing with sites for cash businesses, it's gonna happen to us all one time or another.

While most times I can't understand why someone can't afford a 2hr call for a decently done site to get it back in under a month and then some. I guess some people are just inherently willing to tie up someones time for hours with no regard for anyone but their own purposes.

I never thought of selling the site designs that never get paid for though, I have probably 2 cd's full of layouts.... but it'd take the same amount of work to re-work the art for another customer, so it'd just shave some time off of a layout, wouldn't really save me much work.

Best of luck, I imagine that her other service will be pointed out by someone, and maybe you'll suddenly see a payment dropped off.



Love to nibble on nipples
Jan 28, 2003
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sorry to hear the hassles you went through Gilbey.

She obviously didn't think about the repersussions of screwing you over like that. Being able to post exactly what happened on both boards.

Hopefully nobody will trust her any further.

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region
Checked out the site, nice work Gilbey!

Don't know who screwed you, but what goes around comes around. I'm sure she'll eventually get what is coming to her.

Best of Luck.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Dave - WebGuy said:
I understand some of the inherent problems though of dealing with sites for cash businesses, it's gonna happen to us all one time or another.

Happened to me more times than I can count. Now I just don't do small sites at all, unless it's someone I know.

Mind you, it also happened at the firm I worked for, and we're not talking peanuts in that case, either....

-- Morgan


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002
we are

talking about peanuts and did this over the phone, I thought her reputaion would be worth more than a few peanuts, but I guess I was wrong


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Re: we are

Gilbey said:
talking about peanuts and did this over the phone, I thought her reputaion would be worth more than a few peanuts, but I guess I was wrong
A scammer is a scammer and will always scam like a scammer even for peanuts.
I hope that person will pay up asap.

Better luck next time , Gilbey. And don't be too nice, it's a biz afterall.
bbwmorgan said:
Happened to me more times than I can count. Now I just don't do small sites at all, unless it's someone I know.

Mind you, it also happened at the firm I worked for, and we're not talking peanuts in that case, either....

-- Morgan
My biggest one was for a turnkey adult site.

100,000 watermarked photos, live video plug ins, bla bla bla... grand total of the package $16,000 USD, the company filed for bankruptcy and was an island based setup.

I don't mind doing a free banner or 2, even doing a simple task on a favor or something. But I've seen some serious coin (and time) turn to shit because of some real dicks who spoil it for everyone else.

Re: we are

Gilbey said:
talking about peanuts and did this over the phone, I thought her reputaion would be worth more than a few peanuts, but I guess I was wrong
I think you've been fortunate to have some of the more reliable clients in the business.

We all learn from our mistakes. I'm sure that there's a load of stories that go the other way where a desgner screwed over a provider (I get a lot of those stories told to me about vanishing webmasters and guys who took the deposit and ran, then need the site but are out some coin)



Active member
Oct 16, 2003
If it is who i think it is i avoided her like the plague....... I want 50% upfront when doing a site and i want a check every two weeks till completion for whatever work i bill in that period.


New member
Feb 28, 2004

I've been going through the same thing with an escort that I was friends with. I had done her site for over a year and was working on a second one for her. We had a falling out and now not only won't she pay for the outstanding work but she won't even reimburse me for registering her new domain.

The annoying thing is that what she owes me is only about an hour and a half of her rate. Now I'm out the money and I'm stuck with a domain name I don't want.

It sucks but it appears to be part of the business. From now on I'll be asking for the money up front.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Dave - WebGuy said:
I don't mind doing a free banner or 2, even doing a simple task on a favor or something. But I've seen some serious coin (and time) turn to shit because of some real dicks who spoil it for everyone else
Yup, I agree. It's not the cost even, really - it's the abuse of generosity the sucks.

I *never* have an issue with doing banners or even small sites for people, but now I just prefer to *not* be paid. I know that sounds odd, but that way money won't get in the way of a friendship. Better to do it gratis than lose a friend or contact over something so small.

Gilbey, I think you deserve to be pissed. I would be. You had a deal, they reneged, simple as that.

-- Morgan


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Hey Glibey

A good business moto is; "In God we trust, All Others PAY CASH"


Do it with more feeling..
Oct 5, 2002

with this person, I dont want anything, not the money or then I will have to maintain the site, Im beyond that,

even at the last second I gave her a chance to come good, she stalled one more time, it cant be the money...

I will expose her tonight, I want to give her a chance to come cleen with an explanation of what happened from , The driver is coming to your house at 8pm to -- driver not showin up.. and no call but shes playing on the boards and not worried that Im getting pissed.

I would never wrok for her again, even with all up fron money, web design is an artisitc thing, I do mine from scratch, no templates (pay attention Dave) it takes a lot of work to come up with a original design where i make my own backgrounds. I couldnt do it for someone who I have no respect for..

our right a scammer is always a scammer .
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